Had finally decided I would be getting a new sled for next year. All of this turbo talk was getting me pumped. Now to find out no turbo?Am soooooo disappointed. Looks like I keep the '06 Apex another year.

How much more hp will the new sleds have compared to an '06 Apex Rtx? The only other thought I've kicked around the past year is getting the AC turbo sled. I really don't want to jump ship, tho'. Guess now I wouldn't exactly be jumping ship since they're partners.
Question is - Is Cat going to put their turbo system on the Nytro motor?? That would be dumb on Yammi's part to allow, but one can hope....
it looks nice it will ride nice and handle nice and have a great motor. i'm disapointed in the fact that yamaha couldnt come up with anything. no new motor no new anything. the viper will be a great sled just needs more hp

Was part of the email chain to be the first to know like most of you. Never got the email but the website is up. Oh well.

Edit: Got the email at 11h16. lol So much for being one of the first to know.
HeHe 142hp not enough ? Still have the SRX ?
Phatboyc said:
Heated seats on tha Viper! Woohoo!

To bad 130hp not enough for moi.

Come on MrSled. We need a proCross section now. Oups I mean a SRV chassis section.
I don't like the fact that Yamaha is using the hair pin cotter pin like the cats do. Would have preferred the dzeus fasteners.
For all the people that want a power adder sled, I am sure its in the works. AC has bought enough Zuki turbo motors to last till next year or even 2015, but after that they will rely on Yamaha to fill that void, with that said Yamaha would be dumb not to use the same motor for an Apex replacement. It will come, but this join venture will take some time to get things together, one new chassis/sled is probably all they can handle right now. Good things coming from this I am sure. I bet Cat will release a F/XF with the Nytro motor next week and bye bye 1100NA. I am ready to order, the question is will it be a Cat or a Yamacat.
stopdropanroll said:
For all the people that want a power adder sled, I am sure its in the works. AC has bought enough Zuki turbo motors to last till next year or even 2015, but after that they will rely on Yamaha to fill that void, with that said Yamaha would be dumb not to use the same motor for an Apex replacement. It will come, but this join venture will take some time to get things together, one new chassis/sled is probably all they can handle right now. Good things coming from this I am sure. I bet Cat will release a F/XF with the Nytro motor next week and bye bye 1100NA. I am ready to order, the question is will it be a Cat or a Yamacat.

Good point. I bet you are right on the N/A Nytro as the 1100 in the Cat, and they will keep their current motor / set up for the Turbo application. Next year will more then likely be the "full switch" to Yammi motors.
The procross gauge looks much nicer than the sr viper gauge.

Yamaha should have just used the Vector gauge, or similar analog digital combination. The new gauge does look cheap. Not a fan of the digital gauges.
FxsX24 said:
Phatboyc said:
The gauge looks cheap.


looks very cheap

In the features section, they say "..and we've even included a clock so you can watch the time fly by..."

Haven't Yamaha sleds had clocks on the cluster since the Rx1 came out? Kind of a silly thing promote on a 2014.
