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What would it take for Yamaha to become #1 snowmobile sales?

A great start would be to actually design and build a snowmobile. Rebranding someone elses is the express route to no where. Eliminating your headquarters in the US doesnt really help. Eliminating a bunch of North American jobs and basically all the engineers is not productive. Eliminating your racing presence does not help either.
Found this for 2015...now i am sure it will be better in 2017....

To add some perspective, according to ISMA there were 150,713 snowmobiles sold worldwide in 2015. 58,299 were sold in the U.S. and 50,752 were sold in Canada. Yamahas 3% would account for 4,521 units.
Some of the guys I ride with buy new and won't keep a ski doo past 4000 miles. So they get new sleds every other year. My Yamaha has out lasted 3 of their sleds to my one and it's still going strong.
Yep, we all know a 4 stroke will outlast a 2 stroke, i know a lot of guys that have more then 15 000 miles on their BRP 1200 4 stroke, so its more a question about 4 stroke vs 2 stroke IMO, but there is still a huge market for a light 2 stroke, and imagine if Yamaha brought it to the table with yamaha reliability how it would sell like crazy, in a good chassis, even in a AC chassis...
There are reliable 2 strokes available in an Arctic Cat Chassis, they are called Arctic Cats. Yamaha built sleds only sell a few hundred sleds a year, worldwide. That is why they stopped doing it.
If Yamaha did this, if Yamaha did that. If if if if if if :o|:o|:o|:o|:o|:o|
Sounds like this is a non Yamaha forum and you are trying to convince yourself to jump ship to Yamaha but only if they did ...........

To answer this thread's question about what would it take Yamaha to be #1 in sales, that's easy
Copy the #1 selling sled on the market and sell it for a G note less them. It may not be a true Yamaha but in a few years time it should propel them into the lead.
I have a Yam in the garage, the ZR8000 is for sale and i'm keeping the Apex, but will probably trade in the Apex for the sidewinder and get a BRP 800 or 850 etec as second for when the trails are chewed up.. i still can't get all i want in either a 2 stroke or a 4 stroke... but i just feel its just because they don't build it, because they could... the sidewinder might be it .. ..
So if Yamaha came out with a 2 stroke sled to compete with Ski-doo....you think that would make sales jump? It's hard to say as I wouldn't mind a new 2 stroke Yamaha very lightweight powerhouse, but I am so spoiled by not smelling 2 stroke fumes going down the trail and not spending extra on oil.
Number 1 in snomo sales !!!!???? I'm just happy Yamaha is still in the snomo biz! Summer is for daydreaming bout sleddin but Yamaha #1 in sled sales is an over reach in any of my dreams.lol
So if Yamaha came out with a 2 stroke sled to compete with Ski-doo....you think that would make sales jump? It's hard to say as I wouldn't mind a new 2 stroke Yamaha very lightweight powerhouse, but I am so spoiled by not smelling 2 stroke fumes going down the trail and not spending extra on oil.

have you riden the ETEC cause the smoke is almost a non issue, you need direct multipoint injection with dual spark plugs probably but a lightweight performance reliable 2 stroke would sell for sure...and wouldn't take anything away from the 4 stroke market that is good with yamaha...but you need better handling and better suspension.,.. most guys i talk that go towards the BRP 1200 go there because of better handling and suspension... the reliability is there anyway..
Step 1 - come up with a high hpr 4 stroke power-plant with low maintenance and great fuel economy.
(They have done it now)
Step 2 - Buy out AC (This will eliminate 1 manufacturer and take over their sales market)
Step 3 - Refine the lineup, take all the great suspension notes from AC and put the suspensions in new Yamaha designed chassis and clean up the rough edges to make the fit and finish perfect like Yamaha has been in the past.
Step 4 - Get Tucker Hibbert to race a Yamaha and start pushing the 4 strokes again.. like what was started with the Nytro.
Step 5 - 5 year warranty on all 4 stroke Yamaha sleds...standard.
Step 6 - Hire me as a spokesperson... ;)

Terry from they're stand point, why should they pay you, they may think you are doing a good job for free.
Been thinking about this alot. I think Yamaha screwed themselves. How many guys with Yamahas get rid of their sleds every 5000mi or so? I dont know any and ones that do dont trade they just keep them for family or spares. Now think of how many 2st guys get rid of theirs. The reality of it is 2 strokes are every bit as complicated as a 4 st now other than the cat 800 but when the masses think 2 st they think simple. I dont think price is the big issue since can always buy a leftover dirt cheap. The weight is somewhat and the top heaviness of a Phazer or Nytro scared alot of buyers unless they came off Dirtbikes. And now with such a small market compare to the Heyday.
Do we really want Yamaha to be #1 in sled sales?.
have you riden the ETEC cause the smoke is almost a non issue, you need direct multipoint injection with dual spark plugs probably but a lightweight performance reliable 2 stroke would sell for sure...and wouldn't take anything away from the 4 stroke market that is good with yamaha...but you need better handling and better suspension.,.. most guys i talk that go towards the BRP 1200 go there because of better handling and suspension... the reliability is there anyway..

Yes, rode many and ride with a few that have them. Have to say they aren't all about the smoke, but you do have the smell yet. Problem is the lifespan of the 2 stroke...no matter what it may be. I used to put on 4,000 miles + a year and I'm glad I owned a 4 stroke. Never would of made it on our Canadian trips.

But, now with playing a lot of off-trail, a 2 stroke would be good. Presently have 8 sleds in my stable and it's even....4 2-strokes and 4 4-strokes. Don't get me wrong, I like my 2 strokes....but on Yamaha's part, they have to look at sales and the market.
