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  1. H


    This has happened 3 times on my 06 gt. a good dealer will take care of you. yes, there are bulletins on the correct routing of wires. This is no guarantee that they won't break again. Others have had better luck than me.
  2. H

    Exhaust donut symptoms?

    my symptoms/experience: backfire after letting off the throttle on long pulls.first noticed at approx 1900mi., gradually became a consistent condition after every repeated long pull throttle on/off sequence. exhaust got louder and louder, but not all at once. when things like this happen...
  3. H

    Muffler broke again - paint advice?

    Thanks for the info, nice pics.,my muffler cracked around 4500 mi.,144studs, fixed under warranty. but next one will likely be on my dime (will be off warranty) and this is very helpful info. with all due respect, i don't consider it a design flaw in my case. i ride hard, things break. from...
  4. H


    darin 2006 apex gt, 2006 apex er upgrade kit was not satisfactory wish they would use 2001 srx as benchmark
  5. H

    2010 SRX

    Right on, COLDONE. You stated the point better than I articulated. Yamaha is holding back from the wow market. So it isn't the bread&butter of a company. Never said it was. But Yamaha is big enough to hit this market and creative enough to make the numbers work (i like the spring -buy idea)...
  6. H

    2010 SRX

    hhmmmn...how many times has yamaha dissapointed me? 1996, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008, 2009. almost every time they needed to come to market with something bold, we got bng technology with low hp by industry comparison. Don't get me wrong, i like Yamaha. It's just that they...
  7. H

    how old are you APEX/ATTACK riders

    i'm 36. 06GT and 06ER. Yes, the rear suspension was way too soft in stock form for me, all apex models. i went w/ stiffer rate spring and shock revalve. aahhh, much better. letr eat.
  8. H

    2009 Apex LTX= more weight

    extra cooling/coolant- rear heat exchanger and radiator/fan...that would be an easy 15-20#. love my apex but yamaha is going to need something big next year.
  9. H

    RTX or GT, opinions please

    i own a gt and weigh 230lbs. used to have an er. wish i kept the er. gt's rear suspension way too soft in stock form(as was the er), gt's and er's must be revalved and stiffer rate spring. electric wires to gt's shock servo break easily and often. gyt front shocks are ok but not better than...
  10. H

    Want HOT hands?..It can be done!!! EDITED FIRST POST

    i was one of the guys that waited to do this mod and kept checking this thread to see if there was going to be a significant failure rate. well, 1100 miles ago i did it and now wish i'd done it right away. i realize there is a risk, but got to the point that i decided the risk was minimal...
  11. H

    Still losing track clips - solutions?

    replaced 28 out of 32 at end of last season on my 06 gt. replaced 12 more after about 900 miles this year. my theory/observation is that heat is the number 1 problem. it accelerates friction/wear. the clips wear prematurely. The second problem is that the clip guides are contacting the...
  12. H

    Apex GT Shock Maintenance

    i did the ohlins revalve and biggie spring on my 06 gt last season. it is an improvement, but still not stiff enough for me. keep in mind that gt is for 'groomed trail'. i'm realizing that it will take a bit more work to get it to work for me. depends on how you ride/ rider weight/setup...
  13. H

    Tall nuts

    i went with the shorties on my apex. broke/bent 5 studs over the season last year. and i rode hard in marginal snow. No tearouts/pull throughs. if something has to give, i'd rather it be the studs and not the track.
  14. H

    No shock adjustment indicator on my GT

    mine did same thing. i found broken wire harness at servo on ohlins shock. dealer fixed on warranty. 06 apex gt. yamaha has a bulletin on rerouting the harness to avoid damage.
