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Terrible Trip:Canadians & thier trails

Cubby's RX-1

VIP Member
Nov 14, 2003
Willoughby, Ohio
OMG- What an awesome trip. The trails were the best I have ever riden on. Perfectly groomed on Saturday and woke up for a sunday morning ride and we know we were the first ones on the trail because THEY WERE GROOMED AGAIN SATURDAY NIGHT!

I have to share this story with you guys. We stopped at a place called Caygeon Lanes in Bobcaygeon Ontario to gas up and get some food. I look at my sled and my 7 inch wheel is missing, fell right off the bearing. I go inside this place with a frown on my face and the lady behind the food counter asks me "what's wrong Ayy?" I told her about the wheel and she picks up the phone and calls this guy and hands me the reciever. Its the local Yamaha dealer MacGregor Motorsports and the guys says yup I got that wheel in stock in silver not blue like you have. I then ask how the hell did he know that my rear wheels were blue???? The counter lady went out and looked for him. The roads in this town were bone dry so I asked where he is located and could I walk to his shop. He then says NO NEED, I WILL BRING IT TO YOU, JUST ENJOY YOUR FOOD AND I WILL BE THERE IN 15 MINUTES. Do you friggin believe this???

Wait it gets better. I got wing sauce all over my fingers (the food was awesome too) and the guy walks in and says WOULD YA LIKE ME TO PUT THIS ON FOR YOU WHILE YOU FINISH EATING, I BROUGHT MY TOOLS AND IT WOULD BE NO TROUBLE AT ALL. I was totally speechless for about 2 hours. He comes in and says your track was kinda loose so I adjusted it for ya. I asked what I owed him and all he charged me for was just the wheel. Needless to say he got about a 60 dollar (canadian) tip for how nice he was to us.

This trip, mind you in the middle of March, was the best trip I have ever taken. I highly recomend this area of trails and the businesses and people that live here. Oh and check out this picture of the rough trails I had to deal with................Cubby


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I second that Cubby!

CANADA ROCKS! ;)! :Rockon:

This past Sat. was my first time in Canada. I went up to Iron Bridge with YamablueRX1 (Chris) The guy practically knows everybody from Iron Bridge to Spanish too. It truly was one of the best rides I've had. Definitely the BEST TRAILS I've EVER RIDDEN ON, HANDS-DOWN! Friendly, accomodating people, and very light traffic.

Good food, Great time, Canadians sure are lucky folk!

Our E.U.P. Trail system is laughable, in comparrison - but I'm still grateful for it as it's right outside my garage door.
Ya you got to like people like that. Never ceases to amaze me how many there are. Glad you met a couple. Good PR for us Canadians EH!

Those crappy trail look just like mine. One more shift and I got 5 days off to try and mess'em all up before the snow melts.
The Canadian dealers ROCK :Rockon: :Rockon: We've had them drive out to the trail/road crossings pick up the sled (DOO)and then work OT to get it fixed and back on the trail at 7pm. I've had them drive to the hotel to drop of a jet for my turbo and only charge 20 bucks (he got allot more)...I LOVE RIDING IN CANADA ;)! ;)! ;)!
Soooo .... I guess that one will be on the Schedule for next year ehh ?

I plan on riding every other weekend in Canada, if I can.
I'm glad you enjoyed your trip, we have had some great running this year and the trails are still really nice, just like your picture depicts.

Your dealings with the Yammie dealer are consistent with many dealers in Ontario and Quebec. As my dad would say "they know what side of the toast gets buttered". Translation : Go the extra mile today so that you can have a customer tomorrow! I have heard of many similar stories about Doo, Poo and AC dealers around here as well, they along with the Motels and Restaurants know that snowmobilers represent a large portion of their winter income and a little extra effort to ensure a good experience will bring that snowmobiler back (along with all his buddies!).

The fact of the matter is we have lots of disposable income to spend on our hobby, this is not lost upon those who make their living keeping us on the trails.

Our trail's have been alternating between Ok and great with the weather and are still very good especially in the north about 2+ hours from Toronto. I think I have at least one more good weekend of running maybe two!

Thanks for coming up to visit us in Ontario and hopefully we'll see you next year, I feel a that a big Yammie 4 Stroke group ride properly administered would be a great event.

Best regards.

Silverbullet said:
You spring for a season pass 200 cnd..........You get motivated to get up there every chance you get :shock: :shock:

Buy it early and save...$180.00 for season. Check it out. you can by on line, and they even have the right sled on their web page. ;)!

Me and my buddies have been going to ontario for the last 5 years. We absolutly love it. I don't miss michigan and their rough and crowded trails. You always get great service and they treat you so good.
Cubbster; Glad you had a great trip!

There are lot's of Canadian Yamaha Dealerships that will go that extra step for you, glad you met one.

Sorry the Trails were not up to YOUR STANDARDS :D :D

BTW............."Their" :D :moon:
Shhhhh dont tell anyone we dont want too many people up here its just fine the way it is..... :moon:
