WD-40 myth
WD-40 is a penitrating oil. But it's lubricating qualities are very short lived, as some here can attest.
Since most rubber is mineral based, aka, made from oil, and WD is designed to pentrate and to breakdown these oil barriers, and rust and corrosion, and gummed up grease, it would follow that the stuff will reek havic on rubber over time. So do yourself a favor and wipe it off of the rubber stuff you overspray it on.
BTW this stuff is basically made with Fuel Oil. Next time you run out of the stuff in a can, go take a quart from your neighbors fuel oil tank at about 50 cents a quart and watch it do just as well or better than WD. Old plumber told me this, and I have used Fuel Oil ever since. Obviously, it is flamable and will burn like heck. It loosens nuts and bolts, pentrates very well, and will take off paint and varnish etc. Stuff is quite corrosive.
I use a pump up can with 10 weight oil in it to cover my aluminum parts on the sled. It lasts longer, does a better job and is cheaper to use.