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where is the info on the new Yamaha race sleds?

Yammi was only booted from the production class as with the add-on kit it is not a production model. Lets not here hear any "poor me", or "go figures". If they were trying to cheat than they can't do that very well either. My father raced Yami when the first srx's came out, and not the one's everyone else bought either. Nothing has changed in 36 years.
MrSled said:
This is a warning to Ruckus and AKrider, if you dont have anything good to say, dont say anything at ALL. I am tired of the two of you dirtying the site with negative posts .... I have yet to see a positive tone of any fashion.... we are here to help others not listen to you two complain.... this is your final warning and if starts again you will be remove and blocked from my site!!!

I have read your post.
So who made this decision? Is it a USCC thing or ISR? I just read that the 1100 cat is legal to run in 600. I thought 1050 was the max for a fourstroke being in line with ISR.
I guess the point should be if Yamaha knows the sled handles like crap in its stock form and puts 8,000 into fix it then why don't they just fix the whole sled to begin with and everyone would love the handling of the Nytro and it would probably sell better.
It was probably not a good idea to just post the link to Chris Reed's blog because it will be obsolete as soon as Chris writes about something else. So for future reference, I'd like to put some of the relevant info here and then comment.

Chris Reed said:
The basics of the kit is comprised of essentially a complete front clip (A-arms, spindles, sway bars the whole enchilada). You also get a 128 inch track which requires relocation of the rear skid and a large capacity fuel tank. The end result yields a chassis with improved high speed ‘manners’, read into that what you will. Now I anticipate a few questions arising from this post so let me jump ahead a bit. No it is not going to be a production model in 2013. Is it planned to be a production model ever? … certainly not in its present form. Can I purchase one? Sure, the part number is SMA-XCRAC-KT-OO and the retail price is (you might want to sit down for a minute) US$ 8,284.00.

You can't deny that the above described "kit" modifies the Nytro. Never mind that this kit includes a completely different front clip ... you've still got several other items that transform the Nytro into a sled that is vastly different from a production model (e.g., 128" track, relocated skid, larger fuel tank). What's more, Chris himself admits that Yamaha has no intention of producing the Nytro with these parts. So, can Yamaha really claim that by offering this kit, it is running a production sled? I think the answer is pretty clear and even if we don't like the fact that another manufacturer is crying foul, they probably have legitimate argument.
Also, the kit "costs" 8,284.00. It doesn't actually COST that much. I am sure Yamaha has it priced like that just so no one gets the dumb idea in their head they want to buy one. I mean they can't even make enough Hyfax for everyone- imagine if they made something to make their snowmobiles handle well.

IMO but a used 08 nytro (cheap), skinz front end, and star suspensions relocate kit. Put Oilites in and gusset the subframe. Should be a pretty awesome sled that handles better than a brand new one and costs 5 grand less.
rindtj said:
I am sure Yamaha has it priced like that just so no one gets the dumb idea in their head they want to buy one.

I think you hit the nail right on the head. If you were Yamaha, and you wanted to give your riders a fighting chance to save face, AND you knew the Nytro needed some mods in order to be competitive, you'd probably come up with a few creative ways to get it done. By offering these mods as a kit, Yamaha can claim that the kit is part of its line of production accessories, and therefore part of their production sled. But as rindtj points out, this kit was only ever really intended for their race teams, and the price was set so high that IF they did get someone who wanted to order one, they wouldn't loose money setting up a limited run production. I'd be curious to see what the availability of this kit actually is ... I'd bet you'd be waiting a very long time to get your hands on one if you did lay your money down.
So who has some more close up pics of the subframe??

Come on peeps, cat is out of the bag!!

It would be really interesting to have the stock class sleds with the upgraded front end race against another with the skins front end..
Not sure I even want to post on this site anymore but here goes.

What no one is mentioning is how does this look to the other OEM's? All three OEM's have race programs and sell their race sleds (whether consumer based or limited build) to racers who they select through race programs. They build enough sleds to meet the minimum product run required, which I believe is 300. Then you have Yamaha entering a race in the production/stock class with a sled that doesn't qualify as stock. The USCC rule book lists the rules. This doesn't prevent Yamaha from racing, they just can't race in the stock class with that front end.

If you were another OEM and spents the money to produce 300 sleds and then see Yamaha try to slide in by producing 50 kits that consist of front ends off the race tracks and tanks, I think you'd also be upset. Yamaha is asking one heck of a lot of money for these parts. The parts cannot cost Yamaha that much to produce. Even if you figured retail for the track and tank, you are at $800, lets say $1000 for easy math. So the front end is $7000!? How is it the other OEM's can build and sell entire sleds for that much money?

If Yamaha wants to race, they need to follow the rules that everyone else is doing. Cat was able to get their 1056cc F1100 approved through ISR. It isn't like rules are cast in stone. IMO, Yamaha is trying to enter into the stock class on the cheap because the stock Nytro is not competitive the way it comes from the showroom. That isn't negative or a bash, that is the truth. I am one of the few on this site that has actually raced a Nytro. If I get banned for telling the truth than I have no interest posting on this site. That would be unfortunate and I would hope it doesn't have to come to that.
At the end of the 2010 season Yamaha was told by USCC that if they could produce a OEM kit that they could use it in the stock class. Yamaha took the 2011 season off to prepare and build a race team and the kits. By this current season an unfortunate circumstance forced a change in the race director for USCC therefore the current race director isnt standing up to the former race directors plans. In a nut shell thats what happened.
MrSled said:
At the end of the 2010 season Yamaha was told by USCC that if they could produce a OEM kit that they could use it in the stock class. Yamaha took the 2011 season off to prepare and build a race team and the kits. By this current season an unfortunate circumstance forced a change in the race director for USCC therefore the current race director isnt standing up to the former race directors plans. In a nut shell thats what happened.
AKrider said:
Not sure I even want to post on this site anymore but here goes.

What no one is mentioning is how does this look to the other OEM's? All three OEM's have race programs and sell their race sleds (whether consumer based or limited build) to racers who they select through race programs. They build enough sleds to meet the minimum product run required, which I believe is 300. Then you have Yamaha entering a race in the production/stock class with a sled that doesn't qualify as stock. The USCC rule book lists the rules. This doesn't prevent Yamaha from racing, they just can't race in the stock class with that front end.

If you were another OEM and spents the money to produce 300 sleds and then see Yamaha try to slide in by producing 50 kits that consist of front ends off the race tracks and tanks, I think you'd also be upset. Yamaha is asking one heck of a lot of money for these parts. The parts cannot cost Yamaha that much to produce. Even if you figured retail for the track and tank, you are at $800, lets say $1000 for easy math. So the front end is $7000!? How is it the other OEM's can build and sell entire sleds for that much money?

If Yamaha wants to race, they need to follow the rules that everyone else is doing. Cat was able to get their 1056cc F1100 approved through ISR. It isn't like rules are cast in stone. IMO, Yamaha is trying to enter into the stock class on the cheap because the stock Nytro is not competitive the way it comes from the showroom. That isn't negative or a bash, that is the truth. I am one of the few on this site that has actually raced a Nytro. If I get banned for telling the truth than I have no interest posting on this site. That would be unfortunate and I would hope it doesn't have to come to that.

I dont remember seeing your name on the real racing circuits! So I guess I can say I raced rx-1's too using your train of thought.

How do you know they only built 50 you dont so quit bringing up numbers out of thin air to try and prove your points.

You have no idea what these parts cost and what yamaha paid to R&D so your point on the cost is mute and of no value becasue you dont know the real costs so quit trying to act like you do.

How can you know what the Nytro can really do unless your on the Yamaha race team and your not so you want to rant about the truth make sure its not your imagination tainted with your dislike and negativity towards Yamaha as a whole and we all know thats the real TRUTH.
The part to actually make yes you can guess that and be relatively close building it would be very easy for Yamaha. The part to R&D you have no idea how much time and money they spent on it and for anyoone to say they do is guessing at best. I believe we have a couple of racers here that were snubbed by Yamaha and as such are taking their revenge by using this forum as their soap box. They dont own the soap box!
AKrider upon reading the sledtalk blog again I see where you got the 50 kits number from my bad for saying it was from thin air. That said though the blog also said minimum build was 50 they could have built a lot more we dont know.
