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sticker idea edited


Dec 17, 2008
chelmsford ontario canada
well from reading all the post i think its clear that the sticker idea isnt a hit lol. i also wanted to clear up that i did bring in my sled the day after i bent the subframe and i did tell them how i did it so i did do the right steps. i also got a call tonight saying that the subframe isnt twisted and they just adjusted the skie toe and i can come pick it up. so not all dealers are equal and now i gota drive 1.5 hours to show them where its twisted. i guess the fact that im 23 years old might have some effect on them trusting me. i also have a raptor 700 and i love the thing and i havent had one problem with it for the last 2 year and then i got the nytro and it lasted one ride. i just find its like a night and day difference.

I think you have the right idea but I am not putting anymore stickers on my sled.

I say we get a petition going, sign it and we all bring it to our local rep. It's time Yamaha came to the plate and dealt with these issues. I for one would love to see skis, handwarmers and for those who have a subframe issue, permanently fixed! Come on Yamaha!!
i work at a dealership and have not seen one bent subframe. I realize some are bending theres but its not an epidemic that is going to happen to every nytro.

i think most leave the whole story out on how their subframe "bent with out hitting anything".
i know what your saying about some people leaving things out but if the subframes where really good why would so many people bend them? why would yamaha spend millions of dollars messing with the front suspention with a one year old sled and warranty sleds with bent subframes? probly because hundreds of people have bent them.
The only way to get their attention is to take it to your dealer and have them look at it and let Yamaha know. If the dealer see's this as a real problem and not caused from collision he will ask Yamaha to cover it under warranty. Yamaha will then do some investigating and then rule on the warranty or not. The stickers idea is a joke. Here are the procedures to follow that is and has been posted on this site for quite some time. I would suggest spending your energy on following these prcedures instead of making stickers at least then you will have a chance of getting Yamaha to fix it. What I see as a problem for Yamaha is some may have hit something replaced the part that shows the hit then take it in for warranty claiming that it just bent without being hit. This is very easy for Yamaha to test and see what kind of force it takes to bend the bulkheads then check the forces the sleds encounters when operated by one of their professional riders riding the sled the way it was designed.
Brought it to the dealer, he said he'd seen a few and that he'd get my serial number and call it in. And this is a small dealer, hasn't sold many fx_nytros. I am a believer that it is a fairly big problem in that they are bending, but not sure how damaging it is to the sled when one shock is half an inch back from a bend.

Either way, if it isn't that big a deal, I'm not sure they would have redesigned it for 09. All we can do is let them know of the problem and hope they treat us the way we hope to be treated.
Look at other threads on here. There are already reports of '09s bending. '09s have some extra gussets & a relaxed spindle angle, RIGHT?!?!?!

Now, either we have alot of half-truth stories going on here on just how the impact happened, or there is a "magic" angle that some people have had the $hitty luck of hitting and viola!!! , bent parts.

I for one think it's a 80/20 crap shoot on how it happened. 80% being the half truths and 20% being the magic angle of impact. There must be something about a certain angle that can & will transfer the energy to the frame & not be absorbed by the shocks. However, is this just an FX Nytro problem, hardly!!

I witnessed an older trailing arm sled fold its trailing arm up like an accordion. The operator of the sled had the bars turned 1/2 way to the left crossing a road (slow speed, maybe 10 -15 mph) & when he struck the snowbank on the other side is crumpled the arm instantly without him even losing grip on the bars. SOUND FAMILIAR?

This being said, I have owned and ridden (sometimes beaten) many trailing arm sleds & never once bent an arm a little, let alone fold one into a "V". This goes to show a certain angle plays a huge part of possible damage.
radianguy said:
Swiss Sledder said:
radianguy said:
I say we get a petition going, sign it and we all bring it to our local rep.
To all, any subsequent posts about petitions or anything similar will be removed from the site as it could create legal liability issues for Mr. Sled. Thank you for your understanding.

That's the way to get Yamaha's attention, we keep quiet, keep taking it in the #*$&@! I bought a $15,000 sled I should not have cold hands.

When quoting a moderator please use some respect. They do their job as a courtesy to us all and they keep the place civil. He did not do it to stifle you he did it for the good of the site.
radianguy said:
That's the way to get Yamaha's attention, we keep quiet, keep taking it in the #*$&@! I bought a $15,000 sled I should not have cold hands.
You are mistaken. The liability is against this web site and Mr Sled, not with Yamaha. In other words, talking about petitions and legal actions will only impact this web site and have no impact on Yamaha.

Any further posts about these kinds of actions will be removed from this site.
Agreed Radianguy, but this is for yamaha, not this site. While you may be able to speak freely in the States (for the moment at least), legal action is a very real thing. I under stand your frustration, as I stated above, but we have to consider that this is a private site and that the owner is "liable" for what we say. Mr Sled has this site and pays for it, out of the goodness of his heart, the least we can do is respect that effort.

I agree it sucks, but the best action we can take is to go to our dealers and make sure they call in the problem (I made sure the dealer called in my VIN while I was at the counter. At least they know about it from that one now.)
Nice post! That sums it up pretty well. This is a privately owned site, and I think that many people may not understand that, or know that ;)!
