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Decell Pop.... Backfire


TY 4 Stroke Guru
Dec 28, 2004
oshkosh, wi
12 Nytro XTX (mine)
06 Apex GT (wifes)
07 Phazer (#2 sons)
02 Viper (#1 Sons)
I put a Skins Ultra Q on my sons 07 Phazer during the off season, finally got to ride it this past weekend and it has a decell pop or backfire, Is this a cause of bad exhaust donuts or does it need a fuel program?

Mine has a Ultra Q and once and a while you can a hear a small pop after you shut it off but never a full blown backfire.

I asked Skinz if any fuel adjustment is necessary and they said no.
I got those pops just before my CODE 13 (air intake pressure sensor). All 3 times I had trouble with it. Usually just before the code was triggered on the dash. More than likely not your issue , just thought i'd share because it was a couple 4 miles of it happening before the code came up. (Ended up being a wire broken right at the plug in) Stock pipe still. Just something to watch for, nothing worse than being stuck on a trail not knowing what to do or not to do. I knew from reading on here what the code was and that it was safe to limp it home!!
Exhaust donuts are bad/loose where exhaust connects to header pipe. thats where i would look first, especially since its under the gas tank.
Was thinking exhaust donuts because when I started it on Friday morning, -12 f it kinda farted and alittle smoke or exhaust fumes came rollin out from under the gas tank. Guess I will start there.
I experienced the same pops/back fire with my sled today, after code 14: Intake air pressure sensor malfunction came up.

Did you get your problem sorted out was it the sensor?

Mine will also ideled really low occasionaly 1400, etc. A few times it dipped below 1300 and then it died. Has anyone else experienced this issue? I'm trying to figure out if my two problems are interconnected.

Gonna dig in to it tonite and see...
Problem found and solved, I took seat and fuel tank off and found that the left exhaust clamp bolt came out and the clamp was laying on the bottom of the heat shield, exhaust donut was toast, replaced both , all good to go.... :jump:
yamahinn03 said:
Problem found and solved, I took seat and fuel tank off and found that the left exhaust clamp bolt came out and the clamp was laying on the bottom of the heat shield, exhaust donut was toast, replaced both , all good to go.... :jump:

back from the dead, I am having the same issue with the same exhaust. I thought it was the exhaust but when I took it apart everything is tight and in place and no soot marks. It does not do it every time just after I have been working it a little hard for a while like cruising at like 50mph for a few miles then totally letting off the gas. Would low octane gas cause it. It is a full on backfire not a popping.
Check your airbox for anything that shouldn't be there and how old is the fuel?
fuel is brand new I sucked out all the old gas from last year with a pump and put in brand new 93 octane and half a can of seafoam. it seems like on the 93 it did not backfire after I burned though the first tank all I could find was 89 and that is when it started backfireing. My next tank will be 93 and I will see if that does it.
if your sure it never backfired with the higher octane easy fix would be carry a bottle of octane boost with you for when you cant find what you need.

i have a gytr muffler on mine and when i load it up with quick burps a get a tiny pop, sounds like any other 4 stroke loaded up and let off quick but i dont think mine is doing what others in here are talking of, mines hardly noticeable.
