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please send some snow my way. we got a couple of inches last week that just blew away. it rained last night and now we have snirt. :o|
Wow....just wow!

He's digging his car out like he's gonna be able to go somewhere, lol.

With three feet in front of it I doubt they will be going anywhere right away, at least till the plows catch up...amazing...all in one evening too.

We got at least 4 ft here in Bracebridge . Our local club had to plow our road with the Groomer yesterday at the request of our township . Our road has not seen a town plow since the storm started . The groomers have been out and started packing and hundreds of sleds have went by my house heading for the trails . The ground undreneath the new snow is not froze , Im going to wait a day or two to let everone else find the rocks and water and then I might go out for a short run . I might try some logging roads to just to here the Yammie run :yam:
They are calling for 1-3 inches tonight...if we got a good solid 3 inches we'd be close to having enough. But I'd rather have 3 feet or so
sleddingfarmer said:
They are calling for 1-3 inches tonight...if we got a good solid 3 inches we'd be close to having enough. But I'd rather have 3 feet or so
I also do snowplowing so guess what I would be do'n with 3 ft. instead of riding, :o| I make more money with lots of small snow falls!!! :drink:
Anyone over on the east coast getting some serious snow? I keep seeing it on the news.

Sounds like the Midwest could get 8-12 inches on the 24th - 25th. Thats a long ways away but it sure would be nice!
