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2010 Johny Skeptical Vid

T-Bone said:
With no disrespect to you or Mr. Sled, do you know what country we live in? I a'm not sorry for having an opnion and expressing it. I thought that was the purpose of forums. The last tme I checked the good guys continue to beat the bad guys defending our rights and I am not interested in making those that served and are serving today sad and make them question the sacrifces they made.

I hope this helps you understand why people like Ace ask these questions when the fist comes down.
Totally understand your point T-bone and if the site were named something like Totallysnowmobile.com all brands could be bashed equally. I believe other non-brand specific forums welcome and even encourage that activity.

Taking a different perspective, let's say a guy owns a bar in Western NY and is a rabid Bills fan. He has Bills trinkets scattered all over, probably has Bills underwear and even has a big sign in his bar that says" "Bills football spoken here!"

How long do you suppose it would take for the guy who comes into that bar disrespecting the Bills to be booted out? I mean it's a free country, the sign even says "Bills football spoken here!" Why would the guy get booted? :dunno:

Bottom line, Mr. Sled owns this bar in cyberspace, he reserves the right to refuse service to anyone and he's recruited a number of like thinking bouncers (moderators) to keep order.

A similar discussion happens at least once a year and I drew the short straw this year.

Peace :Rockon:

SledderSteve said:
...Bottom line, Mr. Sled owns this bar in cyberspace, he reserves the right to refuse service to anyone and he's recruited a number of like thinking bouncers (moderators) to keep order.

A similar discussion happens at least once a year and I drew the short straw this year...

;)! It's ok Steve, we still love ya....

:rocks: ...nuff said
SledderSteve said:
T-Bone said:
With no disrespect to you or Mr. Sled, do you know what country we live in? I a'm not sorry for having an opnion and expressing it. I thought that was the purpose of forums. The last tme I checked the good guys continue to beat the bad guys defending our rights and I am not interested in making those that served and are serving today sad and make them question the sacrifces they made.

I hope this helps you understand why people like Ace ask these questions when the fist comes down.
Totally understand your point T-bone and if the site were named something like Totallysnowmobile.com all brands could be bashed equally. I believe other non-brand specific forums welcome and even encourage that activity.

Taking a different perspective, let's say a guy owns a bar in Western NY and is a rabid Bills fan. He has Bills trinkets scattered all over, probably has Bills underwear and even has a big sign in his bar that says" "Bills football spoken here!"

How long do you suppose it would take for the guy who comes into that bar disrespecting the Bills to be booted out? I mean it's a free country, the sign even says "Bills football spoken here!" Why would the guy get booted? :dunno:

Bottom line, Mr. Sled owns this bar in cyberspace, he reserves the right to refuse service to anyone and he's recruited a number of like thinking bouncers (moderators) to keep order.

A similar discussion happens at least once a year and I drew the short straw this year.

Peace :Rockon:

Well I don't want to get into a lengthy argument about "disrespect" and "honest opinion" with you or any mod on the site. That is like trying to fight the government, I'm not going to win. Obviously the mods have to have some kind of benchmark as to what is "over the line" or disrespectful to Mr. Sled or a mod. If what I said about the Yamaha video receives this kind of response from the mods and Mr. Sled, then you might as well shut the site down.

Have you guys read other threads on this site asking Yamaha to take their collective heads out of their you know what in regards to the 2010 models (only bng), handwarmer, hyfax, idlers and countless other issues that have been beaten to death and then some on this site without any mod intervention? I guess if I were king, I would take that responsibility of determining where that line is very very seriously and encourage people speak their opinion openly and freely (not dwell or beat to death). After all, isn't that how we make things better? Ride on.

PS Your Bills analogy is horrible! LOL You should be in some of those bars when the Bills lay a turd which is like every week. The whole crowd turns against the Bills and they feel that the whole organization including Ralph Wilson, the owner, should get fired! And guess what, the bartenders keep pouring the beers. So the Mods and Mr. Sled better be nice or the Site may turn against you like an angry Bill's mob! And that is good for nobody!!
Yes Tbone, we DO read the other threads. The standard for moderation is just that, MODERATION. We (Moderators) try to strike a balance that is fair to everyone. Not always an easy thing to do. Constructive criticism is important. All out griping isn't. If you look back, the statement that some of this is not directed at you, was made. Understand we do this as volunteers. Some of us are as unhappy as you are right now, but we also understand that every year the same complaining happens. We, TY, have no control over Yamaha. That being said, they do monitor this site. Some of the improvements we have seen occur because of things posted here and other sites. If any of you witnessed MrSled's passion for this site, you might understand the frustration he feels when seeing things go overboard. Please understand that we are trying to keep this a place where you get help when you need it. If things get too far out of hand, Mrsled WILL shut it down!! RANT OVER LOL.
The theme now is the "Yamaha Advantage".

Number One: In Reliability, Fuel Economy, Low cost of operation, Resale value, Low emissions, and Y.E.S. Warranty coverage...

This was a big selling point for me when I spring ordered my Apex LTX GT last year. When I was shopping last year I knew I wanted the following..
1st- 136" track
2nd- 4-Stroke, since my wife was mad that I was going to order new, when my 03' Viper was just fine.. I thought to my-self, "this sled better last me a while."
3rd- Horsepower, had to have it.

So I looked at Polaris, had them in the past, (thats what the wife has), but didn't like the fit & finish at all, way to outdated. Arctic Cat....don't think so, didn't even look at em'. I think it stems back to my uncle giving my dad so much crap over the years (and even me with my Viper) about those "rice burners" are junk. He didn't say much when I reminded him who makes Arctic Cat motors! So that left Ski-Doo, I've rode them, and liked them a lot, but the 1200 XP didn't apeal to me because of the lower HP. So I actually said to the dealer give a price on the 800 Gade.

I bought the Yamaha, why...? 5 year warranty for an extra $100, they are the only company who does that. It says a lot about them to stand behind their product.

Now my feelings about my purchase were mixed in the early season of riding, handwarmers, rear heat exchanger, and having to adjust settings just to get this thing to corner (still working on that). But a few weeks ago I was on a backpack trip with 3 guys who all ride Doo. We are moving along and then a sudden stop, belt blew. The owner said " yeah I knew it was going to happen 1200 miles is all I get for a belt." Then a little while later, another sudden stop, another belt. So the third Ski-Doo driver changed his anyways because it was getting dark, and didn't want to mess with it at night. They then asked me how many miles do you have on yours? 1500 I said, he then asked do you want to change yours before it gets dark? I simply smiled and said no I'm good. The next thing that made me laugh was at gas stations, they were filling up their injection oil, they didn't bring enough with them so we went on a journey for oil, and belts.

Anyways, I've said enough, I am totally happy with my purchase, even with the minor issues. I liked the video, thought it had some funny parts, but then agian...I wouldn't buy a new sled based on a video ;)! :rocks:
T-Bone said:
Have you guys read other threads on this site asking Yamaha to take their collective heads out of their you know what in regards to the 2010 models (only bng), handwarmer, hyfax, idlers and countless other issues that have been beaten to death and then some on this site without any mod intervention?
I understand that you and others might be disappointed with the 2010 models, but you cannot imply that Yamaha have their heads up their arse because of this. Many dealers are having real trouble selling 2009 sleds because of the current economic situation. I believe they made a long term business decision. I too wish they had introduced something new but I can also understand why they didn't.
Swiss Sledder said:
T-Bone said:
Have you guys read other threads on this site asking Yamaha to take their collective heads out of their you know what in regards to the 2010 models (only bng), handwarmer, hyfax, idlers and countless other issues that have been beaten to death and then some on this site without any mod intervention?
I understand that you and others might be disappointed with the 2010 models, but you cannot imply that Yamaha have their heads up their arse because of this. Many dealers are having real trouble selling 2009 sleds because of the current economic situation. I believe they made a long term business decision. I too wish they had introduced something new but I can also understand why they didn't.

When did I say I was disappointed wit the 2010 sleds? I said the video was lame if you read the second post of this thread. Sorry for assuming about the position of Yamaha's head, but I think if you took a poll there would be a clear winner. Myvote would be different though.

The areas that received improvements for 2010 have been needed and talked about over and over again since 2006. I guess I should not assume that all the mods have read the post since then. My bad.
yamahahaapex said:
It's just that time of year when everyone gets ants in dere pants from the showcase of the next model year. By the looks of things, alot of pants are full

LOL full of what Richard? :rofl:
bdm said:
We live in a country where Mr Sled should have the right to do what he wants on HIS site. Do you want to live in a country where other people can come into your house and arrange your furniture? People fought and died so we could be free.... so that freedom should extend into your house if your logic follows. TY is Mr Sled's house and anybody who doesn't like it can stay the hell out. That is what freedom is about.

TY rocks, lets keep it that way. If you want to whine start your own website.
WOW! This all started with someone saying "video is kinda lame. I was expecting more."
More damage has been done by the Mod's responses than that original comment.
The video WAS lame and I too WAS expecting more. That's not bashing Yamaha, it's just a bad video for selling sleds!
CNYNytro06 said:
WOW! This all started with someone saying "video is kinda lame. I was expecting more."
More damage has been done by the Mod's responses than that original comment.
The video WAS lame and I too WAS expecting more. That's not bashing Yamaha, it's just a bad video for selling sleds!

Sorry guys.... but it is my site and didnt feel the response was needed.... thats the problem with some of you, sit behind your key boards and judge people before you know the real truth.... thanks.
Maybe someone should say Thanks once in awhile to the people that run this site instead of ??? and this site is not only used by 1 country .....
MUSKIE said:
Maybe someone should say Thanks once in awhile to the people that run this site instead of ??? and this site is not only used by 1 country .....
As I do agree with you about thanking the guys who run this awesome site,But what does the country have to do with anything?
Tom does an excellent job with this site. So many of us depend on it for alot of information. But that being said, the video was worse then Lame. I have watched the first & third, and forth Johnny Skeptical Videos over and over again, and have shown them to many non snowmobiling friends, but I don't think I will ever watch the current one again. The second video wasn't that good either.
