Sidewinder rtx le over 16k

And we have a winner.
Yammie did all the work, gave everyone the engine package with the hp and electronics we all wanted and we all expected the prices to stay the same. Lol
No,but around the same price as a decked out xrs 800 which is around 15200 Would of been nice
Honestly i dont get it.
You want a caddilac for the price of a hyundai
You realise you can still get a great sled for 15000 buying the next model down sidewinder.
Not to mention the fact that only an absolute idiot pays list price.
You should be able to knock a grand off the price just walking through the door.
If price is your biggest hang up try traveling to a different dealer, of maybe pay cash. Or maybe just wait till the end of next season and get a leftover.
Theres really tons and tons of options to keep the price down.
I bought my viper at the end of the season and saved 2200 off list price and theres tons of guys on here that got way way better deals than i did.
If you list your location in your profile members on here will lead you right to the best deals in your area
I am into my 16 XTX-LE MPI turbo with 3 years of warranty, Larson racing 4th wheel kit and curve XS ski's, AEM gauges and a few more little things for 21K Canadian out the door including our asinine 13% sales tax. From what I can gather the new one will be around 19K plus tax, PDI, delivery, shitty ski's, crappy tri-hub and no gauges. I like the fact that they are putting a factory turbo on but the price has gone up almost 4K from last year from what I can see. I get the dollar is low but I would rather hold onto mine. I have the same horsepower already.
I was comparing apples to apples. Last year guys were tickles to get a mpi factory installed turbo. Add it up and it comes very close to the sidewinder price. I'm not comparing left overs vs new. I'd much rather have the factory built motor turbo combo than the mpi add on for close to the same money. If you want to compare apples to oranges there are 14 viper left overs for 8500 so with a $4000 turbo they'd be cheaper. May even have better rods than a 16.

My 2015 XTX LE was 12600 with 5 year warranty
MPI 2200
Clutch + 400
15200 out the door and on the snow so thats cheaper then the Sidewinder but not by much for the same model. If I was to do it again I would go with the factory installed turbo for a bit more.
Ya Canadian site is down, I can't get on it either. Haven't been able to all day...but $19,300? Wow! That's high! No thanks...
Honestly i dont get it.
You want a caddilac for the price of a hyundai
You realise you can still get a great sled for 15000 buying the next model down sidewinder.
Not to mention the fact that only an absolute idiot pays list price.
You should be able to knock a grand off the price just walking through the door.
If price is your biggest hang up try traveling to a different dealer, of maybe pay cash. Or maybe just wait till the end of next season and get a leftover.
Theres really tons and tons of options to keep the price down.
I bought my viper at the end of the season and saved 2200 off list price and theres tons of guys on here that got way way better deals than i did.
If you list your location in your profile members on here will lead you right to the best deals in your area
I saved 3500 on a 16 xtx this year thanks to the lack of snow in wny. If someone really wants a new 17 they should be patient and travel for a good deal! I've wanted a viper since 14 and just finally pulled the trigger because of the great deal! The same dealer has a 16 rtx for 9k right now!
And we have a winner.
Yammie did all the work, gave everyone the engine package with the hp and electronics we all wanted and we all expected the prices to stay the same. Lol

Not to mention for us where I live, no insurance available on after market turbos, only factory installed.
Not to mention for us where I live, no insurance available on after market turbos, only factory installed.
why not get a leftover Arctic Cat turbo then? Save thousands of $$$.
I actually think the prices aren't bad. Viper RTX se to Sidewinder RTX se is only 1700 more. Considering what same guys paid for their 14 vipers, I think you'll see some aggressive pricing on the sidewinders right out of the gate, plus all the 14,15, and 16 turbos out there aren't going to hold their value as well now that the sidewinder is out.
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Over time, it will be interesting to see what the actual selling prices are vs. MSRP. Out of the gate I'd hope for USD1,400 off of MSRP. Love the potential fun factor of the sled.....don't like the price though.
Le or se
I saved 3500 on a 16 xtx this year thanks to the lack of snow in wny. If someone really wants a new 17 they should be patient and travel for a good deal! I've wanted a viper since 14 and just finally pulled the trigger because of the great deal! The same dealer has a 16 rtx for 9k right now!
Nice sled finally some nice looking graphics, sweet engine too bad Yamaha didn't engineer there own chassis for this motor instead of shoe horning it in the cat chassis which in my opinion was made for a twin 2 stroke, they may be waiting for the contract to be up and release a new chassis next year, not much has changed in the rest of the line up other than the VK 540 which is a smart move, was hoping Yamaha would have come out with a new twin 4 stroke in the 100-110 hp for a new Phazer platform, this area needs to be addressed in their line up, wonder if the new engine will be in the cat line up we will see soon enough, the new sidewinder engine is a step in the right direction for Yamaha you will see it in the side by side soon.
