Who ordered?

Here is an idea....let the dealers sell the sleds and do away with the whole online consumer ordering. Afterall isn't that the point of a dealer?? Can't imagine how humiliating some dealers must feel when they have customer base that wants product and can't deliver. Good dealers know they can sell sleds so I don't blame them one bit for trying to order them in any way possible.
Definitely agree with putting it back on the dealers. They went back to that this year in Canada. My dealer was allegedly only given 9 sidewinder allocations this year. In 2021 they did close to 60 sidewinder spring orders. Even with putting it back on the dealers there's lots of them putting whatever name they can on spring orders to try and have inventory and still mark up the price. Yamaha has done a good job keeping demand up by not flooding the market but I think that's gonna leave them with less market share down the road. Anyone that wanted a new sled this year or next year and can't get a yamaha may just go to a different brand.
They could easily split the difference and open up online the way doo did. You set up for pre-order only which just creates the formal list. Capture who they are and the dealer. This lets the manufacture scope out the initial purchasing interest, captures details for marketing but lets the dealers talk with the customers and work out the details. In Canada you had to go to a dealer so why the inconsistency?
Last year in Canada the ordering online didn't go well at all. Same situation you guys are having this year. Guessing that's why they switched it back to the dealers. It let's them make the decision about who is getting their allocation. So they are able to allocate it to someone who buys yamaha products/ accessories from them on the regular oppose to someone random who's just trying to make a buck. I still wasn't able to order 2 2024 srxs. But I did manage to scoop up 2 2023 srx.
They allocated way more sleds to the dealers this year.. So anyone trying to order online is really limited because they have VERY few sleds to offer through the online process. This is true with Cats, guessing the same with Yamaha. When I talked to two dealers about getting a catalyst I was immediately turned completely off about the process and the pricing. I gave up in less then 24 hours. I really think a person might be better off trying to find a sled mid season this next year.. Whats the difference if you get screwed on the pre order or at the dealer on fees and pricing? The great thing about finding one at a dealer is you know your going to get the sled? Right .. So bend over
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Definitely agree with putting it back on the dealers. They went back to that this year in Canada. My dealer was allegedly only given 9 sidewinder allocations this year. In 2021 they did close to 60 sidewinder spring orders. Even with putting it back on the dealers there's lots of them putting whatever name they can on spring orders to try and have inventory and still mark up the price. Yamaha has done a good job keeping demand up by not flooding the market but I think that's gonna leave them with less market share down the road. Anyone that wanted a new sled this year or next year and can't get a yamaha may just go to a different brand.

I question why the spring order LE models can't be ordered for stock. If dealers can order LE models for in season stock then there would not be a panic buy minutes after spring ordering opens
Arctic cat show in Barrie today... at the Barrie Powersports... mitz dealership. gonna put name on first big cc Catalyst
Im a dealer, we arent able to order them the only way to order a sled was through the online process. So if you think dealers are ordering them all up so they can charge more your just mmm not smart…yamaha wants to be telsa and they arent total nightmare
Im a dealer, we arent able to order them the only way to order a sled was through the online process. So if you think dealers are ordering them all up so they can charge more your just mmm not smart…yamaha wants to be telsa and they arent total nightmare
Tesla is lowering prices and boosting production to increase demand. How is Yamaha like that?
Tesla cut prices because they have competition now, and they have to be price savvy. There is only 3 snowmobile manufacturers left and the are all pretty much incahoots, so they can price fix all they want. Many models are 30% more expensive this year than they were just 2 years ago. Like big oil, sled makers figured out that they can produce less and charge more.
Tesla cut prices because they have competition now, and they have to be price savvy. There is only 3 snowmobile manufacturers left and the are all pretty much incahoots, so they can price fix all they want. Many models are 30% more expensive this year than they were just 2 years ago. Like big oil, sled makers figured out that they can produce less and charge more.
22 don’t have eps a better comparison is 23 it does and it’s around 10%. Still not right but it is cheaper than T cat.
Definitely agree with putting it back on the dealers. They went back to that this year in Canada. My dealer was allegedly only given 9 sidewinder allocations this year. In 2021 they did close to 60 sidewinder spring orders. Even with putting it back on the dealers there's lots of them putting whatever name they can on spring orders to try and have inventory and still mark up the price. Yamaha has done a good job keeping demand up by not flooding the market but I think that's gonna leave them with less market share down the road. Anyone that wanted a new sled this year or next year and can't get a yamaha may just go to a different brand.
I agree i tried getting the 23 srx with no luck. I would of tried again this year but not a fan of the black and gold. Interested to see how the new skidoo 850 turbo holds up.Might be an option in the future.
