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Yamaha wins the I-500

#3crew said:
Corey lost three laps in his first run.

Travis lost one in his first run.

5 laps down for a few laps, 4 laps in 8th place most of the race.

Other sleds began having problems and over time we moved up to third.

We got 2 laps back while Corey was on board. One by catching and passing the leader and staying in front. The leader #60 then pitted under green just as Corey was about to catch him again, this allowed Corey to advance one more lap. A few laps later the yellow came out and Travis got back on the sled 2 laps down.

Travis actually started his next run ahead of the leaders on the track due to the way we all came out of the pits under yellow. He stayed with the 60 and the 63 2 laps down. He rode this way from lap 350 to lap 426, in that time the #63 pitted under green losing a lap to the 60. On lap 424 or so the #60 sled again pitted under green giving the #63 back one lap and the #3 a 1/2 of two laps. The 60's total time in and out for that lap was 1:58+. Two or three laps later (426) Travis pitted under green Corey got on, total time in and out was 1:56. And so began the 2 second per lap gains. The leaders where lapping in the 50 plus second range or around 67 mph. Corey was lapping in the 48 second range or around 70 mph, some times faster. He caught and passed the leader and pulled away. The #63 broke, about ten laps later the yellow came out allowing Corey to close up at the back of the feild. He again caught, passed and pulled away from the #60 machine 2 plus seconds per lap until about 8-10 laps to go when his times began to slow. Doing the math (and I did) we knew he could re-gain the laps even without a yellow we needed 80 laps at 2 seconds a lap faster to do it. He did it in 74 with a yellow.

He crossed the finish line a little under 30 seconds or ALMOST, a lap ahead of the #60 sled.


As for some of the other comments about bad scoring boxes and magical two laps if you can not break down a race (this years, or any other) they way I just did, you have no ground to stand on, or anything to complain about.

For the extra HP advantage, Do the math, weigh the machines on the line with the drivers sitting on them. claimed 170 hp claimed 650 lbs without driver. A Pro-5 poo. Based on my experince 450 475 pounds and 135-140 hp. 3.8. and 3.3 power to weight ratios. The driver still feels the extra weight in the bumps and on the corners even if the engine does not. The real advantage is in the torque/ power band and the reliablity.

Corey and Travis did not go any faster at the end, everyone else went slower. The same way Corey has won or helped win all 6 times.

The four fastest sleds for the last 75 laps were the #21 ski-doo, the #63 cat, the #60 yammy and the #3 yammy. The #21 Doo was lapping as fast or faster than #3 at the end, he did not have enough time
to do anyting with it.

The #63 broke a belt with a fresh driver on board if not for that they had it won my book. Justin has told Corey several times that the engine in the 63 is very near stock just a pipe and air-box mods, IT is NOT tweaked out!

check Stihlusa.com for more info later tuesday afternoon
Thats Just how I seen it , I was at the race the hole time Great report ;)!

Sorry #3, not trying to downplay your accomplishments. Please don't take this as an argument. Which BTW: Congratulations!

I for one am happy, and I've been saying if anyone can win on a Yamaha, it would be Corey and crew. Even though, this probably didn't sound too good to Dennis and Steve of Team Chippewa, who also did real well this year too.
Brian - all that time at the I-500 track - you could have been putting your sled back together. We got 12" in Brimley last night, and I heard that Raco got 24" and Paradise even more. The riding should be great. Get that beast reassembled so we can ride Friday afternnon.

Back on topic - Yamaha dominated - especially between the second and third corners. If 77 had not had engine trouble, he may have won. He was untouchable early on - extremely impressive to watch.
#3 Crew Great explaination just a couple of questions.

Cory's sled was an apex chassis?

Cory's suspension was set up much higher than #60 #21
and #63 as far as we could tell ?

Was his motor modified ? If so I bet not alot ? Sure looked like
and sounded like a stock motor?

Everyone thinks its motor, motor, motor. I belive its chassis, suspension, shocks, and dependability
I would not want to go into any great detail about the motor, I know it has light weight "white Knuckle" pipes. I know it has airbox mods and I know that it makes more hp than a stock APEX. I know that the RX-1 and the APEX are essenstialyl the same chassis just different ergos and cosmetics.... so that is the answer to that question. The sled was built by TPR (Troy Peirce Racing). The rear skid was built by Corey it started life as an XTRA-10. It has (had) brand new Fox Air Floats up front, and FOX clickers in the rear. The sled sat very high and was built and set-up during the week to do just what it did, be there in the end.
alot better report than what Corey gave me yesterday and today, but you know like I do, he don't talk much. He looked a little tired today, but said that win felt good, especially since no one said he could win on those big fat slow yamaha's. Guess he is just proving what I and everyone else up here know.....he is the best cross country and enduro(Soo) racer there ever was. Now just to get the USCC 500 under the belt and cap off the year.

By the way, for all the guys wondering what he was running. What #3crew said is spot on. As far as I know, which somedays isn't much....no motor mods, just simple airbox mods and a white knuckle exhaust. Modified Corey version skid, different skis, and Fox floats,and fox rears. Power 110 fuel from lubetech and the best driving talent available. Having raced against and been around Corey, I can say he is the best at what he does.
Getting back to this 600cc debate. Yamaha has won 1 race @ the Soo and lost 3. Polaris has won how many?..... in a row? Now if Yamaha wins 1 or 2 more going away then Maybe you have to address the situation. But IMO it's too early to make that call.

What is the difference in weights between a Soo I-500 2-stroke race sled vs. a Yamaha? If I recall my buddy who has a team in the 500 told me the 2-strokes can lighten up as much as they want while the 4-strokes are not permitted to do so.

Anyway, 5 Years ago if someone said 4-stroke 1000 by any manufacturer, Most of us would have said "No way it will beat a 600cc 2-stroke." Seems like now that Yamaha is a factor on the track the other camps want to cry and make excuses.

Also, The best Humans win these things. When Mcgrath was in his prime you could have put him on a Huffy and he would take the podium. Did Blair need a Ski-Doo to dominate? I say NO! Congrats on the win.
Superman said:
Also, The best Humans win these things.

and drive belts, motors, tracks, traction, etc...

And yes, it probably is too early to make the call. But I won't be surprised.
Thanks Team #3 for answering the questions and
good luck with the rest of this season!!!!!!!!!!

Go Yamaha, and go Corey! Nice to hear honest answers for fellow team yamaha members!

:4STroke: :4STroke: :4STroke: :4STroke: :4STroke:

:D :D :D :D
So according to others that have supposedly spoken with Corey - it was a Polaris rear skid that was run. Makes sense, I am sure he has plenty around racing Pols for so long.

Not sure why it is a big deal what kind of skid was used. It was still a Yamaha motor and chassis that carried him.
Rocket, were did corey get the low profile, half star looking, black windshield and the tall clear windshield he ran the race with. I never seen them before.
He is sponsored by sportech so...that should explain the odd windsheilds

I give up on the whole XC Pro Open skid frame thing, look at the pics on Stihls site, judge for yourself. look close!

As for the Polaris skid in the Soo sled, I KNOW that it is not JUST a stock geometry xtra 10.TPR builds them and they are different, Corey's had a few touches of his own and that is all anyone needs to know.

I am trying to keep you all interested in XC and the Soo and mostly Corey, I help him with the Stihl sponsorship, and I am doing my job here not just posting BS for the sake of BS.
