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  1. SledFreak

    Quick Stud Question..

    I have a set of 144 Stud Boy Powerpoints. I am going to run a 4-2 pattern down the middle, using double and single backers. Don't have the round backers yet. On the 4 bars I am going to run double backers... I have a set of 48 woody's double backers for the double bars... Should I NOT use...
  2. SledFreak

    Fuel Maps

    Is there a difference in the factory fuel map reguarding the 2011-2013 Apex?
  3. SledFreak

    Looking for Triton Trailer Dealers Mi

    Hey guys, do you know of any Triton dealers in Michigan. I am looking to get some pricing for a XT 208 (20ft wide and 8ft wide) trailer. Thanks..
  4. SledFreak

    FX Nytro Secondary ?

    Guys when I sold my sled I removed the Belt removal tool. But, I just noticed in the bag for the tool, that I had a big thick washer. Where does this washer go and in what order do all the other shims go in on the shaft. I believe there are a couple against the jackshaft, then the...
  5. SledFreak

    Yamaha Bravo front end..

    Just bought a 1986 Bravo for my daughter, but I noticed it is a little tippy. Funny, when I was 14years old, I thought that front end was wide and stable compared to my elan. My question, is does someone make a kit or something to make the ski stance wider on the Bravo. I know years ago...
  6. SledFreak

    Apex XTX Pricing

    What has everyone paid for the 2011 Apex XTX pricing in the U.S.?
  7. SledFreak

    XTX chain case oil bolt

    For some reason this is different then my Apex was and I can't seem to find where the bolt is to drain the fluid from my chain case. Is the bolt off the front of the cover at the very bottom of case cover? Also, how many OZ's of oil does it hold? Reverse model... Thanks....
  8. SledFreak

    Track Matts and ski guides

    Hey Guys, where is the best place to buy Caliber "LowPro Glides WIDE" ski guides and traction Matts for my Trailer? Thanks...
  9. SledFreak

    Stud length

    What's the longest stud that can be run in a Nytro. I don't care about track height here, I only care about clearence issues on the bulk head. I currently run Woody's size, 1.450 and want to know if I can go one size up to a 1.575. I am pondering on jumping to a Cobra track, but 1.450 stud...
  10. SledFreak

    Need Help on my XTX skid

    How in F(*&^%% do I get the front inner idler wheels off, while the skid is still in the sled. I had just about every bolt that holds the rails together off and I still could not pull the mounts high enough to pull them off the mounts. Do I have to remove the front shock? This is just...
  11. SledFreak

    XTX transfer rods

    Anyone know what the stock transfer rod setting is for the XTX?
  12. SledFreak

    Fox Floats question

    Will the Fox floats work from any of the AC sleds (ie. Fseries or X-Fires)on the FX Nytro? I really only want them for drag racing, so I can drop the front suspsion right down.
  13. SledFreak

    FAST TRAC Studs and Backers

    Where is the best place to buy FAST TRAC TOP GUN STUDS AND Air Lite XL Polymer Backers - Round. I can't seem to find a good deal on these anywhere.
  14. SledFreak


    Where is the best place to buy FAST TRAC TOP GUN STUDS AND Air Lite XL Polymer Backers - Round. I can't seem to find a good deal on these anywhere.
  15. SledFreak

    PCIII Question

    Hey Guys, I was checking my throttle position sensor with my PCIII and my laptop and I went to syncronize the throttle position and when I hit reset and then blipped the throttle to 100 percent, then I hit OK, I got a message about resetting the min and max values. Never seen that before...
  16. SledFreak

    Full Excell Exhaust install question...

    I just about finished installing my Full Excell exhaust system and when I added the Excell bracket to the exhaust heat shield, the shield does not seem to want to fit back over the studs on the rear part of the shield/tunnel. It's flush at the front of the shield and it sits 3/8" in the air on...
  17. SledFreak

    ski washers

    Hey guys, there are two washers on each ski where the ski mounts.. Are those supposed to be on the inside of the bushings resting against the spindle or are they supposed to be on the outside resting against the inside of the skis. I was taking my neighbours XTX apart tonight and noticed the 2...
  18. SledFreak

    XTX skid Pic

    Anyone have a pic of their XTX skid out of the chasiss but all to-gether. I took mine out to-night. What a pain in the #*$&@. First, I had to un-hook both rear springs, then I had to take the top bolt off the front shock. I probbaly should of done that first. Anyways, I got it out. But...
  19. SledFreak

    Color Rite Paint Code.

    I need help guys.. BWS1 is the Color rite paint code for the White Nytro. I want to re-paint white handguards. I want to order this paint from color rite, but my U.S. address does not match my CND VISA Address. So, they are telling me to ship them a money order first. I guess for fruad...
  20. SledFreak

    Toe out..

    How do I get at the inner nuts on the tie rods, so I can adjust the toe out?
