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Yellowknife's 2006-2007 Season Odyssey on his Mountain Lite

I think it's a combination...I had the springs out of my skid with just the shock in there and the suspension didn't collapse on its own...I think if the shock is properly charged, it should take a fair amount of pressure for it to begin its stroke. I'm no shock guru, but it's gotta be a combination.
Mountain Lite Update:

I finally got the machine back Thursday from the dealer. It had a long list of warranty repairs to be completed, as well as a recall and a few updates.

I will be starting a new thread for this season starting this weekend and will have further information and pictures on the updates my Mountain Lite received.

Cheers - and thanks for viewing all of my past season experiences.


You are 'DA man! I look for your thread every time I come to this site, which is most every day during riding season. I have thoroughly enjoyed ALL of your write-ups, and your rapid mileage accumulations really help us all find out what to expect with our sleds. There is NO replacement for accumulating miles, giving detailed maintenance descriptions, finding things first before anyone else has....plus your very journalistic approach to writing...just friggin' AWESOME!!

I hope you make the same super writings with your new Nytro, and the moderator here heeds this advice right up front: Pin it!

Looking forward to "riding" with you this winter!

Nome, Alaska
That is like the greatest movie ever, dude blows his secondary, " this is where I keep my frisby" lol I wouldn't be quite as happy as he was. lol Hey Yellowknife, were you the camera man? that dude was awsome too. lol

Yeah I was the camera man. We have so many mishaps it's insane. Almost all of them we laugh, cause we have to. But in some cases, people have lost their cool, and that is even more entertaining, problem is the guy behind the camera is typically too afraid to roll the tape when buddy is losing his marbles!

If you're interested in following the 2007 - 2008 Mileage Log, you can find it at:

Phazer Specific Updates:

Even though I have the other thread going, I figured I’d update this one with the ongoing usage of my Phazer. I haven’t been riding it much this year, the Nytro taking favour, but with the Nytro down, the Phazer has been in action, and there’s some changes/updates from my riding time:

The Phazer is going in for a decompression update kit for cold weather starting. I’ve been waiting forever for this so I’m hoping the parts are in now.

Remember the snow elimination kit they installed under warranty this fall?

It is a kit that is supposed to block snow from entering the engine area around the ‘A Frame Protector’. Well, it doesn’t work.

Tuesday Nate and I went riding in some nice powder, it was about –20 C (-4 F) and we were in the snow for an hour or so.

Today, it was –35 C (-31 F) and we were powder riding for a few hours. Are we nuts riding at that temp? Maybe, but it’s what we do. (And the engineers who test prototypes for cold weather issues should do the same!) It looks like it is going to be this cold for at least a week, and nobody wants to stop riding just cause of the temperature!

Needless to say, today was a great day of testing for Yamaha’s update kit for the snow intake issue on the Phazer, and I can confirm that the kit failed with flying colours. I got so much snow inside the engine compartment that my steering boots blew out again. No bent tie rods though, which is good. Looks like the boys will have to silicone the front end up again to seal the snow out.

But that isn’t the only problem associated with snow. Remember last year when so much ice build-up between the skid plate and the belly pan forced the skid plate right through the bolts that were holding it on?

I reinforced it with larger washers, and even those pushed right through the skid plate. I have more than 6 inches of solid ice between the skid plate and the belly pan. My Phazer is a low rider, the skid plate is almost dragging on the snow while riding on hard packed trail. It is an issue, and I don’t know if it is an issue on the Nytro’s or not, but I am waiting for my floatation plate to arrive and I will find out. At this point with the Phazer, it isn’t even worth having the skid plate on there. It causes me to get hung up and stuck in deep snow more than it does anything else. Not impressed with it.

On another note with the Phazer, at one point it sounded like it was running on one piston, and it gave me an 81 error code (voltage issue to the hand warmers) which has nothing to do with the motor’s performance right? I’m wondering if snow got into a connector that it shouldn’t have and caused some temporary malfunction.

Since using dielectric grease on all the connectors for the Nytro, I haven’t had a problem with error codes again, although it needs more cold weather testing to confirm that the dielectric grease was the fix (as suggested by Yamaha Canada)

While the Phazer is in for the decompression update, it will also receive new plastic side panels next to the muffler, a bump stop kit installation, and an exhaust turnout installation. And maybe they can take some pictures of the snowy intake disaster for Yamaha, both the steering area and the skid plate issue.

I am also going to have the clutch sea-leveled on the Phazer (finally lol) Gearing may be changed later but I’ll do that part.

So, what kind of rigorous testing did we put the sleds through today?

It was myself, Nate and Ray. Enjoy the pics!!


























My Favourite!! Thanks For Taking Awesome Pics Nate!








At first I was underestimating, or overestimating? The capability of the Phazer MTX vs. the Nytro MTX. The Nytro kicks its rear end in deep snow capability, but the Phazer is easier to carve, significantly easier…so while both are in the FX Chassis, nothing can take away the ease of carving that the Phazer offers. But the ice buildup still sucks!
Phazer Update:

The Phazer has been in the shop for all of February and March. It was ready to come out 4 weeks ago until they noticed my rails were cracked. It's been waiting on parts since. I need it now, since my Nytro is missing a belly pan. lol
Wow I never saw your thread before.It is awesome and I sure hope you keep it going whenever you can.Your a Pioneer for sure!Now I need to go check out your Nytro thread!
Yellowknife said:
Remember the snow elimination kit they installed under warranty this fall?
It is a kit that is supposed to block snow from entering the engine area around the ‘A Frame Protector’. Well, it doesn’t work.

Hey Yellowknife!

You are right!
The Kit absolutely sucks!
I posted a video here...

http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea ... D=38254726

My engine compartment was packed solid!!!
Not a cubic centimeter of empty space!
All of the electrical connectors...steering rods...everything encased in solid ice!
My airbox was so full of ice that the breather tube froze over, puking oil all over the place...

I didn't think silicone would be strong enough...
Can you report on how that worked?

