2010 Apex ltx gt starts sometimes


Lifetime Member
Mar 19, 2005
Reaction score
Massena NY
2021 sidewinder LTX GT, 2010 Apex LTX GT
so hears the deal, rode 60 miles topped off fuel started and stopped for lunch. after she wouldn't start. Fuel pump comes on, cranks fast and would hardly sputter. rider and sled left at restaurant. Came back and picked up sled, still wouldn't start. Loaded in trailer brought it home, two days later started right up....... ran it until coolers were hot, shut it off. came back hour later now won't start. never shows any codes when it starts it runs great...... WTF! I am leaning toward an electrical connection again? stator? looking for guidance please
x2 on stator . odds are pick up coil is going out of spec once it gets heat soaked.
Pull up stored codes. Could give you a hint.
just shy of 18,000 Tom, replaced starter this fall, had two terminal block issues also and were repaired. Have had it out 3 times this year after the work all with no issues. It's a guest rider sled now so I guess I will look into deeper soon. I was hoping for a bad connection and am going to replace those remaining ground blocks and terminal blocks. Can I replace just the pick up coil or is it part of the stator? Does sure act like a coil when old cars would have similar issues. Anyway thanks guys!
RM Stator will sell just the coil, but the mounting tabs may need to be notched a bit so it’s positioned properly, ie same clearance as factory coil. Fool proof repair is a new stator assembly from Yamaha, bolt on and go.
just shy of 18,000 Tom, replaced starter this fall, had two terminal block issues also and were repaired. Have had it out 3 times this year after the work all with no issues. It's a guest rider sled now so I guess I will look into deeper soon. I was hoping for a bad connection and am going to replace those remaining ground blocks and terminal blocks. Can I replace just the pick up coil or is it part of the stator? Does sure act like a coil when old cars would have similar issues. Anyway thanks guys!

I have never done it like that but there others on the site that have had great success just changing the pick up coil. In 18000 miles I have replaced 2 stators on the same sled so it is possible or if it was after market, they wont last.
I have never done it like that but there others on the site that have had great success just changing the pick up coil. In 18000 miles I have replaced 2 stators on the same sled so it is possible or if it was after market, they wont last.
Interesting, never thought the stator was of much concern. Most miles I have on one though is 8000 miles.
RM Stator will sell just the coil, but the mounting tabs may need to be notched a bit so it’s positioned properly, ie same clearance as factory coil. Fool proof repair is a new stator assembly from Yamaha, bolt on and go.
Have heard of repeat issues using RM stator components, would go OEM. Even if you had to get a take off from a part out. IMHO Years ago my pickup coil failed on my RX1, got a used one (stator, pick up and cover) from ebay from a part out, ran for several years after.
It will throw a code if the pickup coil has failed. If the pickup coil specs is wrong it may not throw a code, but all you need o do is measure the ohms.
Given that you had a connector block issues recently, I'm thinking you have more dirty connector blocks.
Thanks guys, I was planning on replacing all those connecters anyway this summer! She has alot of miles on her but when she runs she is a great sled ! I will check the code history and codes and start there. Still riding the winder to finish out the year and liking it! I will let you know what I find late spring when I start working on it.
so treated fuel today and decide to start the old girl, fired right up, ran great. let it warm up sthut off and checked diagnostic mode to see if any faults showed active, nothing on 61 but a 5 showed on 62, reset using hand warmer, showed zero. turned key off and started ...... Code 5 not listed???. WTH...... repeated this twice and restarted. Thangs that make you just go HMMMMMMM!
I chased this for two years on our apex with about 10000 miles on it. Start, run great, randomly shut off, might start back up, might not, might shut off again, might not. Next day, totally dead. Next day crank but no fire. You get the idea. Finally tossed a new stator in as that was basically all that was left and the few times we rode it since there have been no issues.
So code 62 shows quantity of codes in history or active correct?61 shows actual codes? Anyway on 1st start all conditions normal and starts up fine. second attempt no start and engine warning or self diagnostic shows on gage board yellow warning indicator is off, and fails to start. just trying to get close before I pull it into garage and start tear down. Probably stator anyway, I will test later. looks like I will be spending more $$ on a sled for quest riders again.
