2005 Jan New York TY Ride

Whatchu talkin bout Honk? Didnt you ride the weekend of March 20-21 when we rode the Lake Pleasant/Piseco/Speculator areas. I'm pretty sure you were with Powerhaulic, myself, and someone else (cant remember who.......RX1-Man, I think, and maybe HRD was with us too) when we took the LONG way back (Powerhaulic led the way back) and those other chumps (just kidding, settle down guys!) in our riding group took the short way back with Gordon (BBW)......big babys!! That was an awesome ride home. I am all for riding that area again or riding the trails by BBW again. Off the Hill and alot less crowded. But I am not against the Hill as long as it is mid-week. Dana, let me know where and when. Can you say PUMPED?!?!
Welcome aboard NYSRXR. I look forward to meeting you. You must be new due to your signature, NEWBIE. You should come on more often to see what is going on.
Hey Dana...Dont worry about me. You EXPERTS think you're such hot s@t!..Can't a NOOB get any respect in here?!?!?..I see what goes on. I lurk in the shadows and keep my ear to the pavement. Lookin forward to doing some great riding again this year. Like I said...time and date...have sled will travel. Definately gonna have to check out your new neck o' the NH woods this year. Whaddaya say crew? Party at Dana's. Big hot pots of CHOWDA will be flowin....... LaLaLa --Steve (O.C.)
I knew that was you. I was laughing so hard while I was typing. You lurker. You are welcome anytime. I hope we can do some riding up here in NH this winter. Stay in touch.
Hey guys, I didn't know we were in speculator? We camp there every year in the summer. Didn;t look familiar to me? But then again, I could have had my head in the CHOWDER!!! Dana! This sounds SSSOOOO good lets do some ridin! Start it up!! I would love to try NH also! As long as you don't STOP on anymore ice shoots!! lol:( Let us know whats goin on OK? I'll talk to ya soon! HONK
Alright guys, lets start making some decisions. We have the dates set in January. Now we have to decide the location. I personally would like to start at the Montague Inn area and ride 3-4 days out of there. We also need to decide how many days. I was thinking since it is such an effort for everyone to travel, especially me, I would like go Wed-Sat. I think we should also start to reserve our rooms. Any thoughts. Just to let you know, I had some work done on me sled this weekend and then took her out for a spin. WOW! Let it snow and fast. I have a totally different sled. I will post hotel phone numbers once we get a few matters out of the way.
I'd certainly be up for a Wed-Sat stint. Montague as home base is fine too. Anyone thought about riding all day and overnighting wherever we end up? We could head up towards Malone or that general area. If we knew for sure where we wanted to head, we could locate a hotel in the area and book the rooms ahead of time. I know hotels are in Tupper Lake and right off the trails. Or we could go up into the Saulsbury area, sure was some mighty fine riding there :D
I love the idea. We would get to see more of NYS. A couple of concerns, logistically, how would that work out with a large group, and secondly, would this limit the riders to any degree. I guess we should just map it out and let the word out to see who can come. Maybe we can start somewhere closer to the Syracuse or the Thruway and work our way to the hill. I think a one or two day bagger trip would be great. We need to end up by the Montegue Inn on Friday and Saturday for riding on the hill because I have some people coming in at the time to join us. Let's talk more, I really want to do it.
:( I'll miss you all! Just look for me and Boomer at the entrance to Wally World!!!! I'll be the guy handing out the shopping carts. Hey atleast they are blue!....lmao Have fun guys hope to see you all next year.
C.J. aka RXONE

P.S. Wait til ya see my Vmax next spring!
That by the way this is where all my money is going..Right into my bike.. Vroom!!
Boston, if you have people coming in to Montague then we should probably just go back there each day. We could always do a two or three day bagger some other time. Possibly depart out of Central Square or Parish. I still want to do a ride out of Marathon. If winter comes early like I think it will, would anyone want to try Jan. 6-8 in my neck of the woods??
RX-1MAN, lets just do one overnight bagger trip at the end of January. I love the idea. Also, what about having your ride the last week in December or on New Years weekend. I am coming to Syracuse for a week between Christmas and New Years and I really want to see your trials. Let me know.
I will check availability at the local hotel for Dec. 29-31. How many would want to ride then? Trail goes right by the hotel and there is a bar and restaurant too!
OK...just to clarify..so we are looking at 2 planned trips now? Why dont we get a seperate thread going for the other trip, to avoid confusion. MY suggestion, to leave this post for January 26-29 (Weds-Sat) and start a seperate thread for the trip at the end of December. Might get confusing with all the different dates and destinations flying around. Good idea? ;)!
Great idea, I was going to start a new thread soon as I get the hotel rate and availability. Just feeling everyone out to see if there is enough interest to warrant further investigation. I will see if I can make time to stop in today for info to post :yam:
