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Speculation: is Yamaha getting played by cat?

All good points... Except the one bringing up subject to change... That's horse manure..A great ratio is subject to change..A clutch spec is subject to spec...

But my premium race spec suspension (whether I need it or not) on my premium model sled is not even closely covered by subject to change... And that's the point...if Yamaha direct care about the buyer like Cannondale said... That is just mind blowing... But what if they fully intended to deliver and cat said no... Where not supplying you with the RR skid?

I am sure I'm wrong....but I think Yamaha doesn't get how invested and, "in-tune," yamaha sled owners are, and is probably running 5 years behind on information dissemination. Letting Chris's blog slip away was probably a mistake, and could have prevented most of the upset new owners feel.

If Yamaha simply had a portal or email system, but more ideally return to a blog run by one of the engineers tearing sleds down....we'd be much happier getting real time info. versus owners doing the leg work on small issues.

If for example, the R&D blog posted they're looking into soft rollers....Id happily upgrade to their suggestions. If I have to find out the #*$&@ the hard way, hope my dealer pays attention, ect....id look at it like Yamaha didn't care, and is being secretive. Same on the RR skid....simply tell me, vs hiding it.

Most of Yamaha's work is already done.....thanks to Mr Sled and the great contributors here. How hard can it be, to assign a few hours a day to a R&D guy, to keep passionate owners in the loop?

Q. Arrius
I agree and am very grateful to everyone posting the problems and fixes. the last place i'll go or wait to hear from is the unknown dealer 60 miles away. bought the sled on the phone in april, he had the best price. had i never tuned in here i would have known nothing and could likely find myself alone 1000 miles from home broke down on a sled the average consumer would have rightfully expected to easily go more than 100 miles without issues. it is advertised, written and reviewed about as a game changing high tech wonder. guys expecting a skid that didn't get it have a valid beef. the quality control stuff is bs but we can deal with it thanks to sharing of info. there are all levels of contributors and readers here that love the sport, all with valid points of view "in their minds". its all good. i'm looking at rain, green grass and 59f again after 3' plus. life and the "season" are just too short....:letsnow:
All good points... Except the one bringing up subject to change... That's horse manure..A great ratio is subject to change..A clutch spec is subject to spec...

But my premium race spec suspension (whether I need it or not) on my premium model sled is not even closely covered by subject to change... And that's the point...if Yamaha direct care about the buyer like Cannondale said... That is just mind blowing... But what if they fully intended to deliver and cat said no... Where not supplying you with the RR skid?
Look Steve, it's all speculation . Everyone agrees with you about the rear skid. It's not what you ordered, we get it. But my point is they get away with it by using those words you called horse manure, whether you like it or not. I'm not defending them, it was simply an answer. How would anyone here possibly know the real reason why they changed there mind? What can anyone here do to fix it? To make it right? Again, this has been beat to death mostly by you and it's getting old. How many more threads need to be created about it! Take your beef up with Yamaha and your dealer because coming on here and repeating how pissed you are about the RR rails isn't doing you any good. Sorry, it's just the simple truth. Go out and enjoy your sled for gods sake.
Surprisingly great points guys. I thought this was going to get nasty.

Let's keep it clean and not fill up ty with negative post. We don't wanna scare off people, they might make a bad decision........ like a buy a DOO!!
I'm a little frustrated at Yamaha and the lack of accessories. I got the spring order $600 in accessories and half my order is on back order. I had to get my tunnel protectors from cat. My rear tunnel bag and windshield bag back ordered till 1 st week in January. I ended putting on a Viper windshield due to no good mid hieght available from Yamaha. My Sidewinder jacket is nowhere to be seen and my goggle bag is missing in action as well. Sure seems like after the US shut down of the Sled division over the summer they turned out the lights on sleds. Hopefully I'm wrong and Yamaha will get a handle on things soon but I'm not holding my breath. When I talked to the reps at the fall sled shows it was like talking to people who had no idea what was even going on in the sled world!

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Yamaha reps. that are stonewalling, ill informed and out of the loop!! ""I'M SHOCKED""!!!:rofl: What really pisses me off about these asshats is when you tell them of actual issues and known problems that yourself or other TY members are having, and IMO the total disregard of TY and it's members!:o| Then they give you the old canned response ""Gee, that's the first I've herd of that"":crap:, or worse "" DON'T BELIVE WHAT YOU READ ON THE INTERNET""#$%&*
Don't let them fool you. This is where the real info is. No doubt many things don't happen to everyone. But does not make it false. I and a few buddies seem to be ones that if it's mentioned here it happens to us almost 100% of time. I thank god for this site or would have had to quit riding
I 100% totally disagree with you BlueByYou2000, when you pay 16000.00 dollars for a snowmobile, I expect perfection. I expect a company like Yamaha to back it up with perfect warranty. I expect the dealer to back it up with perfect service! I've bought many Yamaha products over the years and have never not had perfection from them. $16000.00 snowmobiles should be,or made to be, perfect. Just my 2 cents! Keep bitching SJ! I paid for an RR suspension which would have been PERFECT! LOL
I 100% totally disagree with you BlueByYou2000, when you pay 16000.00 dollars for a snowmobile, I expect perfection. I expect a company like Yamaha to back it up with perfect warranty. I expect the dealer to back it up with perfect service! I've bought many Yamaha products over the years and have never not had perfection from them. $16000.00 snowmobiles should be,or made to be, perfect. Just my 2 cents! Keep bitching SJ! I paid for an RR suspension which would have been PERFECT! LOL
Did you read my post? I said everyone agrees with him about the rails, it's very misleading and I'd be pissed also had I ordered that model. The "Subject to change" part of the thread is HOW they get away with it, and I also agree with Steve that that's a lame excuse. Bullshit, yes 100%. The other point I'm trying to make is it has been talked about repeatedly. So what can this site do to fix it guys? Let us know, we are all ears.
I 100% totally disagree with you BlueByYou2000, when you pay 16000.00 dollars for a snowmobile, I expect perfection. I expect a company like Yamaha to back it up with perfect warranty. I expect the dealer to back it up with perfect service! I've bought many Yamaha products over the years and have never not had perfection from them. $16000.00 snowmobiles should be,or made to be, perfect. Just my 2 cents! Keep bitching SJ! I paid for an RR suspension which would have been PERFECT! LOL
I agree with you. If you pay $16000 for sled it better be pretty damn prefect. These little issues that have been coming up are minor compared to other problems but why are they happening? Because some is lacking on there part. Thats whats happening and that someone is the quality control guys. They should be going over these sleds like a fine tooth comb. No excuses for turbo bolts falling out. We have the ability to put a man on the moon but we cant keep turbo bolts from falling out? Really think about it? All these problems tells me that Yamaha did not spend much seat time on these sled other wise they would have had the same problems and should have been fix for the production units. I'm an mechanical engineer so I see this type of stuff every day. And you better believe the parts that are leveling my building are going to work because we have done the testing to prove that they will work for many years without an issue.
I made the comment in one of the other threads; get an attorney to draft a letter and see where that leads. But I have to agree with bluebyyou that creating new threads about this is doing nothing.
Did you read my post? I said everyone agrees with him about the rails, it's very misleading and I'd be pissed also had I ordered that model. The "Subject to change" part of the thread is HOW they get away with it, and I also agree with Steve that that's a lame excuse. Bullshit, yes 100%. The other point I'm trying to make is it has been talked about repeatedly. So what can this site do to fix it guys? Let us know, we are all ears.

those who PAID for this expecting it and didnt get it obviously have more emotion than those who didnt ...

and ...theres nothing that TY can do...maybe allow the posts to vent which are NOT directed at TY , the dealers etc...

MATT if in your mind you paid extra for a sled that didnt come with what you were promised...I cant believe you'd be all rainbows and unicorns...

and Yamaha READS here...I hope they still care about their customers...we buy other products...motorcycles...quads...boats....I for one am consider spending my money elsewhere
those who PAID for this expecting it and didnt get it obviously have more emotion than those who didnt ...

and ...theres nothing that TY can do...maybe allow the posts to vent which are NOT directed at TY , the dealers etc...

MATT if in your mind you paid extra for a sled that didnt come with what you were promised...I cant believe you'd be all rainbows and unicorns...

and Yamaha READS here...I hope they still care about their customers...we buy other products...motorcycles...quads...boats....I for one am consider spending my money elsewhere
Steve, I said I agreed with you. My point was we have a 32 page thread that is already going about it. See where I'm coming from?
