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What do i do now.????? Outrageous..

Jan 27, 2008
Timmins, Ontario
Well....i have a 03 yamaha rx-1 and me and my buddies play tricks on each other by either voiding each others warranty or even just not making it start in the first place....well one day my friend decided to put a

GROWING DINOSAUR in my gas tank and now that it has EXPANDED more than 600% of its size ....how do i get it out ahaahah

Im very fustrated...and dont know wat to do...i can see its tail....

Wait millions and millions of years and that dinosaur will turn into GO-JUICE for your sled.Kidding aside you may have to replace the fuel tank.
Man I almost pissed myself when I read that.....The sending unit hole is A lil bigger. You may be able to get part of it out there and cut it into pieces. You will defiantly have to remove it and flush it and change both filters in the tank.

Thanks guys...i will definetly have pictures soon....i cant stop laughing.... the best idea would be to drain the tank.....and than....light it on fire..hence melting the dinosaur..ahahah
Drain the tank and dump in some acid or something that will desolve the critter. You will probably have to change all the hoses and filters.

LOL I can't stop laughing as I am typing this. Let's all think of a good way to get back at the guy. How about dropping some dead minnows in his engine compartment. Should smell good after a few miles. You will probably want to lead the pack on that day though.LOL
Until I see some quality pics, I'm calling Bravo Sierra on this one. If it did happen, your buddy has some serious balls.

To get back at him, put some super-sticky glue under his throttle flipper, stand back and watch him zoom off into the sunset. ha ha ha
Drain all the fuel and hook the thing and let it hang. I think they dry out and shrink back down to normal. If you do it by Monday at the latest it should be ready by next winter. LOL Good luck.
Just go to your local hardware store and get a spray can of dinosaur remover ...

If that don't work, then do what Mikecam suggests.
