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2005 NH TY ride

Yes, I looked out the window at the inch or two we got last night, and decided I'm heading up to Quebec for 3 days to see if I can find some better trails.

I had a look at the snowdepth maps of the NE US, and the very north western edge of Maine had 10 - 20", the rest shows 5 - 10 or less, much less...
Why don't we move the ride to the following weekend, if there is snow that is?
So far its not looking good. It rained all day here, and I saw quite a few sledders who must have been in Pittsburg trying to find some snow heading home early. We went from patches of green grass after the last rain, to an inch or so of powder from a few days of flurries, to LARGE patches of green now. There are also minor problems with flooding in some areas. We need some serious snow to get things into good condition at this point.

I am assuming this ride is definately a "wash" for this weekend. This weather is friggin killing us!!!!! Anybody for a trip to Canada, or better yet, Alaska?!?! hahaha. I'll keep an eye out for the reschedule dates.
-Steve (O.C.)
Actually, Canada is a possibility, IF you have a trail pass ($165 or so for the season). There were people snowmobiling outside Sherbrooke last Thursday, and conditions are pretty good further east and north.

I put on 380 miles in Shawinigan last week, and there are better conditions in other places. A buddy put on 560 miles in Montigny in 2.5 days during the same period.

It doesn't take me signifiicantly longer to get to Sherbrooke than to the Colebrook / Pittsburg area, as it's a straight shot up I93 / I91 / Canada I55.

I can't make this Thursday, but maybe Friday or next week Thursday?
Alright, what is up? I hear people are coming back from Pittsburgh, NH last week from riding. The website says they are open. I want to go. Can anyone tell me if there is any riding? I am going crazy here looking at bare grass!!
I rode Diamond Pond/Pittsburg today. Trails are open but rough and very very icy.

Did about 50 miles and that was a challenge. Lots of water and washouts.

Unless they get some serious snow and can groom the trails I wouldnt bother.
Mike, thanks for the info. Do you have any word on Bartlett, NH. I heard they have snow about a week ago. I just need to do some testing before the big rides. I can't remember the road, it is Bear Notch Road?
Last report from White Moutain Club (bartlett)

* * * 1/1/05 - Happy New Year Everyone! 8:00 am - There is maybe another 2 - 4 hours of ride time left on the trails. Current temp is 45 degrees and a major melt off has occurred. The up side is that temps are supposed to fall to about 10 tonight. Current forecasts call for winter precip. Sun. night, Tues. night & again on Wed. Lets all hope it's in the form of snow.
Anyone interested in meeting for a short ride in Barlett, NH this weekend? I would love to meet someone there if it was only for a couple of hours. Any takers?
Official word from the North Country: Ice. Before yesterday's ice, we had dirt showing except for a couple places where it had drifted much deeper, or where snowbanks had been plowed. Now we have about 1" of ice on everything. From talking with sledders who tried coming up during their break, they were sorry they did. About the only place with half decent riding is about 5-10 miles from First Ct. Lake to the border. The rest was either icy remains or bare ground covered with yesterday's ice. So, if you want to do a runway strip up Trail 5 and back from 1st. Ct. Lake, don't bother. You need either Canada or the northern tip of Maine to find snow instead of ice.

I just registered my sled today, and I'm not bothering to trailer the 30 miles up to northern Pittsburg. Trust me, when there is riding up here, I'll post it.

Boston: Bear Notch isn't much of a trail system, and it can be strictly policed, as it's used by a lot of families renting sleds in Bartlett.
You'd do better to buy a Quebec day pass and spend the extra 1.5 - 2 hours driving time taking a trip across the border.
T, I do agree with you, but I only need a couple of hours to play with the new mods. I was not interested in riding all day at this point, although, I could be convinced.
I may try find some riding on Saturday with some friends. The one guy seems to think there may be some riding in Rangeley or north of Colebrook somewhere, he had some good riding in Rangeley on the 31st before the rain.

I'm a bit less optimistic, then again he rides a Poo, so what can you expect? :yam:
