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Who owns a Dodge 2500?

Glad to hear your happy again! Hope it runs for a long time now!
Wow NosPro.If someone likes you or not that is just wrong to do.I'm glad you got it figured out though
Yeah....the tranny was kinda my fault as I didn't have it serviced every 25,000 miles to adjust the bands. Same thing happened to my friends truck....transmission bands, clutches and convertor were junk.
Terry, Just a little tip I learned from one of the owners at Jasper engines on the 48re..
When I had my Dodge, I had it chipped, 90hp injectors, intake elbow, etc, etc. I had started noticing a slight hesitation when starting it in the morning, where it would wait for a few seconds before starting to move in the morning. After it started to move it was fine all day.
The guy at Jasper had told me to remove the check ball in the lines near the trans cooler. I did that and it the hesitation stopped completely, made a huge difference in how it shifted too. He also told me to run Royal Purple trans fluid, which after the pucker factor buying that, it was solid as ever and took about 100k miles punishment before I sold the truck, with the trans still fine.
Apparently the check valve hampers fluid flow with the plastic/rubber parts in it, and it starts causing wear. He said if dodge hadn't put those check valves in, they probably could've saved themselves a bad wrap on the transmissions..

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Yup, my transmission place did all of this that you mentioned, they must have known also. Plus, what a coincidence...they have Royal Purple in mine too.

After all the bs, my truck is running great and will be going in for an adjustment of the bands (kind of a break in procedure from when they built it) and change of fluid. Because I had the work done there and this is a check up....it's only running me the price of filter & fluid.

Thanks Nate
