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WAR with Yamaha NEED HELP


Apr 21, 2003
Took my seat off and I have a tear in my seat from the rivets like most of you...Went to Yamaha today he said that he has done four of them already. He say Yamaha is only allowing him to pull the seat tighter and re-staple it cutting off the torn part. I told him that it was totally unacceptable. I was told to wait till the fall to see if Yamaha will come up with a fix. If I am going to do battle I want to start now..I need to know who has had a problem and what Yamaha has done so I have some ammunition..I'm assuming nobody has accepted them just pulling the seat tighter and stapling...Please reply as to what Yamaha has done for you..This is my first Yamaha and I love this machine but very disappointed is how I was treated...DEALER WINNIPEG YAMAHA..Manitoba Canada...Please reply folks..Thanks

I've had the same thing happen to my seat pluss a tear at the back of the seat, all because the seat gets full of water and freezes rock hard. My dealer said Yamaha will replace the seat cover under warranty. But my dealer nor me are satisfied with this solution cause the seat will crack again. My claim is that this is a design flaw, no way the seat should leak and soak up a gallon of water when running through powder, so Yamaha should replace the whole seat. My dealer is trying to get Yamaha to replace the whole seat to a '04 seat. But my seat is possible cracked up far more than yours. I'll keep you posted. Dealer Taiga Motor, Finnmark, Norway
Picked up my sled a couple of weeks ago and one of the warranty things they did was replace the seat cover on mine. NO problem NO Hassle. Are you on the dark side of town? If you know what i mean. Good luck
Seat Rips

Hey, I am wondering if anyone can send me a pic of their seat tears? I am not sure where to look on the seat to see if mine is ripping. PLease post here or email stephenburdick@nhsnowmobilemuseum.com

Smokey Have you tried calling Yamaha customer relations with your complaint? Usually they will work things out for you. It is also Important to stay patient with them I'm sure they will hear your side of the issue.
My dealer has asked me to wait till the fall to see if Yamaha has a fix...I will fight for a new seat cover then...Doesn't make much sense to replace the cover it will just wear through again next year...As far as a picture have no idea how to do that ... Think you need a digital camera...I would never have found my tear without taking the seat off...It is very small and their is a a wear mark on both sides underneath where the rivits would meet the seat on the underside when you sit on it..Only one side of mine is worn through the other is worn but now through yet...
I could see that mine was ripped. I first noticed it because water would leak out and leave a icesicle. The seat seems to be rubbing on one of the rivits that hold the rear suspension brackets in place . You should be able to feel the rip with your finger , if not just pull the seat off and inspect.
Try not to freak out when you see how hot the underside of the seat has gotten from the exhaust , its all good . :) :shock:
My old dealer is no longer a Yamaha dealership, so he is not fighting this war with Yamaha for me anylonger. I took this seat issue to a newly opened Yamaha dealership. They did get a new '03 seat assembly to me from Yamaha, but Yamaha sent a black seat assembly and my sled is blue. My dealer said they would return the black seat and get hold of a blue seat assy. Guess what.... Yamaha will no longer send out seats, they will only cover the seat cover under warranty. I'm pissed.... I will not accept this. There is only one solution and that is a new seat assy, '03 or '04 will do. I will check this out with my lawyer if Yamaha doesn't get straight and replaces my seat.
I haven't seen any post about this on a '04 so I guess it a '03 issue. They changed the seat design on the '04 so I guess they took care of the problems the '03 seats have. Anyone with a seat problem on a '04?
My 03 had the rivet damage .My dealer replaced the seat cover last week with an 04 cover no problems.He had four other sleds in the shop for the up date.
Seat repair

They moved the offending rivit on the 04's. It's my understanding that the dealer is authorized to replace the cover only, not the seat.
seat ripped and yamaha replaced the whole thing

My seat ripped at both rivets and it also ripped on both sides were your butt hits the seat going up ripped about an inch long this happened because of the seat frezzing full of water !! I since have taped off all seams and open areas so that the steam can not get in. After a few desicion with yamaha they agreed to replace the whole seat besides the seat covers were on national backorder
If the holes can't be seen, why are you making such a big deal out of it? Just put a couple layers of duct tape, or velcro on the holes, and forget about it. You can also move, or remove, the rivet.
