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Stuck in limp mode

If it's not giving code 84 or flashing the yellow warning light, I doubt very much it's TORS. Also doesn't sound like an ECU problem neither.

When you get the revs up and it won't go higher, does it sound like it's starving for fuel? Could be a fuel delivery problem like low pressure where the pump can't keep up with demand. Could also be the fuel pressure regulator. You should check your fuel pressure.
Can you tell us a bit more on what led up to this? Did you just buy it? Did you drive it the day before, then this just happened? Did you just get it out of storage? etc
I dealt with a similar issue and it was the ground for the TPS. Check the yellow grounding block above the oil tank.
brother had an issue with his in that the wires broke inside the plug for the coils. was down to one strand and would idle fine and then crap out when you went to go above belt engagement. had to tow it back from camp for him last year because of this. he ordered a whole harness from barn of parts (bop) but the fix was to get the coil plugs from an apex from bop and add some more legnth to the wires as they are pretty tight from factory. working great now but we where chasing coils until this showed up.
If it's not giving code 84 or flashing the yellow warning light, I doubt very much it's TORS. Also doesn't sound like an ECU problem neither.

When you get the revs up and it won't go higher, does it sound like it's starving for fuel? Could be a fuel delivery problem like low pressure where the pump can't keep up with demand. Could also be the fuel pressure regulator. You should check your fuel pressure.
Will do. Pump is new though. What should the pump put out for pressure?
brother had an issue with his in that the wires broke inside the plug for the coils. was down to one strand and would idle fine and then crap out when you went to go above belt engagement. had to tow it back from camp for him last year because of this. he ordered a whole harness from barn of parts (bop) but the fix was to get the coil plugs from an apex from bop and add some more legnth to the wires as they are pretty tight from factory. working great now but we where chasing coils until this showed up.
I will definitely look into this! Thanks for sharing
Can you tell us a bit more on what led up to this? Did you just buy it? Did you drive it the day before, then this just happened? Did you just get it out of storage? etc
Bought the sled two weeks ago. The guy either played dumb or was just not mechanically inclined. Fired right up, but we were in a hurry, so just drove it on the trailer and headed home.
Next day, it wouldn't start. Changed plugs and all was good until 4500 rpm, of course.
Now, with the advice and experience of the fine fellows here, looking into all grounds, fuel pressure and the TPS. Supposed to dump here this week, and it would be good for all my youngsters to be ripping down the trail with Dad...the way it should be.
Aftermarket pump or OEM Yamaha?
Looks to be OEM, but I'll know more by Thursday when I pull it out. Can't see any markings on the atmosphere side.
Also check if pickup coil is a aftermarket. Doubtful it’s been changed yet but if it was the wires could be backwards. Same symptoms are caused by that. Would just have to switch them.
Also check if pickup coil is a aftermarket. Doubtful it’s been changed yet but if it was the wires could be backwards. Same symptoms are caused by that. Would just have to switch them.
Roger that.
brother had an issue with his in that the wires broke inside the plug for the coils. was down to one strand and would idle fine and then crap out when you went to go above belt engagement. had to tow it back from camp for him last year because of this. he ordered a whole harness from barn of parts (bop) but the fix was to get the coil plugs from an apex from bop and add some more legnth to the wires as they are pretty tight from factory. working great now but we where chasing coils until this showed up.

I had the same thing happen to my Phazer.
I had the same thing happen to my Phazer.
You would think it would throw a code, but maybe not not.
I once had a 2004 R-1 motorcycle that would misfire at about 7000 rpm but had no active codes. It turned out to be the cylinder ID sensor, which I believe tells the fuel injectors when to fire.
07 Phazer FX. No mods whatsoever. No reverse option.

Will not come out of limp mode. 4500 ish RPMs max.

Bypassed TORS and speed sensor.
New plugs, new battery, (fully charged). Tons of spark, starts and idles perfectly. Idles cold at 2650 ish and after warm up will drop to 1800 ish...as per manual.

Checked continuity from TORS harness to ECM as well as ground to ensure that bypass is indeed going to ground. All good there. Checked harnesses for wear and connections, and I'd think all was well there, too.
Checked TORS handlebar switch continuity. All good.
Sled is suspiciously low on the odometer, (1013 kms), so I might be led to believe that the speed sensor was unhooked at some point in time, (if you can still run normally while removed or disconnected). Sled does the same limp mode bullshit no matter whether speed sensor and/or TORS is connected/bypassed or not.

So, life sucks at 3000 rpm.
Can't locate any missing or loose cables/wires/hoses. No leaks, odd noises, misfiring/ etc. Runs like a champ, but just acts like TORS is active 100% of the time.

What am I missing? Other than ECU replacement, ($1287!!!), what should I be chasing? No codes are active, and if I unplug any particular harness, it will show the proper code. Plug it back in and the code clears. Things seem to be operating normally.
No cash to simply drop it off at the dealer, so I'm stuck repairing it at home.
Thanks in advance for any technical know-how.

@Taycarrington Solved?
