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07 attack or 2011 apex?


Mar 22, 2023
Reaction score
98 srx
Considering purchasing another apex. Spring ordered the apex gt when they first came out but had to sell it. Looking at getting back on a 4 stroke again. What are the main differences between the 07 attack and 2011 apex? Will the extra length on attack make much of a ride difference vs the 128? How do ppl like the power steering on the 2011? I’m a little older do more relaxed trail riding these days. Would like a nice comfortable, reliable sled that still has some balls just in case I get an itch lol
When set up properly, that mono skid will suck up the stutter bumps as well as any thing out today. The big high speed g-outs are another story.....
One of the downsides for me on my 2011 Apex was the smaller tank size vs a non -EPS sled due to the placement of the EPS motor.
Get the 2011. I have had a 2006 Apex GT, I have put quite a few miles on an 07 Attak, I have ridden a 2015 Apex SE (128"), and I know have a 2012 Apex XTX (backup sled). The 2011-2015 Apex 128" are a very good choice for ride, easy steering, handling, etc.
Get the 2nd gen. They are far more refined.

And a 128 vs 136 is negligible as far as trail riding.
If you think you want a bit more track like an Attak, go 2011+ and get the XTX. Along with EPS, better exhaust setup, a bit more power, the tip-railed 144 is amazing. I cannot blow about it more.
Here’s another vote for the 2nd Gen Ape.
I’ve had/built several versions of both generations with different track lengths over the years and my 137” Mono equipped 2016 is my fave to date. When ridden aggressively I need fuel at 190 km/118 mi.
The 2011 had 10k miles and cost more. The lower cost and 8k fewer miles made up my mind.
New addition to the family. 07 attack 2600 miles. Now the very very impatient wait for snow


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Great ride, enjoy!
