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TAPP ramp wear?

The heck with it, I really only have a couple rides left. I will grind down my DTYA-1's to 71 grams and finish the year out with them.

I'm also curious to know how many miles are on your clutch. My TAPP just left me stranded up north, about 2000 miles on it. The movable is seized/jammed. No idea how this happened by I assume the main bushing is toast. I pulled the cover off and noticed 2 of the 4 rollers, the bushings are shot as well. I'm a trail rider and so far, this TAPP has been the LEAST reliable of any clutch I have used. All my TEAM clutches have lasted at least 8000 miles and I would replace them as preventative maintenance, never had one crack despite seeing other people with issues.
