TY 4 Stroke Guru
That sounds like a good idea. I've ridden around the Lake Clear/Tupper Lake area and there are good trails there. Charlies' inn is a great place, although I've never stayed there. Just make sure there's enough snow on the railroad tracks or the rails will be showing and it sucks to ride.
I won't be able to make it until Thursday. For anyone who won't be doing the bagger trip, I plan on getting there mid afternoon Thursday and doing some riding.
I won't be able to make it until Thursday. For anyone who won't be doing the bagger trip, I plan on getting there mid afternoon Thursday and doing some riding.
We stayed at a place called Shaheens in Tupper. The only way I know to get from the hill to Tupper is up the railroad bed. Like Monker said, if there isn't alot of snow the rails are a bitch. I'm in for the bagger if that is what is decided. Can ride each day out of Montague too. I really don't care as long as I'm doing something on the sled and not sitting here typing.
TY 4 Stroke Master
ok, so is any thing decided? Place, date, time?? I'll do what ever, just lets make a call as to what. Are we firm on montaque, and the date? talk to ya 'll!! HONK
Boston RX1
TY 4 Stroke Master
OK, I guess I will take the lead. We will start 8:00 AM on January 26th from the Montague Inn. We will do a one night bagger trip north to Tupper Lake area. We will return on Thursday night back to the Montague and stay through the weekend. Rooms need to be booked at the Montague for January 27th, 28th, 29th. I will work with several of the people to decide where we will stay at Tupper Lake in the next few days. The time we are staying at the Montague we will just do long day trips from there. Everyone seems to want to start at 8:00 AM each day and ride, ride, ride. If anyone has any objections, please speak now. I know everyone is very busy and the riding season is short. We can socialize in the morning or at night, but ride our A$$'$ off all day. How does that sound? I will post hotel numbers and rates early next week if everyone is in agreement. Let me know, thanks, Dana.
TY 4 Stroke Guru
That works for me, and like I said, I should be there Thursday afternoon to ride since I can't make it on Wednesday. Anyone else is welcome to join me or we can all catch up Thursday night.

VIP Member
I agree with Monker & NYSRXR. That is why i suggested just an one overnight bag trip. That way everyone who wants to do a one night bag trip can go, and those who do not, can still come and ride on Friday, and Saturday out of montague. Those who want to can stay and ride on Sunday, but I will be home on Sunday. Sunday is my family day. It is also correct about the tracks going up to Tupper Lake Area or any area in the northern Adiriondacks, you have to take the tracks out of the Big Moose area. If there is not alot of snow, they will be rough. Everyone remembers how much snow we had at the first NY TY ride last year, yet from what I heard the tracks never got in good shape last year because the conditions were never right If we can't go on a overnighter, because of the conditions, we can always do a couple more day trips out of Montague, or do a overnight trip in a different direction. I will give Dana a call and try to set up some definite plans. I would suggest we leave the first Day at 9 AM and the other days at 8 AM.

Boston RX1
TY 4 Stroke Master
Gordon, sounds great. I am wondering about a backup plan if the snow is not good. Is there somewhere else we could go for a bagger trip? I will be around all weekend. My number is 603.527.2522. We have a lot of interest in the bagger trip. It is a go. Let's try to wrap this up by Thanksgiving. As far as Sunday, it is a family day for me as well, I will be home with the family. I think I convinced my wife to let me stay until Saturday night. I wonder what this is going to cost me.
Dana, riding four days with your TY buddies PRICELESS
A nine am departure the first day sounds great to me. That means we leave then, not 9:30 or 10:00 or..... I will just drive up that morning.

NY AttakGT
TY 4 Stroke Guru
Ony problem with a "back-up" plan is the reservations and lodging factor. As I'm sure wherever our bagger trip takes us, we would have to have reservations already made in advance somewhere. Available rooms are slim pickins (from my experience) once the season gets going. Very tough call. Going from Montague to Tupper Lake/Saranac Lake/ Lake Clear areas, is there is no way to take trail C8 up north through Harrisville then through Cranberry Lake and Childwold? Could we use this route as an alternate if the railroad bed is rough or unrideable? I am just looking at my trail map and trying to make sense and route this out. Any input as far as using this as an alternate route to keep the Tupper Lake/Saranac Lake/ Lake Clear intact? I am really "gung-ho" for this bagger trip and just want to cover all bases. -Steve O.C.
TY 4 Stroke Master
Sounds great to me!! I'll be there!! See ya'll then!! HONK
Boston RX1
TY 4 Stroke Master
I talked with Gordon at length last night. I will call around and see who has the best rate for our needs with the shortest cancelation policy. What we will do then is make a judgement call several days before the ride as to snow conditions in northern NY. Hopefully there will be enough snow. If there is, great, if not, we go to plan B and just day trip out of Montague. I think we are going to be fine. I look at it this way, if they don't have enough snow at the end of January, when will they have snow.
NY AttakGT
TY 4 Stroke Guru
I agree with Dana. Come the end of January, there should be plenty of snow to ride on. Snow or no snow, railroad beds (trail 7 from Big Moose to Cranberry Lake is 100% railroad bed) are always a gamble. Anybody rode that route (Trail 7 rail bed) before?I have no problem doing different daily rides out of Montague either if conditions are not good for doing the bagger up north. I am crossing my fingers though and think we will be ok. Any input on these alternate routes....Trail 7B(or 8A) out of Brantingham (Tug Hill) to Trail 8A to trail 8 through Harrisville to Cranberry Lake/Tupper Lake/Lake Clear..OR we can take the trails from Montauge out to BarnesCorners and go northeast on Trail 5 through Harrisville to Trail 8 to CranberryLake/Tupper Lake/Lake Clear Check out the link for this map to give you a better idea.
Just to give you an idea where Montague Inn is on this map, it is right about where the "5" in "trail 5B" is just above the "M" in "Martinsburg"
But from the looks of it, these may be 2 alternates to riding the rail bed.
Just to give you an idea where Montague Inn is on this map, it is right about where the "5" in "trail 5B" is just above the "M" in "Martinsburg"
But from the looks of it, these may be 2 alternates to riding the rail bed.

VIP Member
After talking with Dana last night, We thought if there is enough snow we can take the southern route(montague-Braningham-Stillwater-tracks to lake clear) on the way up. On the way back take the Northern route which I think is trail 8 through(star lake-south of Harrisville-Carthage-Montague). If there is not alot of snow up on the tracks, or up north of Montague, (remember last year there was about 3'of snow around Montague, but only about 6" when we went through the Carthage area) we may be able to take an overnight trip in a different direction. Many Hotels are not booked during the week if you get down south of Tug hill. We can always have an alternate route in mind and check on availbility at the last minute. I gave Dana some phone numbers of some hotels in the Tupper Lake. Clear Lake, and Saranac lake area. He is going to check on their cancellation policies, and try to post more information by Thanksgiving.

NY AttakGT
TY 4 Stroke Guru
Sounds good to me Gordon. We can go one way up and the other way down, or vice versa. I do remember it getting thin around Carthage/Copenhagen areas (north/west off the Hill) if we did decide to go that route. But it looks like we have 3 different routes to go up north to Lake Clear/Tupper Lake areas, so we should be good getting there somehow. As our alternate back up (for whatever reason..bad trails..lack of snow..etc) we can head down south toward your area (Remsen/Barneveld) or even take it a step further and head east from there and hit the Piseco area. Not sure how long of a ride that is (trail time) to go to Piseco or if that is do-able for a 1 day bagger trip. Input?
Boston RX1
TY 4 Stroke Master
It is official, we will do our first bagger trip from the Montague Inn on January 26th and return the 27th for riding through the weekend. I have reservations for January 26th at Charlie's Inn and January 27th, 28th and 29th at the Montague Inn. Charlie's Inn is typically closed on Wednesday's, but for us, they are open. They can sleep 17 people. If we have more than that, they can arrange other hotels for us. Please call Sylvia after December 1st at 518.891.9858. Reservations are made under me and the Yamaha Group. She will hold the rooms until December 13th. Their policy is if there is no snow, we can cancle without a penalty. The Montague Inn is booking fast 315.376.2078. They have 15 rooms available for the 27th, but only 5 rooms for the 28th and 29th. Their cancelation policy is 5 working days. This should not be a problem at the end of January from lack of snow. I will list several other places to stay if the rooms book up before everyone has a chance to call. Please make your reservations as soon as possible, it should be a great time. I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me. We will be giving more details about the trip the first week of December.
Tugg Hill Innn-315.376.4299
Tugg Hill Innn-315.376.4299
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