Want HOT hands?..It can be done!!! EDITED FIRST POST

I havent been keeping up with this post. But as an update, I havent got to ride much this season but I did ride in some pretty cold weather and LJ 452 is correct my bars wired in parallel do put out good heat I run them down on 2 or 3.
S pump said:
So let me get this straight, by looking at the wiring diagram in this thread, what I am doing is using the black wire off one of the warmer leads and the yellow/red off the other one and connecting the yellow/red to the yellow/red on both warmer pigtails and black to the black on both warmer pigtails. Correct?????????????[/img]
Anyone have this answer?
My apex I just bought used did thie had the 07 update then put the 06 bars back on and they get hotter then haities. The draw of around a 1ohm load on the circuit seems insane and things should melt but I think as long as you keep it under half way you will never exceed the capacity of the system and there for never run current continuiously enough to melt anything (the stock ECU kicks the grips on and off mirroring a square wave pattern) I will try this this year. I had the yamaha heater last year and it was a life saver and doesn't put the load on the circuit like this mod so its a better solution this just happens to be cheap and in my case already installed on the used sled I bought.
just and FYI.....

I am trying ROCKs YAMAHEATER for this season....ill post on my results,but from what i read by everyone its the BOMB!!!

ROCK came up with a great FIX that yammie thinks is "not a problem".....lol

thanks ROCK
Rock's kit Rocks!

If you have '07 or newer bars the hooks will even get hotter than hell!

Best yet, get the Sled Start & Yamaheater together and your grips will be hot as hell when you remote start the sled.

Starting the ride with hot grips is the key to warm hands IMO.
johnketch said:
i have an 06, will it be nessesary to rewire my grips? or are the 06 grips warm enough?

I would get the yamaheater from rockmeister....for that you need the 07 bars with 07 sublead(basically the 07 or newer setup)

if you dont want to use the yamaheater you can get the sublead and wire 06 bars to the sublead(this entire thread is about that) they will get nice and hot,however the hooks are not heated. this is why im going with ROCKS yamaheater kit.

viper7mi said:
What kind of update? Are they going to sell the sub lead?

There is another thread about this new hand warmer update from Yamaha. It is basically new grip elements that get hotter.

Don't waste your time, just by Rock's Yamaheater and be happy!
I saw the kit from yamaha, honestly I rather get the sub lead to get the grips hot. Are the 06 bar grips really that bad?
