The greaser

Anyone in Canada selling them yet? Shipping right now is crazy getting across the border.
Anyone in Canada selling them yet? Shipping right now is crazy getting across the border.

We ship to Canada every day.
However, as you noticed, it hasn't been speedy.

UPS is willing to do some test shipments to Canada with us starting Monday.
They say it will be quick & relatively low cost.
Can make you one of them!

If you want, order just like normal & will ship via UPS & see how it does.

Rockmeister :-o
I will not get anything shipped from ups to Canada due to the import fees and taxes. I have used usps in the past with good results, post scamdemic. I may order one or two up this summer
I will not get anything shipped from ups to Canada due to the import fees and taxes. I have used usps in the past with good results, post scamdemic. I may order one or two up this summer

USPS is a gamble now. Some have waited 3 weeks or more for a package comimg 150 miles. Some luck out. I'm waiting now for 2 weeks for a priority from a few states down south. The wife works at USPS and gives me all the dirt on it. classmple explanation. Overwhelmed. 1st class,flyers,packages,amazon using them,covid sick days and just the general increase due to everyone shopping online.
If you can, try and reuse the Amazon Prime labeled boxes, padded envelopes and mailers. We've had good luck mailing packages with them. Wife and I mailed presents in a regular box that had not arrived after more than 2 1/2 weeks, yet reuse those Amazon packaging and said packages arrive in 2-3 days. Those reused boxes and envelopes were mailed 2 weeks after the original presents and arrived before the presents did. One was even to Alaska and another was to Puerto Rico.
Hey Maim!

Have them for the Phazer, Nytro, Apex, & coming very soon for the ProCross Sidewinder/Viper.
Do you have a pic of the Trailing arm bearing you are wanting to do?

Rock :-o
Reading SnowTech mag and says you have the Grease It available for the Procross sleds!?
We sure do have Greasers for the ProCross Chassis!

They are in the Greaser pull-down list.
The ProCross Grease It includes a new bearing and tools required to remove & replace the existing driveshaft bearing.
You don't even have to break the seal on the brake system to install it! ;)!

They are in full production now & shipping daily.

Rock : )
Nice. Any picture of what it look likes on ProCross?
Seems like a good idea, but what keeps the bearing seal inside the tunnel from being pushed out? Just have to be careful not to pump too much?
Seems like a good idea, but what keeps the bearing seal inside the tunnel from being pushed out? Just have to be careful not to pump too much?
We fill it till starts coming out on tunnel side. No problem yet with seal coming out
