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Search results

  1. nswsparky

    2007 FX rear skid Part Broke

    People call it a Pivot link. But in the parts catalog they just call it a "bracket" and you just can't get one from a newer model year and throw it in there the part on the newer sleds is fatter so the brackets don't fit it. So this pivot link on your sled is a 1 year only part if you do get...
  2. nswsparky

    2007 FX rear skid Part Broke

    yea even in 08 it was different. The new piece is a solid chunk of aluminum that can't break. It is the link between the front shock, the rear shock and the major arm of the suspension so it is kind of important.
  3. nswsparky

    2007 FX rear skid Part Broke

    I did not know mine was broken when I got mine and ended up riding 300 miles with it broken I thought is was a broken shock because it handled like a pogo stick. I ended up taking it out and welding the crap out of it the stock piece is only tacked together and the many holes in it to make it...
  4. nswsparky

    Water in Chain case

    isent there a breather hole in the top part of the case too?
  5. nswsparky

    Just replaced my DuPont hyfax

    I get 400 miles out of my slides but I run a 2" track on packed trails. I added a set of wheels and some scratches to get a little more out of them.
  6. nswsparky

    Decell Pop.... Backfire

    back from the dead, I am having the same issue with the same exhaust. I thought it was the exhaust but when I took it apart everything is tight and in place and no soot marks. It does not do it every time just after I have been working it a little hard for a while like cruising at like 50mph...
  7. nswsparky

    Remember to check you're nuts and bolts!

    When I bought mine last year I took the skid out and every shock and pivot related bolt was just finger tight and one of the shock bolts was replaced with a coarse thread carriage bolt and no bushing. It was in super rough shape.
  8. nswsparky

    Dupont Slides Phazer

    I guess the set I ordered are backordered till July even though the website said in stock. So still looking otherwise I will run stock till Yamaha makes some more or re0brands someone elses.
  9. nswsparky

    pivot link

    I have a welder I will get it to fit.
  10. nswsparky

    pivot link

    my link broke too in the first couple hundred miles of me driving this year from the super rough trails in DEC the part looks not so simple and mine was smashed up from moving around so I just spent the $180 on the billet part and now waiting the 13 days for it to ship from New York.
  11. nswsparky

    Dupont Slides Phazer

    I ordered a set, man they are hard to find I finally had to order them from a discount yamaha parts place in Florida.
  12. nswsparky

    09' RTX Stretched to 144"

    yea same with me I got a new track and the same tracks usa extensions, anti ratchet wheels and anti stab kits. It was a pain to get the skid in and the nylocks are not engaged, the track stretched in only a couple hundred miles.
  13. nswsparky

    Phazer gas mileage

    I get pretty soild 16 mpg with bare phazer with a 144 and geared one tooth down. Don't totally trust the gas gauge mine on full the upper most bar does not ever light up and when the fuel light comes on I can still go 30+ miles. But yea 100 miles is about it.
  14. nswsparky

    MTX ECU vs Regular ECU

    What you could do is get a speedo recalibrater like the one from 12oclocks labs they work great in my jeep and they are actually marketed mostly to motorcyclists it was only like $85. http://www.12oclocklabs.com/
  15. nswsparky

    Is your dealer knowledgable....?

    No not at all. I told him my Phazer did not want to start when it was cold. I told him it has new plugs but the gas was old he said "uh oh you might have to get your carbs cleaned." I said well it has throttle bodies because it is EFI. All the dealers around here are all of them Polaris...
  16. nswsparky

    Hard time changing torsion springs

    if you have softer springs it might be it is frozen down or stuck what happens if you lift the back? Are they the same then? And the last time I had my skid apart I put the rear shock in up side down and the body of the shock hit the arm and prevented the skid from opening up all the way just...
  17. nswsparky

    tunnel extension??? what aluminum?

    I had the same questions last year http://www.ty4stroke.com/viewtopic.php?t=103873 I did dimond tread aluminum and brought it to a machine shop to bend the edges http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v47/N ... 05_360.jpg
  18. nswsparky

    2011 Phazer handling issues

    check the air box I bet that is where the oil went to. If you tip it over on its left side it will dump the oil out the breather into the airbox
  19. nswsparky

    skid sag

    make shure you put the shocks in the correct orientation. I put my rear one in upside down and it prevented the skid from opening up all the way. Had to take it all apart to flip it around.
  20. nswsparky

    18 or 21" High Windshield?

    I put the tall on mine, and it seems like the trim is right in my line of sight and I am 6' 4" I can look over it when I need to or through it when it gets cold.
