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vector or RX mirrors: who has installed them

Indy said:
Phantom and Wally, if you switch those mirrors from right to left and vise versa, you will have a little better vision. You will have great views of your gloves and knees either way though.

I don't know about that, I had smaller mirrors on my XLT and they were enough for me. It's usually just me and my wife when we ride and I always lead. I just need to see a headlight once in a while to know someone else is there. I always look back thru the trees after I make a turn anyway so I get a good view then.

Has anyone tried mounting the standard mirrors just above the Rage decal ?That should give much better vision.
I had the high mount style on a Rev last year and hated them. The problem is that the rear visibility is so good that it is annoying. They are always in your face.It is not something you notice until you ride. I put low mounts on and the the visibility was not great but much less annoying.
Been lurking in the background for awhile reading all the great info on this site :rocks: . I am new to yammie snowmobiles but not their other great products. I picked up a RS Rage a few weeks ago and have started to put on the goodies. One disappointment was the mirrors, my AC Pantera has great mirrors that really work. I tried all the Yamaha mirrors and didn't like them for different reasons. I now have mounted a set a AC AWS style mirrors and think I have found a keeper. They don't look like a bug, are high enough to give me a good view but not too high to be in the way. The only down side is they came off my old AC Panther so they have the AC logo in the glass. In short if your looking for another choice you might try the AC mirrors. Just my .02
Did you start it up after you mounted them?-------------------------pause------------------- Just to make sure those kitty mirrors didn't hurt that yammie. LaLaLa ;)! MM.. I think you will like that 4-stroker.
Must be the 4-stroker in her.. Because mine sounds Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrfect to me without kitty mirrors. :tg: ;)! MM.

You mentioned early in this thread not to rely strictly on the templates for drilling the holes during the mirror kit install.

Can you elaborate on this please.

I have the kit and will be installing it the next few days.

Thanks in advance.

The first thing I did was installed the sub-structure which is easy to do because the holes are already there in the hood.

Then you need to drill the windshield. I laid the windshield in place with the holes marked from the template and they did not line up very good so I basically marked the holes by eye. The windshield is transparent enough so you can see the mounting holes for the mirrors. The holes you put in the windshield and bezel are clearance holes for the 1/2" dia spacers. I think If I used the template I would have had a much bigger hole than the 5/8" dia hole was stated in the instructions.

The bezel was a little harder because you can't see through it. I laid it into position and stuck a small drill bit in from the back side and wiggled it around to mark where the hole should be drilled.

Hint: don't drill a 5/8" hole right away, use a real small bit to check your alignment before going for the 5/8". I hate drilling holes in a sled I haven't even had a chance to ride yet...

Good Luck!!!
I'm not sure what he means?? I used the template with great results.. By the way I used a 5/8 wood drill bit to drill my holes. They came out very clean.. Good luck.MM. ;)!
It's hard to tell since the only view I've had so far is the back of my garage. I do know that when compared to the yammie mirriors I tried (all 3 types) these give me more of what I was looking for...great view and low profile. The true test will be when I can get'r on the trail. The good thing is I haven't drilled any holes yet so I can still tweak them if I need to. Now if it would only SNOW. :o|
Right now all I can see is my wood pile.. Hmmmmmmmm. And the sled is on the trailer.. So I need Snooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow also. :o| MM.
