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Using or blowing off lots of antifreeze?????

Turbo lover

Feb 17, 2004
I am either using or venting lots of antifreeze, especially at higher boost levels. I do see some leaking out of the belly pan, so I am assuming it is going out of the overflow. I am also assuming it is because my head gasket is leaking. Has anyone else had this problem. Can I tighten it down or do I need a new one. I hear bender has a new one with a fire ring??? Any thoughts? If I replace it should I go with the thicker one. I sure like how much power it has on full boost even though I have to run straight race fuel.


I feel your pain. I too am blowing anti freeze out over flow. I put a Turbo on in NOV and still am f!@#$%^ around with it. I'm not sure but I think I was blowing anti-freeze at the end of last year. I ran out of time so I took it to a shop and had a cometics (thicker gasket) installed. This gasket did not have a ridge around oil galley and leaked at idle, oil and anti-freeze. 100 dollars for a piece of sh@# gasket. The shop put new stock head gasket back in. No leaks, no blow by....for 5 miles. I ran sled to clutch it... did full throttle runs up to 100 mph at 7.5 and 10 lbs and 10,200 on tach. Engine was running at 180 degrees, everything seemed fine. Sled now blows anti freeze again. It got to 190 degrees and now I have this problem again. Either head wasn't torqued correctly or head is warped. My money is on the head being warped. This happened on a BD-4 experimental aircraft that I helped put a Ford V-6 in. It would be ok for 10 minutes at 4000 rpm then start pushing anti freeze. The head looked fine but was out 7 thousands. Milled, new gasket new bolts and no more problems. I SPECIFICALLY requested this shop to check head for a warp. They used a straight edge. F!@#$% idiots. This season will be over soon but no one else touches my sled. This shop shorted out some of my electrically goodies too. Sorry to rant, but I am PISSED. By the way I don't appear to blow anti freeze except at full or near full throttle. I also have so called heavy duty head bolts. I was supposed to be able to run higher boost with the head bolts, hell I can't even do one high speed run on low boost without loosing anti-freeze. I HATE THE SMELL OF HOT ANTI_FREEZE. Somebody give me gun.
Are you over heating it at all? Is the light on the guage comming on?? It will spit fluid out real fast if it's over heated.

I think you have low compression pistons in the motor right? If so I'd go back to the stock head gasket if I was you.
All last year I would have to put in about 1/2 a cup after a day. I figured at big boost it would work some air in. Also if I left the tank low, it would stay at that level. This weekend it started to get really bad a 12psi. At the end of the day I ran it at 15psi and it dumped the whole tank in one pass.

Using stock gasket.

JT- I did overheat it on the trail last year in the spring, but it did not seem to be anyworse this fall, but this weekend.ouch...I still have the stock pistons in too. I dont think I am going to switch, I like the extra power on high boost, and if I am going to mix 50/50 fuel, I might as well just run all race fuel and still have power. If I keep it I will probably do the rods this summer, if I dont ship the thing and get a supercharger first, that would be a riot in an Apex. I see Bob did well at Mancelona, I was going to go there, and was told he was going to Blonshines, so I went there and Bob was at Mancelona!!!! I wish I would have went to mancelona now. We went last year and it was by far the funnest race of the year. Even more fun than the phat man. Speaking of which I will be on an every year couples trip in the up that weekend, so looks like I am either going to the up and stay married or racing and divorced!!
Doc that's pretty funny. I think you should get divorced!!! LOL . Kinda sucks that Phat man and Starvation are on the same day. When is the Spider lake challenge????

Ya I guess JR and Bob had a little thing going. Bob is still dialing it in it should only get quicker.

Ya I'm liking the Super Charger more and more.

As far as the Coolant thing goes it sounds like a head gasket. that's not a huge under taking. Like an 5 hour job. I think I'd fix it If I was you
The higher the boost, more antifreeze runs out of mine. Coming from under the motor, at 14 lbs I have to ad every run. Sounds like a common problem.
my two cents worth.... at low boost you could have littel blow out of anti.... high boost, if you loose it the head is lifting, the gasket is gone, and it must come apart for a new one....if you have a bender stage II, it's a fuel problem.... if you are running over 19lbs with the best fuel, it will be a head gasket problem........ either way, get a new fire ring gasket from bender or others .... if you have not been running 110 fuel with 12 or more lbs of boost you are open for problems.......
Wow, deja vue. Just got mine running and seem to have the same problem, antifreeze out the bottom. Seems worst since I did a full pass WOT. Everyone I've talked to now with turbos tell me that these things like to push antifreeze out the overflow when the boost is on. When I was asphalt racing this summer I put an overflow can in to stop the leaking on the pavement (antifreeze and asphalt racing doesn't go well together). After it pushes out so much it seems to stop, but now I may have a continuous leak, I haven't had time to check. Some of the guys have been telling me that you shouldn't run WOT for more than 30 seconds or so, which kinda sucks, but I guess beats having to fix leaks. Man I hope it's not the head gasket or warped head.
guys,,,, you should not, repeat not blow out antifreeze under boost.... if you do , you have a headgasket problem that will get worse.... in most all cases, too much boost and too little octane does it...... once you go beyond 18 or so lbs of boost, the stock gasket will say good by to you .... When you are leaking the antifreeze, are you guys all so sure it is all going out the overflow? if it were mine, i would not run with a poor gasket,,,, you may have small leaks now into the engine, and for sure, you will have lots with the gasket blows out...... Talke to Jeff at CPR or Terry at Benders, they have the correct commetic gasket .....
I was loosing antifreeze as well a few weeks ago. Not much but enough to aggrevate me. It seamed to be wet under the overflow so I attributed it to the warm weather. It did not over heat and the light did not come on. Once the weather turned cooler I still had the same loss. Would lose antifreeze to the bottom of the bottle. Then did a presure test and could not find were it was losing pressure. Was sure it was the head gasket.

But then......

noticed some antifreeze comming out the belly pan. Removed the bottom panel and spoted a drop at the front outlet of the front mounted heat exchanger. Just around the weld. Thats when I posted that thread about front heat exchnager leak. Did not pull it out. Just added some Barrs stop leak to the coolent and it stopped. Been running it now for about 8 to 900 miles that way and have had no more leaks.

Must be a defective weld I think.
5 lbs REg fuel
8lbs race fuel

I think i will stay at these boost levels.

Skydog said:
5 lbs REg fuel
8lbs race fuel

I think i will stay at these boost levels.


Hold that though.................................won't last long.LOLOL :ORC
The need for more will slowlly creap up on you to pass that 200hp threshold and then one day when no one else is around.........................you crank up that boost, ever so slightly, just to see what that extra 2 to 4 lbs will do.LOL ;)!
