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Track Damage


May 1, 2004
St Albans, VT
Will the ripsaw stay together with a lug ripped off? I can see the cord.

The track needs to be replaced but I would like to get one more weekend out of it. I'll be ordering a track tomorrow but it will not be here before next weekend.

Also, I just trail ride. Any other track I should consider for a warrior?

if all that happened is a lug ripped off, you are fine! if you threw a stud and have a big ,old hole on the outside of the track, i wouldn't worry! don't stretch it for another 2 seasons but you have time.
the ripsaws are pretty durable and can take some abuse.
as for what should you buy? it depends on your budget. with a little shopping around you could get another ripsaw for a great price. if you can afford some more coin try something else out!
LazyBastard said:
I do NOT agree with that. The ripjunk is NOT durable -- quite the opposite. They are the flimsiest tracks ever made.
ALL HAIL LAZY BASTARD!!! HE HAS SPOKEN!!!! You had a bad experience with the rip saw and all you can do is bash it constantly... big deal ! I really think that this Tech Adviser thing has really gone to your head,Dude! it is getting bigger than it shows in your avatar! If anyone ever says anything good about ripsaw you are the first to prove them wrong. Someday when everyone is left on the trail, maybe we will believe you?!? until then...... a grain of salt with all of your tech advise!
Somehow, I knew you would bash me for saying ripsaw was a decent track! Apparently, nobodies opinion matters! "ALL HAIL, LAZY BASTARD!"
Its not a matter of having a bad experience and it isn't a matter of opinion. Its a matter of IT IS WHAT IT IS. They have VERY SOFT rubber, which results in the lugs bending and tearing.

Now you, on the other hand, 15 posts of inexperience, suckered into the marketing hype, and trying desperately to convince yourself that what you bought isn't trash.

Now I'm not here to bash you, I'm here to prevent other people from buying into something spoken by someone who unfortunately, doesn't know what he's talking about... a self-proclaimed know-it-all who has by no means demonstrated any knowledge. Build up a few thousand posts of good information before you claim to know anything. Until then, your opinion has no value.
strange how all 4 manufactures offer the ripsaw as standard issue on many of their sleds, but lb proclaims it as junk. are there better tracks out there? of course, depends on where and how you ride. is the ripsaw the best at everything? no, but its pretty good for its design purpose, general trail riding that most people do. maybe lb has money invested in the other tracks like predator because he never misses an opportunity to slam the "ripjunk". this forum needs a section called "LB TECH" where we can all learn how studs are useless, supertuners air kits dont work, and many other words of wisdom.
Okay, I think they are junk too. I had one and it fell apart. Now I have a fully clipped predator, 9833 and it outpulls the ripsaw in powder and has not falled apart. Ripsaw is better on hardpack. But if I wanted to drive on hardpack I would take the truck. Much warmer.
This thread kinda took a bad turn didn't it?? eesh..

I do, however, agree that the ripsaw is a fine track...I've got 8000+ of HARD kms on mine and it's holding together fine. I've had ripsaws lose lugs in the past (unstudded!!) but this one seems to be good.
The worst were the Yoko's on the proaction sleds!! I used to lose ALOT of lugs on those...and blew 2 tracks in less then 4000kms...horrible...
Hey mikeb, i hit a piece of pipe once, broke the
right rail(about eight inches off the front) and
it ripped 3 window out of the track. i was a long way
from the hotel (384 miles) and made it back. you
should be O K with another weekend.
Holly SH*& ,,,,,,,, 384 miles from the hotel. I thought I had a bad habbit of getting away from the truck. I start sweating at 100 miles.
mikeb there is another topic going on right now called track choice. alot of prices and opinions
going on there, check it out
