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2010 products feb 12th


your probably pretty close mike. if that is the case i,ll probably going to buy the new ski-doo 1200 renegade. the only thing i,ll watch for is arctic cat and ski-doo exchanged some patent technology last year. i just hope ski-doo doesn,t use the diamond drive chaincase to save weight. right arm the drive shaft failures were from 2008. i haven,t heard of any failures in 2009. i haven,t heard of to many unhappy people with their new ski-doo four strokes. you should really take the blinders off some day. sheeesh

You know I was going to say some thing to rightarm, but I figured it might be best to just stay quiet this time.

Don't look for Doo to add a diamond drive anytime. This was the biggest mistake Cat ever made. I can't believe they continue with it. Cat seems to have the same problem as Yamaha, ballooning up the weight every year since the Firecat. They did use the RER from Doo.

Ski-Doo certainly had shaft issues in 08, but got it corrected for 09. Same with their failing 08 warmers. The guys that own the first year 4tec four-stroke are very very happy. As they should be. It's an excellent, lightweight, reliable machine. Only issue I've seen is the reverse issue. They seem to have the fix for it now.

As for the Yamaha's, I think I am right close on all of it. We'll see in a month.
I was in My yamaha dealer today and they told me they would know today or friday what they were.They said a new name for the apex and more hp who knows? Did not think a turbo.As for the skidoo I ride with one and they have some problems to like riding in powder It looks like a cheese greater with snow blowing all over because of the foot boards and not starting on sunday at -07 A big flat spot in the power band.I do think yamaha will or should do somthing big or alot of guys will be looking at other brands.Alot of problems some complaine about like broken rear skids handling are because yamaha builds sleds for one use like on trail or off trail use. Vector 121 skid apex 121 skid these sled are ment for on trail use not pounding off tail and so on.I think alot of people choose there sleds based on color horse power and look not what they are
going to be doing with the sled me included.But with some mods you can make your sled what every kind of cross over you need some new skis and longer tracks and so on.I'm not saying thay do not have some promblems like hand warmers and some things like this but all brands do.I worked at team yamaha in michigan for a few years and yamahas big thing was to find out what kind of sled suits the buyer and try to help them with the right one for them in those years most guys would by a srx 700 and come in in two weeks and say they could out run every one on the lake but it took the bumps like sh$$ and you had told them this two weeks ago.That it did not have the travel of the SX.Sorry for the long post but I hear guys say they bought a apex 121 and took it off trail and the stock skis stink well the stock skis are for groomed trails.Anyway the big three all make some good sleds You just need to pick the one that best fits your riding habits.
Re: 2010

fxr said:
your probably pretty close mike. if that is the case i,ll probably going to buy the new ski-doo 1200 renegade. the only thing i,ll watch for is arctic cat and ski-doo exchanged some patent technology last year. i just hope ski-doo doesn,t use the diamond drive chaincase to save weight. right arm the drive shaft failures were from 2008. i haven,t heard of any failures in 2009. i haven,t heard of to many unhappy people with their new ski-doo four strokes. you should really take the blinders off some day. sheeesh

Didn't say that they weren't any good stated that they broke drive shafts at 140 hp and were recalled in 08,and how many of those happy owners on there 09's have 185+hp?.I realize these sleds are great but find it hard to believe that they will hold up with more hp but only time will tell.
Re: 2010

fxr said:
right arm the drive shaft failures were from 2008. i haven,t heard of any failures in 2009. i haven,t heard of to many unhappy people with their new ski-doo four strokes. you should really take the blinders off some day. sheeesh

For additional information, contact BRP toll-free at (888) 638-5397 or visit the company’s website at http://www.ski-doo.com/.

Ski-Doo Model Year 2008 Recalls
MXZ Adrenaline 800R PowerTEK MXZ Adrenaline 600HO SDI
MXZ TNT 500SS MXZ Trails 500SS
GSX Limited Touring 600HO SDI GSX Limited 800R PowerTEK
GSX Limited 600HO SDI GSX Sport 500SS
MXZ Renegade X 800R PowerTEK MXZ Renegade X 600HO SDI
MXZ Renegade 800R PowerTEK MXZ Renegade 600HO SDI
Summit X 800R Power TEK Summit Everest 800R PowerTEK

(Ski-Doo Model Year 2009 Recalls)

and the 09 season isn't over just in case you had your blinders on ;):D
Hey....take the bashing to HCS or somewhere else Rightarm. Opinions are opinions..you dont have to like them. But dont go slamming other TY members. ...especially somebody who knows their stuff...Yamaha or no Yamaha.

I am sure I am just saying something before hopefully a mod does.

KnappAttack said:
I'm going to give my prediction here. After all, my prediction did end up 100% correct last year with the 177HP Turbo Cat.

The 3 cyl will get more power 145-150 HP (Real HP, they may call it 140-145). May take premium fuel, may not. No big changes in chassis. This is one reason Yamaha is rebating all sleds right now.

The four cyl will get more power and a slightly different plastic in the same chassis, maybe a slightly higher seat, a bit more forward. 175-180 HP, more than likely a four valve head. Premium gas on this for sure. It will still eat hyfax for breakfast in hard snow conditions and still have the same piece of crap rear heat exchanger in the 136" long track as the 09's that limits travel and gets scared up if you stud it. They will MARKET a 15 lbs weight loss but won't tell you how they added 20 back in someplace else. I do bet the handwarmers work though. Over all the years since they started with the 03 RX-1, every year they CLAIM weight loss but surprisingly, the actual real world weight has gone UP over the years when they get weighed in the mags.

I also predict I have a 2010 Four-Stroke Ski-Doo 1200 in my garage next year one year from now, that makes a factory 185+ HP, runs on premium fuel with a boost adder, actually weighs 90-100#'s less than the Yamaha, rides and handles good right out of the crate without overheating and burning hyfax. I think it will be a 137" long track Renegade that is black and yellow.

Let's look back a month from now and see how close I come. I'll bet I'm within 80-90% correct. Not sure about the Doo, but I just REALLY wanted to throw that in there!

You are dreamining about the DOO... That is not the direction DOO wants to go... They just did it to say they have a sled in the 4 stroke market.. Don't look for a supercharger, since the gas milage will be suck with a lot more weight. As much as everyone wants it, it won't happen, (I think).. The only motor they have supercharged is the watercraft motors. Did you ever see the size of them, they are huge and very hard on fuel.... I just can't see it, but I have been wrong before...
KnappAttack said:
You know I was going to say some thing to rightarm, but I figured it might be best to just stay quiet this time.

Don't look for Doo to add a diamond drive anytime. This was the biggest mistake Cat ever made. I can't believe they continue with it. Cat seems to have the same problem as Yamaha, ballooning up the weight every year since the Firecat. They did use the RER from Doo.

Ski-Doo certainly had shaft issues in 08, but got it corrected for 09. Same with their failing 08 warmers. The guys that own the first year 4tec four-stroke are very very happy. As they should be. It's an excellent, lightweight, reliable machine. Only issue I've seen is the reverse issue. They seem to have the fix for it now.

As for the Yamaha's, I think I am right close on all of it. We'll see in a month.

I believe Cat is locked into (I heard) a 5 year deal for the diamond drive...

Yamaha can get the weight down... It's how much money do we want to spend for them to do it... Also, DOO's 1200 is not as well balanced as the Yamaha's. Every person I've talked to says you can feel the weight in the front end of it. You don't feel that in a Yamaha. They are well balanced when you ride them.

I also hear there sno-x sleds are very close to the other 600's in weight...

I really hope that they have a new motor for the Apex and not the 4 cylinder.. I like it , but it's just too heavy... We'll see what happens..

On another note... I was a DOO guy for 20+ years with my RECV 800 being the last.... Without even talking about their motors, this is what I can tell you... For years ski-doo could not valve a suspension if there life depended on it. They were always very stiff... There handling was never any better. But they had fast sleds and fairly dependable, which always kept me there... But, I had to get the shocks all revalved because they were out to lunch on the way they worked, just like the Yamahas... There skis were all junk and now they just keep getting sued for coping other designs.... Yamaha needs to do a couple of things to keep everyone happy.

Talking about a trail cruiser here (Apex replacement), this is what they need to do... Fix the hyfax burning issues... Overheating issues, meaning making sure they have the appropiate number of heat exchangers, so we don't have to buy any... Handwarmers, well that's a no brainer and I assume it will be fixed for this new design... Idler wheels, which I believe they fixed now.... Buy or pay for after market skis, since they obviously have been over designed and every design has been patended... LISTEN TO THEIR SHOCK SPECIALIST'S (OHLINS) and use their shock valving recomendations and not their own... I was told by someone at OHLINS, that when they first released the Apex, they had Ohlins had a valving recomedation and at the 11th hr, Yamaha said no we are going to run this instead. I mean they are the best in the business, I believe they no more than Yamaha.

Bump the hp to 170+ and I believe you will have a winner, enough for satisfy alot of people and you get the best motor in the business...

They also need to put the Nytro FX motor in the new Apex chasiss to cover that hp category.. The Vector just does not do the job..

Crossover sled with a real track (cobra) and sled that floats on powder.. (less approach angle in the suspension.)

Updated.... All sleds with with the FX NytroHP and up should get the cobra track. The ripsaw just does not get it done in softer snow conditions and the cobra is just as good on hard ground.. Ice is always a different story..
Re: 2010

rightarm said:
Didn't say that they weren't any good, stated that they broke drive shafts at 140 hp and were recalled in 08,and how many of those happy owners on there 09's have 185+hp?.I realize these sleds are great but find it hard to believe that they will hold up with more hp but only time will tell.

You can't consider this bashing compared to how some of you are ripping apart my brand,Go try doing what your're doing here at DT and see how long you last there.If anyone is lucky that the moderators haven acted it's you guys bashing Yamaha,I'd value your opinon more if it were focused on the forum specific titles(GENERAL"YAMAHA"DISCUSSION).
I sure hope the nytro gets a little more power and i would love to see it in a SE model again. I'm gonna buy a new sled after this year and i hope that they come out with another SE model cuz there will be one sitting in my garage :)


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sled freak your bang on with your assessment on what they have to do. it is the nagging things they have to fix not the motors. i,ve got an apex 2006 gt and a new xtx 2009. the handwarmers are stilled not fixed!!! thanks to rock i,ve got this resolved. that,s four years and running about complaints with the warmers. i believe now i was reading they have a fulltime suspension department. i had a 2008 nytro and now the 2009 there is a big difference in the suspension. so maybe they are on the right track. like mike knapp said we,ll know in a month
