snow broke said:
Look on the bright side...If ur Yamaha dealer doesn't have a part in stock for it maybe your local Cat dealer will.
Well the dealer here sells both Yam and Cat so he is probably smiling a lot today!! And the Yamaha side hasn't been doing much business here lately so this may help them some??
Disappointed that the Phazer is still around and unchanged. It wouldn't be a sled I would buy anyway, but not having a decent entry level sled has been a critical mistake on their part I believe.

Why couldn't they put that motor in the SRV chassis?
Any idea how its cooled? Still a radiator/front exchanger combo?
Blue Hornet said:
Well you dont have to worry about BNG,s on the nytro because it doesnt have any graphics at all!

I noticed that too. Kinda strange they chose to do that.
I now next year Chris said they have an agreement to have a new kind of paint process for some sleds.
I love how the countdown is still going on on the www.yournextsled.com website and "Cat" is already out of the bag. LOL. Damn internet...it must be tough these days to keep anything under wraps.
well, hopefully in an hour they will give us more detail?
Heated seats on tha Viper! Woohoo!

To bad 130hp not enough for moi.

Come on MrSled. We need a proCross section now. Oups I mean a SRV chassis section.
