Would like to see pics of the chaincase...is it Arctic Cats? Then forget it. Also would like to see this hole in tunnel.
I think there are a lot of bright sides to this, the part that makes me nervous is them being built here. Hasnt AC has been getting a lot of bad flack about the lack of Quality Control over the last couple of years?
DigitalFusion said:
I think there are a lot of bright sides to this, the part that makes me nervous is them being built here. Hasnt AC has been getting a lot of bad flack about the lack of Quality Control over the last couple of years?

just a few fires due to loose fittings... :o|
Only engine in chassis pic I've seen is this one for the LTX:


  • ltx.jpg
    223.3 KB · Views: 144
yamajammer76 said:
yamahabandit said:
Now what is Cat going to sell? The same sled only green? :o|

That is EXACTLY what is going to happen. :)

and a couple grand cheaper probably...

Expensive that blue paint you know.
bottlerocket said:
No i would love to see how the exhaust is run. Snow does cool the header but has side muffler.

Curious as to the HP rating with the re-configured exhaust layout. I'm surprised it fits width wise with a muffler along side the motor.
I really got interested in a SR Viper XTX now!
But still i need more facts, what can i expect for Kg's?
How do this works for ppl like me from Europe?Same sled avaible here to?

Stuff that i would not buy if it had: 2stroke or cat cluching, but since it is the same as my trusty Nytro i think i can give it a shot!

Also loving the bigger gas tank, and electric reverse, hope it works well.

I wonder whats up with the skid? cat skid? yama skid? seems to have no tip up on it.

How do you think the combined gearbox / oiltank will work?

And yeah need under the hood pic's asap!
