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Stock T660 vs. Stock RX-1 How do they hold up

The big thing here is how little HP the sled makes pre-turbo . It just has to be a slug along the trail.

Hi guys. This is my first time on here. I've been reading for a while
and finally decided to join in. I'm the friend that RX-1 Yamaholic
wrote about that has the blue Warrior. This friend of ours that is going
riding with us has a T660 and seems to think he will be untouchable.
He bought a 1997 SX700 from me a few years ago and says that T660
blows it away very easily. Not even a contest he says. These 2 sleds
have about the same horsepower rating. I can't see how there can be
such a big difference. Or is he just full of crap?

I also heard an interesting story about the T660 today and it came from
another guy I know that has one. Apparently one of his friends that owns
a T660 went riding last weekend and had so much pressure build up in
his crankcase that it blew his dipstick right out and shot oil out through
his cowling, all over the windshield and even in his face. He only had 100 miles on it. I don't know if they will all do that or if it was just a freak incident. Anybody else heard of this happening?
Hey nice choice of name, Power-Rush. Glad you finely decided to enter the forum... Are you ready to kick some T660 butt next weekend, I know I am.....
Power-Rush said:
Hi guys. This is my first time on here. I've been reading for a while
and finally decided to join in. I'm the friend that RX-1 Yamaholic
wrote about that has the blue Warrior. This friend of ours that is going
riding with us has a T660 and seems to think he will be untouchable.
He bought a 1997 SX700 from me a few years ago and says that T660
blows it away very easily. Not even a contest he says. These 2 sleds
have about the same horsepower rating. I can't see how there can be
such a big difference. Or is he just full of crap?

I also heard an interesting story about the T660 today and it came from
another guy I know that has one. Apparently one of his friends that owns
a T660 went riding last weekend and had so much pressure build up in
his crankcase that it blew his dipstick right out and shot oil out through
his cowling, all over the windshield and even in his face. He only had 100 miles on it. I don't know if they will all do that or if it was just a freak incident. Anybody else heard of this happening?

First off i like to say i bet he never raced the sx700r and the t660 side by side...

Seat of the pants feal may lead him to think it is alot faster but he will be surprised when he races you!!

I know someone who has ridin it for testing(as he is a writer for a mag.) and he said they have HORRIBLE TURBO LAG!!! everytime you come out of a corner it takes about 40 feet to build up boost and by that time you are coming into the next corner and have to let off... He said in a strait line they run pretty good but on the trail NOPE THEY JUST DONT HAVE IT!

Just not comparable to the 130+hp of the rx-1 including the throttle response!!
Hi welterracer,
I'm glad to hear that you made out pretty good after your crash. The
most important thing is that you are ok.

I am definitely ready to kick some T660 butt. I love my Warrior so far.
Only 95 miles on it. Not alot of snow here in Sanford. Going to Fort Kent,
ME next Thursday with RX-1 Yamaholic and Mr. T660. My dad is also going
with us. He drives a 1998 V-Max700 Deluxe. We will be there for the US
and Canadian International Snowmobile Festival on the 6,7,8. Should be
a good time.
Power-Rush said:
Hi welterracer,
I'm glad to hear that you made out pretty good after your crash. The
most important thing is that you are ok.

I am definitely ready to kick some T660 butt. I love my Warrior so far.
Only 95 miles on it. Not alot of snow here in Sanford. Going to Fort Kent,
ME next Thursday with RX-1 Yamaholic and Mr. T660. My dad is also going
with us. He drives a 1998 V-Max700 Deluxe. We will be there for the US
and Canadian International Snowmobile Festival on the 6,7,8. Should be
a good time.

When you do race.. make sure you have plenty of stopping distance and no one around.. DONT WANT ANYONE ENDING UP LIKE ME!!! I WAS LUCKY!!
Hey Rx-1 Yamaholic,
I finally joined up. This sight is way too interesting to
not take part in it.
Thanks for the advice welterracer, I do believe I will take it. Hearing
about your accident made me open my eyes because I've done those
high speed runs on the icy roads too and now I see how lucky I was
that I didn't have the same outcome you did. It could happen to anybody.
Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2004 1:32 am Post subject:


Hey Rx-1 Yamaholic,
I finally joined up. This sight is way too interesting to
not take part in it.

I am glad you decided to get aboard the greatest Forum Site available. You have some great knowledge about Yamahas and I am sure you will fit right in...
I cant believe what i am hearing,do you guys remember,all the neg. bull #*$&@ everyone was saying about the one ton,now this was from people that never did ride one,neverless owne one,to heavy,slugs,cant get out of there owne way,cant jump over a small bump,etc. you know the sermons we heard,now how many of you guys have ridden the t660? My guess not to many,now this being said,why is it that the rx1 which only makes 130ish hp run w/much higher hp sleds,because power to weight we should be running in the 600 class,but no we run fine all the way up thru 900cc so what makes you think this t660 is such a slug? Now i am only taking its defence cause i have driven one,now it was clutched a little,but studded just right,now on bare ice it pulled as hard as our rx1s,or maybe a touch more,but there was some lag,now they are running 108-109 on the gun top speed,on ice,heck some rx1s are only running 110 gps and radar so it runs preety good for the lack of hp,it does ride better than the one ton to,but does have the lag during trail riding,not what i want,but still,not a bad sled,so #*$&@ on it if you want,but you really should try it first,so just REMEMBER what comes around goes around. :wink:

Hey snowbeast you ae right we shouldn't judge how fast it is or how it rides but one things for sure its still big butt ugly.

Hey snowbeast you ae right we shouldn't judge how fast it is or how it rides but one things for sure its still big butt ugly.
Snowbeast thanks for the post, only a couple flamers here maybe they will get the clue now. We should spend more time concentrating on the RX1 which is what this site was designed for. Objective criticism on something you have ridden several times is one thing but heard from cousins, friends, or read in magazine comments are a waste of time and bytes.

greenmachine said:
Snowbeast thanks for the post, only a couple flamers here maybe they will get the clue now. We should spend more time concentrating on the RX1 which is what this site was designed for. Objective criticism on something you have ridden several times is one thing but heard from cousins, friends, or read in magazine comments are a waste of time and bytes.


Now look who is starting things, I don’t believe anyone on this post has attacked anyone except you. By calling people flamers is only trying to incite......We are only exchanging information about the machine not attacking the riders of the T660...... I started this post because I did not know how the machine handled and if it was going to beat the pants off me or vise versa.....Sorry if this post offended you, but I would like to hear from everyone who knows about the machine including information that they received from their friends or reading in magazines whether it is pro T660 or con T660.
I had the opportunity to run one on Houghton lake last weekend. I came up from behind him and pulled alonf side and made jestures to get on it and he wouldn't. For the one's that don't know, Houghton Lake is the largest in land lake in Michigan so room wasn't the issue. I know he saw me dust an MXZ 700 and I figure he just didn't want anything to do with me. But I really don't know.
