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Studding a 137


TY 4 Stroke Master
Feb 28, 2005
Reaction score
Menasha, WI
'17 Sidewinder LTX-LE
What is the best pattern/ number of studs and best brand/ type for studding a Viper 137? I tried a search, but was inundated and confused. I'm picking up a 2015 Viper LTX this weekend. Have never owned a Viper. What would you recommend and are there any templates out there? Thanks.
96 should be fine for your Viper. If aggressive rider then 144. That's 2-3 per bar. Check out Woody's traction guide. You can put in your year, make model and it will give you the numbers and reco'd pattern based on those numbers.
For trail riding I have found 96 on double backers to be perfect for stability and durability in the center only. I start in the center then move to the left then to the right 1/4" for 12 bar then start over. Covers the whole center track. I've done 7 sleds this way with no complaints
Thanks for the responses. Any recommendations specifically on brand/model of studs? I put Sno studs on my Sidewinder and have Woody's on a Vector and Apex.
I run woody's signature series 1.375. for trail there great and they're stainless so don't leave rust marks in the trailer. Not as aggressive as some but been using them since 2008 on my apex and had 16000 to trouble free km on that. I don't run in anything but good snow conditions usually. Just put them in my sidewinder.
Fast Trac studs and they are a site sponsor. Been using there products since 97 with really good results. Give them a look too.
Leaning towards 144. Woodys website suggests gold diggers. They are more expensive than megabites, but it appears the megabites have more applications for terrains?
Brining this back up as I forgot to ask. Are tunnel protectors needed on a '15 Viper for studding? I'm thinking about going with 1.325 (per Woody's website recommendation) for length. Any thoughts?
Tunnel protectors come stock on Vipers. That length will be fine. I actually when a bit longer with my '18 because at the time I was boosted. I went with Extreme Max 1.52 which has an overall length of 1.83". The Woody 1.325 has an overal length of 1.73" I had no issues.
