SideWinder New Motor

Bottom line you don't like the SW Don't buy one! But don't get on here and post stupid stuff about this or that when nobody has been on a production model yet!

I might like it who knows! I might buy one who knows. Its not what I want, that is a given. I'm a bit short on cash that is a given but there is next year. As far as posting stupid stuff about a sled no one has rode these forums are full of that.
Wow if you wouldnt have posted Sasquatch I would have never knew this thread had evolved so. Here is what we can do. Lets both say something nice.
I will start I love the sound of a Apex. I love the fact that even though routine maintenance can be a chore a Phillips,8,10,12,14 and 2 or 3 metric Allen wrenches will almost completely disassemble the sled. Cat/Viper takes twice the amount of tools. On a personal note I have always read every post you make. Always valued your opinion. Maybe thats why its so hard to take the constant negativity about the Viper from you.
Now you say something nice about the Viper or Sidewinder and I for one will move on!
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Wow if you wouldnt have posted Sasquatch I would have never knew this thread had evolved so. Here is what we can do. Lets both say something nice.
I will start I love the sound of a Apex. I love the fact that even though routine maintenance can be a chore a Phillips,8,10,12,14 and 2 or 3 metric Allen wrenches will almost completely disassemble the sled. Cat/Viper takes twice the amount of tools. On a personal note I have always read every post you make. Always valued your opinion. Maybe thats why its so hard to take the constant negativity about the Viper from you.
Now you say something nice about the Viper or Sidewinder and I for one will move on!

I have said many things negative about the Viper but if you go back far enough you will find I was in favor of the Cat/Yamaha venture when others where slamming the idea. I thought Yamaha could get better suspension for their sleds and sell some motors. I was wrong in my thought process! The new chassis was a old chassis shared with Cat. My Bad! Believe it or not I'm trying to be more positive! Hows that working out?

Sidewinder however I have said all most all positives but I think my dislike of the Viper has clouded that. So to recap I like that the plastic comes off so easy. I have always liked Cats suspension and have no problem with it. Turbo motor from Yamaha who would have thought! Who can't like big hp. Yamaha finally is in control of the motor and that I think is a good thing. I think Yamaha addressed all the reasons I would never install a turbo on a Viper and built in a pile of safety for the motor. Still reading about the sled and trying to figure out what issues of the Viper have been addressed. Sounds like improvements to the chaincase/tank. Like the roll over valve, finally a dip stick, don't know if they installed drain plugs yet. Looks like the Sidewinder has some thought into it! I think its a win for Cat as a replacement for their turbo.

I know with the Apex it took them 5 years to finally address the issues it had. Its reliability and maintenance has increased immensely. I'm at this point thinking that the only way I may ever see a 4 cylinder is in a Viper chassis. Maybe as a carbon fiber cat knock off that would be very interesting. I read about the RX for two years before I bought one. I've read about the Viper for more then that. Maybe the improvements on the Sidewinder will make their way on to all the sleds, Two more years and we will see. That will make my Apex 8 years old and mileage should be around 16,000. I bought a new sled to replace my Warrior at 8 years and 18,000 miles. Still ride the Warrior its a fun sled.
