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I rode about 80 miles on Tug Hill today. Got the dream meter up to 125MPH. I had a great time even though I was by myself. I even rode down to the Edge Motel. Alot of people already staying there. I posted some information and pictures over in the trail condition forum.

I called the hotel to confirm my charges. MLK day is 1/18 so that weekend is MLK weekend. Price for Friday, Saturday and Sunday is $99 a night. That is what you were charged Steve. Since Boomer is only there Wednesday and Thursday night he is paying the $89 a night. Also, the 5% cancellation fee applies to the total bill less the tax.

Gordon, would have loved to come up and ride today but was busy getting the trails down here marked so we can ride them instead of the hill in January ;)!
Just curious what the consensus was with everyone. My wife and I are thinking about coming up for friday, saturday, and Sunday. Is everyone planning on riding Sunday? If not we may not come for just the two days. We already are up at the hill the first whole week of ;January. Coming home that Saturday. So we would be home Saturday then going back up Thursday night, kind of a lot of screwing around if everybody is only going to ride Friday and Saturday. This would be our first time meeting anyone so we would like to give it a shot. Don't worry my wife rides awesome it won't be an issue as long as you guys don't ride like your in a snocross event the whole time. When I'm riding she is always right behind and we know the well enough anyway. So I guess I'm just curious how long people plan on sticking around for.
I was planning on riding Sunday and hopefully a few others will stick around as well. Always nice to be able to meet other TY members :rocks:
X2 on staying Sunday. I might be cohersed into staying Sunday, or at least part of the day. Also depending on what is going on back at home. My trips up north are limited this winter..so if I extended this one an extra day.....ehhhhh, so be it!

We do keep a pretty good pace for most of the day....sno-cross pace? Wouldnt go that far, but we do keep a good pace so we can click on some miles. Then again, there is some fun back n forth action in the front of the group, especially when RX1-Man brings his boys from down his way. Keep our bar/restaurant stops to a minimum. Not to mention, time on a barstool/table/or booth dont make for much fun ridin!! However, some of us have been known to resort to eating some snow in order to get some hydration..haha. The group is usually pretty good with keeping that back reeled in at any intersections, and waiting for the rider behind you.

--Steve (O.C.)
150 miles days are pretty much the norm for her and I when where up there 212 I think was our max but even at 150 where both still good to go. So I'm really not worried about keeping up. I myself would rather keep the bar stops to a minimum. obviously lunch and dinner breaks are to be expected but I'd rather not stop every hour, but for the most part where both really good about going along with whatever the group where riding with wants. I tell people all the time where riders not drinkers. All in all sounds like a good time and we might fit in with the group. Any other takers for Sunday?
flyinwrenchz, Would love to have you and your wife ride with us for a few days. I cannot stay for Sunday, as I have to work. I had to beg, lie, and steal just to get Friday and saturday off. Wed. and Thurs. are my normal days off. I think there will be a few who will ride on Sunday. I hope to see you at our NY TY ride. BBW
Rx-1 man thanks for the battery info, ordered one today hopefully will receive by christmas. Won't be able to attend the ride I will be in Florida that week. Keep me in mind for other rides this year. Thanks again. ;)!
Well the wife and booked a room in the Edge tonight so I guess that means we are planning on coming up. We will most likely leave Thursday around 2 pm its about a three and half hour ride depending on weather and staying through Sunday we usually head out about two or three to go home from there. We may get a ride in Thursday evening by our selves I'm sure and then will look to meet up with some of you later in the evening possibly in the hotel or where ever your hanging out just to get a feel for what the morning plans are. when the time gets closer it would be nice to have someones number just to make the hook up easier. We are definitely looking forward to it. Thanks for the invite and glad we are able to make it. Since I will be up the whole week before I guess I will know what the conditions are like. Even though magnum does a great job on "absolute" its good to get a first hand look. So when I'm up there I can post from my Blackberry. can't wait to get some miles on the wife's new sled. It's so much fun she is so excited.
My son is home for Christmas, so we headed up to Tug Hill today. I was surprised that the Southern tug Hill trails by far the worse we saw all day, when usually they are the best. The Northern part of the hill (North of Tobolt rd., Flat Rock area, Montague,and areas North and East) were in mint condition. Put 130 miles on in less then 3 hours. Some of the best riding I have ever had on Tug Hill. 180 miles in all. No new snow for at least 6 days however, but it will stay cold so the trails should hold up good.
BBW and I will be leaving from the parking lot on Smith Road in C-Ville on X-Mas Eve, leaving at 9:30AM if anyone wants to tag along.
According to BBW the trails are better on the north side of the hill, so that is probably the direction we are headed. No definite destination that I'm aware of.
