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Sidewinder roller secondary on a Viper

Is a few Sidewinder guys that switched to Viper/Nytro secondary. If interested maybe there are some takers. For me on SRX roller secondary conversion (aaen) was mostly noticed for faster back shift. Was also easier to adjust spring wind. Never converted my 4strokes because of engine braking. Didn't want to make it worse with faster back shift and peak power spread is bigger and easier to hit clutching wise. Would be neat to try though.
Those Aaen roller setups were sweet! Needle bearing rollers and steel helix have zero friction. I rode an SRX that had one, very impressive.
Would you say the Sidewinder Roller Secondary out performs the Viper Button Secondary? Or does the Thunder Roller pan out the same?


Both rollers work good. The sidewinder roller you can get any degree helix. The thunder has straight helix from 40 to 50
