Want HOT hands?..It can be done!!! EDITED FIRST POST

My parts guy said ad -00 to the end to make it a valid yamaha part number. They had 12 in stock (!!!) I can't imagine why, I think someone screwed up when they ordered. Retail was $18 something.
Just buy Rock's Yamaheater and never worry about cold hands again!
Has any one cooked a stator yet using the sub lead? is it possible? why would it fry the stator and the Yamaha heater not as they both seem to be putting more power to the grips?
not a single person that i am aware of some have had stator issues with or with out the mod and most of them are just the trigger coil that has nothing to do with stator out put or strain.
I have had mine on with harness for 8.5yrs no issues ! well about 500mi in, but still 8.5yrs and 9000mi ago.
Where do I install the new harness? picked it up Friday! is it at the base of the handle bars some where? do I remove a similar looking harness and install the new one?
Where do I install the new harness? picked it up Friday! is it at the base of the handle bars some where? do I remove a similar looking harness and install the new one?
Its been many years since i did it ..but you remove black piece around base of bars,find wires to grips ,unplug .then plug in the harness to the sled, then wires from bars into harness.
Well!!! this is not good. Took the sled apart tonight to install the new harness and it appears that it has one installed already. The wires are the same color and looks the same. I installed the new one anyway in hopes that it is different. Should it have a similar looking harness there already? Put a set of hand gaurds on also hopefully that helps. previously I drove with the grips on high almost all the time, the grips got warm but never hot. Really hope someone tells me the harness is different than the one I removed. Could someone have over heated the grips at one time they look fine? maybe I just need to get the Yamaha heaters and be done with it !!!!
Well!!! this is not good. Took the sled apart tonight to install the new harness and it appears that it has one installed already. The wires are the same color and looks the same. I installed the new one anyway in hopes that it is different. Should it have a similar looking harness there already? Put a set of hand gaurds on also hopefully that helps. previously I drove with the grips on high almost all the time, the grips got warm but never hot. Really hope someone tells me the harness is different than the one I removed. Could someone have over heated the grips at one time they look fine? maybe I just need to get the Yamaha heaters and be done with it !!!!
Do you have the 06 bars?
you may have the updated 07 bars are the hooks on the end of the bars bolt ons or are the bars one pice to the end if one pice you have the 07 bars and the updated harness wont help and it is time for yamaheaters you wont be disapointed.
look like one piece to me! I guess I should have researched just a little further. 20 bucks down the drain!
I have an 08 Apex LTX 40th anniversary model 2 weeks ago I literally had to stop every 5 miles to warm up my hands! (so cold they hurt) Hand warmers did not work at all.(and we rode 150 miles that day) Anyway enough was enough, I did some research and decided to go with Rocks Yamaheater w/boost. OMG what a differance, first of all I thought my hand warmers were bad, but a quick check with an ohm meter proved otherwise( 7.4 ohms each grip) I installed Rocks Yamaheater w/boost which was pretty simple. Fired it up and was amazed, within seconds you start to feel heat! I have a craftsman laser digital thermometer, at idle with handwarmers on hi I got a reading of 138 degrees, couldn't hold on to them with my bare hands for more than a couple of seconds. I also have an 07 Attak which is basically the same sled, just for the heck of it I fired up the Attak put the hand warmers on hi, waited for the red "warmup" to go out, then ran the RPMs up to about 3000 for aroun a minuite and took a reading 70 degrees!! Rocks costomer service and ease to get a hold of is a major plus. Thanks Rock for all your help!!
