Sidewinder rtx le over 16k

Nice sled finally some nice looking graphics, sweet engine too bad Yamaha didn't engineer there own chassis for this motor instead of shoe horning it in the cat chassis which in my opinion was made for a twin 2 stroke, they may be waiting for the contract to be up and release a new chassis next year, not much has changed in the rest of the line up other than the VK 540 which is a smart move, was hoping Yamaha would have come out with a new twin 4 stroke in the 100-110 hp for a new Phazer platform, this area needs to be addressed in their line up, wonder if the new engine will be in the cat line up we will see soon enough, the new sidewinder engine is a step in the right direction for Yamaha you will see it in the side by side soon.
Yes, unfortunately it will be in cats line up
Well we all know sledding is not a investment It's a hobby/sport! I'm not surprised on the price. and don't think it's all that bad considering what you're getting in stock hp and not to mention it's a Yamaha soul!
why not get a leftover Arctic Cat turbo then? Save thousands of $$$.

Bingo. 2016 saw Arctic Cat finally fix the belt issues on the Suzuki turbo. Leftover models with the qs3 shocks will be a great buy. Spend $500 extra at TD and you will have a sled that will beat all.
I suspect most of the guys complaining about the price aren't in the market anyways. Just looking for something to complain about, like every guy does on every website regardless of what the name on the hood.

They just built a sled for the masses that took them to the front of the line. Period. Priced more an XRS? Really? When does the XRS need a rebuild? Remind me. Or go buy an XRS. And see how you feel when you see a new Sidewinder at the restaurant and nobody even notices that XRS. But they'll be all over the Sidewinder. If you care about that anyways.

I'm curious what exactly the angry guys think they should have built. Maybe a 200 hp snow bike that's the best for trails and the mountains, great in powder and rails corners, carries 2 riders and keeps them warm and comfy while offering Snocross guys the fastest way around the track? And maybe lets offer them as an even trade to all Phazer riders! Man they'd sell a few though huh? Don't have a trade? Just come take one and if you like it. Pay what you think is fair.
I don't think the price is bad either when I first saw the new engine I thought the le will be 18k but suprised to see it wasn't all that bad. I've been waiting for something like this and think it may be time for the Nytro to get replaced
They are nice looking sleds, plus with a snow check - you can 3 years warranty and some other perks. I agree with some others, the highest priced sled has reservoir shocks with Kashima coat on coil over Fox shocks up front and Kashima coat on the back end, plus a factory turbo - my only question is the overall weight? Like others have said, I ride my sled, I don't carry it - but I get my sled stuck from time to time (go figure), so digging it out and moving it around could be painful.

For reference, price difference from American is $16,699 and CDN is $19,399 (Viper Sidewinder LTX-LE) and last I checked the exchange rate is about 1.37 (so $22,877). I'm not an accountant, so that is just my simple there is a $3,500 difference in currency conversion.
After dumping my apex for a skidoo renegade, i am really liking the sidewinder. i could see my self on one of these. However, the pricing is pretty crazy. i am not saying you don't get alot of tech for the price, and i understand the higher pricing, but wow, $16k for a sled? that you can only ride 2 months of the year if the snow conditions even exist? Again, i understand why its priced where it is, but yamaha is going to have to be competitive. After a year like the one we just had where i maybe put on 250 miles i just can't see spending that much on a snowmobile. To justify this cost i would need to be riding it at least 6 months of the year. And that just doesn't happen in Wisconsin. Don't flame me for saying this please but i was quoted, if i recall, $11,200 for a new 16 XRS 800 last year. Yah, i know there is a difference but maybe not a $5k difference.
Checking prices get quoted around 14800 before taxes not bad? Purchased a turbo cat 3 years ago and paid 12500.
I don't know where you get your info from, you can get a warranty if you buy it from Yamaha and have your dealer install it. I bet there is a good chance you will get steep discount on a 16 RTX now that the 17 are out so say you get a 16 for 11 K and add the $3,500 turbo you are at 45 plus install so it would be close whether or not to go with a 16 and add the turbo if you are allowed or just buy a new 17. As far as being disappointed, I am NOT. I like the idea of a brand new 180 + horsepower sled plus the LE gets very good shocks better than last years in my opinion especially in the rear
I read somewhere yesterday that the partnership with MPI is now effectively over - Yamaha is no longer providing the warranty even for dealer install on Vipers. The turbo they are promoting is their own, and they want buyers to consider the Viper to be a 600 class sled only.
No,but around the same price as a decked out xrs 800 which is around 15200 Would of been nice
The XRS is not available with the new 850 motor, so you're comparing apples to oranges. Skidoo's new sled is the Gen4 850 - price that one out and compare it.
Paid $9,500 for my '09 Nytro back then, not leftover but brand new. Prices have escalated a lot since then, but so has the technology and performance. That said, I'll gladly snowcheck a Sidewinder this year. If it lasts as long as my Nytro, and is as incredibly reliable, it wont be a mistake. Hell, even at $17,500 with tax, tags, and studs if it lasts 8 seasons like my Nytro has (which is still going strong), that's barely over $2000/year of fun. I'll pay that with a smile on my face.
The XRS is not available with the new 850 motor, so you're comparing apples to oranges. Skidoo's new sled is the Gen4 850 - price that one out and compare it.

Agreed! I did yesterday on their web site. Base is 13,600 for summit if I remember right. but by the time you add accessories to make it equal with the sidewinder it was well over 16,000. All 4 flagship Sleds are over 16,000. Price is not bad if you consider people have been paying almost 16000 for a 10 yr old apex with new bells and whistles.
