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Speeding ticket

YammyRX1 said:
Irv said:
YammyRX1 said:
We were sitting in a diner once with our gear on and the gas pump guy kept coming in and telling us about guys getting caught up the road for speeding and the fines that they were paying (on the spot). One guy got $85, the next $105 and a few more while we had lunch. What a cash grab.

Here's a question though. A friend told me that if you get caught on the road doing 50 over the limit in Ontario it is the same penalty as doing it in a car which is called 'Street Racing' or 'Stunt Driving' and means automatic 7 day impound of sled / suspension of license and up to $10,000 fine . Can anyone confirm that? If so it makes so much sense to just pin it and head for the bush.

Pg 62, post 1235 it starts, just have to read further on to get the correct answer, and no, it's not what you're thinking above.
http://www.freedomsledder.com/forums/in ... 38&st=1220

Irv, if you look at post 1226 in that thread it appears that you can be charged on the road.
Correct, but on a Hwy, not on a snowmbile trail.

He later states, as someone mentioned this about a cottage road, that that charge sticking on a snow covered cottage rd would be very slim at best.

Have you read all the way through? It later states the Police in Ottawa who made this claim were false in doing so.

No problem with speed limits in Quebec,at least in my area!!! This weekend a bunch of us were heading to Ontario with the Free Weekend for us guys from Quebec as they were over here last weekend Free.I have my way of sledding and don't want to watch the speedo all the time.I'm not a Cowboy on the trails but I like to play some times .There was a lot of Cowboys from Ontario digging up our trails last weekend.Just don't like the thought of a TICKET. :o| Was told by a sledder last Saturday that this year in Ontario he was stopped 4 times in the same day by the same Cop and had to go through all the same paper work each time.I think if that was me I would have told him a piece of my mind long before the 4th stop!!! #$%&*
Just said I was noticing more of a police presents on the trials in the past 4 years . I know the days are gone when you and your buds would grab a wine skin some food and hit the trails for the day and night . I'm ok with that and I'm ok with the police spot checks . Riding to the different restaurant On all the trails for some great food a beer yes 1 is fun. But radar on long straight stretch ouch this hurts (first radar I've seen) I guess it's just the good old Ontario government making sure we don't hurt ourselves .
It would be interesting to know who came up with the 50 km hour speed limit, was it the Adventure Trail founders or Police Department. It really is ridiculously low for the conditions. I would hope there is a process for having that limit reconsidered. In Minnesota under similar conditions, the limit is posted as 50mph, and no problems.
new rob said:
Just said I was noticing more of a police presents on the trials in the past 4 years . I know the days are gone when you and your buds would grab a wine skin some food and hit the trails for the day and night . I'm ok with that and I'm ok with the police spot checks . Riding to the different restaurant On all the trails for some great food a beer yes 1 is fun. But radar on long straight stretch ouch this hurts (first radar I've seen) I guess it's just the good old Ontario government making sure we don't hurt ourselves .
" it's our good old Ontario government making sure we don't hurt ourselves" hahaha good one!! More like, our good old Ontario government raping us once again!!! All about making money!
Yip, sure gonna miss the good o'l days when you were aloud to have fun :-o
Bob Miller said:
Gotta love Maine! No speed limit :Rockon:

Same here in Northern Saskatchewan :-o I couldn't imagine havin to stay at 50kph. It would take all the fun out of sledding. We don't know how lucky we have it up north. A few years ago our snowmobile club hosted the province snowmobile rally. There were snowmobilers from all over the province and a buddy of mine, President of our club, took a crew of sledders out for the saturday ride on the trails. Our trails have several lake crossings and when they came onto a lake they were told that they couldn't leave the lake untill the whole lake was covered with tracks :sled1: :sled1: . The same happened for all the lakes they passed. Lots of the sledders from down south couldn't believe we could do that because down south they couldn't venture off the groomed trails. I couldn't imagine not being able to venture off the trails and stay under 50 kph :o|
Irv said:
Your statement is silly, you make it sound like you would never drive on any hwys, roads, streets etc in any province/state because you might get a speeding ticket?

Irv, it's not the concept of the speeding ticket itself but rather the ludicrously low speed limit that I'm railing about. I was dumbfounded when some of the Ontario guys told me about this carp at one of the TY rides here.

A story that illustrates the differences in enforcement too......last spring I was riding my son-in-law's Apex up the side of a local road playing around on the hills heading back home. Got stopped by a sheriff's deputy on a ski-don't to check registration......SIL is from OH and they only use a single registration sticker down low......after he checked everything out he said "by the way XXXX county has a 30 mph speed limit on the actual roads for sleds....I had you going 55........SLOW DOWN when you're on the road". That was it and off we went. No attempt to extort $$$$ at all.
I refuse to stop. Around here they ride crap. So it's easy to blow them off. They don't have any right to be harassing people on private property. I love how the states and provinces find any little way to suck money out of its population. We have a 55mph speed limit. They only post speed limits of 25mph in towns n certain areas which we abide by.
Irv said:
YammyRX1 said:
Irv said:
YammyRX1 said:
We were sitting in a diner once with our gear on and the gas pump guy kept coming in and telling us about guys getting caught up the road for speeding and the fines that they were paying (on the spot). One guy got $85, the next $105 and a few more while we had lunch. What a cash grab.

Here's a question though. A friend told me that if you get caught on the road doing 50 over the limit in Ontario it is the same penalty as doing it in a car which is called 'Street Racing' or 'Stunt Driving' and means automatic 7 day impound of sled / suspension of license and up to $10,000 fine . Can anyone confirm that? If so it makes so much sense to just pin it and head for the bush.

Pg 62, post 1235 it starts, just have to read further on to get the correct answer, and no, it's not what you're thinking above.
http://www.freedomsledder.com/forums/in ... 38&st=1220

Irv, if you look at post 1226 in that thread it appears that you can be charged on the road.
Correct, but on a Hwy, not on a snowmbile trail.

He later states, as someone mentioned this about a cottage road, that that charge sticking on a snow covered cottage rd would be very slim at best.

Have you read all the way through? It later states the Police in Ottawa who made this claim were false in doing so.

I read it and I don't see anyone denying that you could get charged for 'Stunt Driving' on the roads with a sled, which was my question. I agree that chances are slim but the penalties could be huge.
Crewchief47 said:
I have to agree with Irv. I've yet to see a speed trap on the trail. And I've only been stopped twice to check paper work (STOP patrol), both times on a Saturday.

Don't throw away a chance to ride Ontario because you have a chance at getting a speeding ticket, there's also a chance you'll get struck by lightning tomorrow.

But I would suggest you have your stock exhaust if you're going to ride the week-ends. ;)!

X2, have been checked for insurance and trail permit but never seen a radar trap.
buddah said:
Irv said:
Your statement is silly, you make it sound like you would never drive on any hwys, roads, streets etc in any province/state because you might get a speeding ticket?

Irv, it's not the concept of the speeding ticket itself but rather the ludicrously low speed limit that I'm railing about. I was dumbfounded when some of the Ontario guys told me about this carp at one of the TY rides here.
A story that illustrates the differences in enforcement too......last spring I was riding my son-in-law's Apex up the side of a local road playing around on the hills heading back home. Got stopped by a sheriff's deputy on a ski-don't to check registration......SIL is from OH and they only use a single registration sticker down low......after he checked everything out he said "by the way XXXX county has a 30 mph speed limit on the actual roads for sleds....I had you going 55........SLOW DOWN when you're on the road". That was it and off we went. No attempt to extort $$$$ at all.

I understand that, 50 is a ridiculous low speed but it was put in place to help keep OFSC insurance costs lower, it wasn't put in place by the Gov't/police as far as I know?

Although it is there, I can say for a fact that 90%, probably more, of trail riders do not travel at that speed.

These radar traps are usually set up 99% of the time on rail beds, and ususally only in certain areas, not all over Ontario (but they do travel around to high incident areas (accidents, alcohol related mostly) occassionally.

In all my years of riding, I believe I have been stopped 2-3 times for paper work/permit checks and that's it, never for speeding, and I am not a slow rider.
Daranello said:
I ride 5,000 km a year and I'm yet to see a radar

I have been nailed 3 times in the last 5 years. That is one reason why I do not ride in canada anymore.
Irv said:
buddah said:
Irv said:
Your statement is silly, you make it sound like you would never drive on any hwys, roads, streets etc in any province/state because you might get a speeding ticket?

Irv, it's not the concept of the speeding ticket itself but rather the ludicrously low speed limit that I'm railing about. I was dumbfounded when some of the Ontario guys told me about this carp at one of the TY rides here.
A story that illustrates the differences in enforcement too......last spring I was riding my son-in-law's Apex up the side of a local road playing around on the hills heading back home. Got stopped by a sheriff's deputy on a ski-don't to check registration......SIL is from OH and they only use a single registration sticker down low......after he checked everything out he said "by the way XXXX county has a 30 mph speed limit on the actual roads for sleds....I had you going 55........SLOW DOWN when you're on the road". That was it and off we went. No attempt to extort $$$$ at all.

I understand that, 50 is a ridiculous low speed but it was put in place to help keep OFSC insurance costs lower, it wasn't put in place by the Gov't/police as far as I know?

Although it is there, I can say for a fact that 90%, probably more, of trail riders do not travel at that speed.

These radar traps are usually set up 99% of the time on rail beds, and ususally only in certain areas, not all over Ontario (but they do travel around to high incident areas (accidents, alcohol related mostly) occassionally.

In all my years of riding, I believe I have been stopped 2-3 times for paper work/permit checks and that's it, never for speeding, and I am not a slow rider.

I have been stopped 3 times in 1 day by the same cops and another time by 2 different cops... I have been radared coming out of a corner and about 100 feet onto a straight stretch and they nailed me for 70 in a 50. Like I said, In my area I have gotten nailed 3 times in the last 5 years for speeding and the OPP's were using a radar gun. Complete BS. They are out of control...

Update: I am fighting one right now where I was on a an old road way on the outskirst of town, where the houses were scarce and far between each other and I got nailed for 72 in a 50. I was testing a new controller on my 1200, just making sure it was working right and a cop in a cruiser pulled me over. I was Not in the middle of the road, practically riding the banks... I am like WTF.... The OPP's and city cops in my area (Sault Ste. Marie) are a complete joke and seem to have nothing better to do. I respect Police Officers jobs, but nailing the little guy on a sled is rediculous.... Why aren't they after the drunk drivers, murders, thiefs, etc??? They use absolutely no common sense...
SledFreak said:
Irv said:
buddah said:
Irv said:
Your statement is silly, you make it sound like you would never drive on any hwys, roads, streets etc in any province/state because you might get a speeding ticket?

Irv, it's not the concept of the speeding ticket itself but rather the ludicrously low speed limit that I'm railing about. I was dumbfounded when some of the Ontario guys told me about this carp at one of the TY rides here.
A story that illustrates the differences in enforcement too......last spring I was riding my son-in-law's Apex up the side of a local road playing around on the hills heading back home. Got stopped by a sheriff's deputy on a ski-don't to check registration......SIL is from OH and they only use a single registration sticker down low......after he checked everything out he said "by the way XXXX county has a 30 mph speed limit on the actual roads for sleds....I had you going 55........SLOW DOWN when you're on the road". That was it and off we went. No attempt to extort $$$$ at all.

I understand that, 50 is a ridiculous low speed but it was put in place to help keep OFSC insurance costs lower, it wasn't put in place by the Gov't/police as far as I know?

Although it is there, I can say for a fact that 90%, probably more, of trail riders do not travel at that speed.

These radar traps are usually set up 99% of the time on rail beds, and ususally only in certain areas, not all over Ontario (but they do travel around to high incident areas (accidents, alcohol related mostly) occassionally.

In all my years of riding, I believe I have been stopped 2-3 times for paper work/permit checks and that's it, never for speeding, and I am not a slow rider.

I have been stopped 3 times in 1 day by the same cops. I have been radared coming out of a corner and about 100 feet onto a straight stretch and they nailed me for 70 in a 50. Like I said, In my area I have gotten aniled 3 times in the last 5 years for speeding and the OPP's were using a radar gun. Complete BS. They are out of control...

I have heard of similar stories, especially the Bancroft/Bracebridge/Muskoka areas, and I feel for thoe guys, especially the multi stops, but like I mentioned earlier, it seems some places get a lot more Police prescence than others for some reasons?

I just copied this off of Freedomsledder, it was posted by a guy who just got from Quebec.
It does surprise me as I always thought Quebec was a lot more open, less intrusive when it came to these issues.(below)

"Like Killer said - 2 trail warden stops in Quebec on Saturday. Then a cruiser on Sunday but they did not stop us and was just a coincidence.

On Friday night I chatted with a nice old guy rocking a leather suit and open face helmet. We were both checking in to the Alpin in Rouyn. He was from Val'd-Or and was happy to give the "english guys" some tips. He warned me to watch out for police with radar on 93 between LaSarre and Senneterre. He said they stand in the bush and pop out with a radar gun. He was gunned and warned at mid 70s kph and the cop told him at 80 kph he would have gotten a ticket.

We did ride the majority of Friday in Ontario from New Liskeard to Kirkland to Larder Lake to Virginiatown. No stops on the Ontario side.

Zero issues for the 4 guys without mirrors"
Had the weirdest experience near Port Severn- got stopped by OPP where a straight rail trail crosses the road and he was just looking for license stickers. Kept on going and got stopped about 3 miles later by what appeared to be the same officer driving the same SUV. Could not figure out how he got there on the roads that fast when we were on a straight trail unless he had a twin brother. Also could not figure out why they would have two check points on the same trail so close together. Funny thing was that one of our group had purchased a trail permit and forgot to stick it on and the officer(s) didn't notice that.
