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Speeding ticket

new rob

Oct 18, 2009
peterborough ontario
Viper rtx
Got my first speeding ticket today. On the railway trail between Halliburton and kinmount . Ah the trail was just groomed I could see the groomer way ahead let it go and oh no rader . Been sledding over 35 years and really noticed the increase in the police over the past 4 years in our area. Things sure are changin.

I understand you're from Ontario and have no choice but I really can't understand anybody from elsewhere paying good money, a LOT of good money, for that BS speed limit on trails......at least as low as it is currently set.......
got a ticket on the rail line outside of kingston a couple of years ago. i was in the middle of the group??????
Cop told me i was doing 85km and his limit for giving a ticket was 80km.

Inappropriate legislation causes disrespect for the law.

Would have had a little more respect for the donkey had he been on a sled but he was hangigng over the hood of his vehicle at a road crossing.Staying nice and toasty when he wasen't bothering sledders.
you have got to be kidding me, a speeding ticket? Who owns the land where you got your ticket? Canada must be broke.
Your neighbors in Wisconsin have a speed limit also, but it's just at night.. 55mph. It may reduce accidents but I think the primary purpose is to detect impaired drivers.
marq said:
Your neighbors in Wisconsin have a speed limit also, but it's just at night.. 55mph. It may reduce accidents but I think the primary purpose is to detect impaired drivers.

That's not as bad as Ontario......it's 50 KPH all the time........that's just slightly over 30 mph.......total BS......strictly a money generator
buddah said:
marq said:
Your neighbors in Wisconsin have a speed limit also, but it's just at night.. 55mph. It may reduce accidents but I think the primary purpose is to detect impaired drivers.

That's not as bad as Ontario......it's 50 KPH all the time........that's just slightly over 30 mph.......total BS......strictly a money generator
I would not even own a sled or at least not ride it on trail that is just plain stupid and you cant fix that.
i can pretty well tell you that everyone speds in Ontario (going over 50KMPH)it's just if and when you get caught. I always slow down near any town or village but if your in the middle of nowhere then you will not have a problem. I've been close but never caught, always seem to be slowed down by the time we see them sitting on the side of the trail. It's pretty hard to get a radar reading in a bush on a winding trail so the yusually set up on rail beds etc.no limit on the lakes thou. They are usually enforcing it more on weekends and it's more to catch the ones that have been drinking then anything else.
Unfortunately it is very common as the cops in my area are so bored, they always seem to end up harassing the people that follow the law perfectly. They dig and dig and dig until they find out something like a number is crooked or something. Its exhausting, I still don't know what its like to not be looked as a criminal.
not that I would ever do it.... but.... keep going. OPP are not allowed to pursue. And the ones around here have fan cooled ski-poo anyway. BS laws only cause decent people to break laws.
i was up in barrys bay on saturday and was stopped by police at a crossing he had a radar gun in his hand but thanks to fellow sledder who i met coming the other way and warned me hand circling over his head i didnt get a ticket. i was coming done the river on sunday and pulled up behind two police sleds going around 80 klm per hour i pulled out and blew by them and left them in my snow dust it was great
I got stopped last year up in North Bay about 5 minutes from the Portage. There were 3 OPP sitting there. The one that stopped me said I was going 60MPH...not KPH but MPH. There is no way you could go down that hill over the bridge and back up at that speed unless it was freshly groomed, and since I saw the sleds parked on the other side of the hill( which was a strange place to stop) I made sure I was doing 50 KPH.
The OPP said he knew how fast I was going because of the sound of the sled. I got a warning because I was at the speed limit when he got the gun on me. I was doing 75 a bit earlier though. You wouldn't get anywhere in Ontario doing 50.
