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where is the info on the new Yamaha race sleds?

You guys need to remember that Yamaha Works three to fours years in advance anything we see now is old news to the guys on the inside..... I really expect some thing big his year! I also tried a lot of searching On line for a race front end. I seem to remember a kit maybe at the end of 08- Early 09 but I dIdnt find anything sorry :o|
I've noticed the tone of TY has changed considerably this season. Those of us who have had enough have either moved on to other brands or are about to. We all love the motors but hate the chassis. If you love the chassis then you are just not riding them off a hard surface. Racing on ice ??? Who cares? Put some studs on your Atv's or dirt bikes. I ride in snow and I ride off camber terrain. I was sick of fighting the sled on the fall line and having a major fear of getting the behemoth unstuck (and I was riding the "lightest" sled). I don't expect much from big blue for 2013. I really hope they do produce a game changer but I'm not holding my breath. I was a die hard Yamaha man but after riding sleds that actually perform well I just couldn't justify it anymore. Now if they could only find a way to stuff a Nytro motor in a Rev chassis...
AKrider said:
It's looking to me like you spoke out of turn. So far nothing for part numbers for the "race kit" and there is nothing on the Yamaha snowmobile website showing it as a GYT-R part.


Does the Yamaha site even show anything about the cross country effort? Last time I checked there wasn't even anything on the website about their racing effort, but I'm not 100% sure.

Now that we are getting some where with this subject....
What is all included in this kit?
What is the cost?
Is it available to the average consumer, or Yamaha race sponsor kit only?
Is this a USA product only, or is it available in Canada also?
When I check this part with my local dealer is he going to look at me funny :drink: and wonder where the heck I got a non-exsisting part # from?

More details please, I still feel your holding back. Scott
Thanks for posting the number. I just got off the phone with Anchorage Yamaha and his computer doesn't even show it as available. He figured it was through their race dept and you had to be a sponsored rider to get one. He said they can't get one and basically serve as a delivery point. That is the exact same arrangement that I have with my Polaris IQR.

I asked him specifically if it was available to consumers and it is not. The team running the Iron Dog is getting them. So.... how exactly does the modified Nytro compete in stock class when these parts are not available?

To me this looks like same old same old, just like with the sno-x program. Post pics of some trick parts and then not make them available to the consumer. I hope this changes. It has to if Yamaha wants to sell more sleds.

In the meantime, I can go to polarisracing.com and they provide everyone with tips of how to set their sleds up and what they recommend for XC racing. Yamaha could take a page of how to run a race program from Polaris. http://www.polarisindustries.com/NR/rdo ... eSetup.pdf
i am also still waiting for snowmobile racing to be a part of the YAMAHA-MOTOR website.. maybe they will add this for 2013 and call it a day?
Crewchief47 said:
The tone hasn't changed, your point of view has.

Ruckus said:
I've noticed the tone of TY has changed considerably this season. Those of us who have had enough have either moved on to other brands or are about to. We all love the motors but hate the chassis. If you love the chassis then you are just not riding them off a hard surface. Racing on ice ??? Who cares? Put some studs on your Atv's or dirt bikes. I ride in snow and I ride off camber terrain. I was sick of fighting the sled on the fall line and having a major fear of getting the behemoth unstuck (and I was riding the "lightest" sled). I don't expect much from big blue for 2013. I really hope they do produce a game changer but I'm not holding my breath. I was a die hard Yamaha man but after riding sleds that actually perform well I just couldn't justify it anymore. Now if they could only find a way to stuff a Nytro motor in a Rev chassis...

And your still here telling us the same thing. I figured you would have moved to the yellow talk forum by now.
I know this has little to do with this but just read Josh Wilson won sportsman 600 at eagle river friday with a srx 600. he is about the only yamaha up there. Congratulations.
