Here's a thought for us to consider...

One thing that might not be announced publically...what if part of this deal is that Yamaha agrees to provide Arctic Cat with the clutches for their sleds. They would keep this quiet because Cat doesn't want to admit that they screwed the pooch here with quality.

So...the real question is...if the Cats have high quality Yamaha clutches on them...how many people will go for 800 Cat rather than the Yamicat Viper? My bud has one of the "good" 800 Procross sleds and I can tell you it is one formidable beast.
stopdropanroll said:
For all the people that want a power adder sled, I am sure its in the works. AC has bought enough Zuki turbo motors to last till next year or even 2015, but after that they will rely on Yamaha to fill that void, with that said Yamaha would be dumb not to use the same motor for an Apex replacement. It will come, but this join venture will take some time to get things together, one new chassis/sled is probably all they can handle right now. Good things coming from this I am sure. I bet Cat will release a F/XF with the Nytro motor next week and bye bye 1100NA. I am ready to order, the question is will it be a Cat or a Yamacat.

Why would they put the exact same motor in the same chasiss and change the name. I don't see that happening. I see them making a different motor for Cat all together to cover their 4 strokes.
Phatboyc said:

Was part of the email chain to be the first to know like most of you. Never got the email but the website is up. Oh well.

Damn! Arctic Cat chaincase and reverse...I'm out!
stopdropanroll said:
For all the people that want a power adder sled, I am sure its in the works. AC has bought enough Zuki turbo motors to last till next year or even 2015, but after that they will rely on Yamaha to fill that void, with that said Yamaha would be dumb not to use the same motor for an Apex replacement. It will come, but this join venture will take some time to get things together, one new chassis/sled is probably all they can handle right now. Good things coming from this I am sure. I bet Cat will release a F/XF with the Nytro motor next week and bye bye 1100NA. I am ready to order, the question is will it be a Cat or a Yamacat.

I hear you, but I've been waiting 9 years! Cat didn't even have a decent 4 stroke, but yet came out with a 4S turbo 1st? I'll try to be patient, but have been hearing the just wait thing for a few years now.
see that they put a nytro engine into an arctic cat but like always yamaha doesnt put the weight into the specs. Did they get a lighter weight or is it not a big difference???
09nytro24 said:
Question is - Is Cat going to put their turbo system on the Nytro motor?? That would be dumb on Yammi's part to allow, but one can hope....

I doubt it. I predict a new 2 stroke and the NA Yamaha 4 stroke from Cat. I bet the 1100 and 1100 Turbo will be discontinued. That 1100 Turbo is eating them alive on warranty claims.
see that they put a nytro engine into an arctic cat but like always yamaha doesnt put the weight into the specs. Did they get a lighter weight or is it not a big difference???
see that they put a nytro engine into an arctic cat but like always yamaha doesnt put the weight into the specs. Did they get a lighter weight or is it not a big difference???
also to snowmobile addict im not sure about apex but I know my 09 nytro doesnt have a clock on it guages
yamajammer76 said:
09nytro24 said:
Question is - Is Cat going to put their turbo system on the Nytro motor?? That would be dumb on Yammi's part to allow, but one can hope....

I doubt it. I predict a new 2 stroke and the NA Yamaha 4 stroke from Cat. I bet the 1100 and 1100 Turbo will be discontinued. That 1100 Turbo is eating them alive on warranty claims.

Oh, please show me some facts on this!!! The 1100 motor is strong, and I personally have never heard of an engine failure in stock form, maybe with the boost turned up. Now the chassis is another story, I will be sad to see the 1100 go, but hope Yamacat can come up with an even better replacement.
see that they put a nytro engine into an arctic cat but like always yamaha doesnt put the weight into the specs. Did they get a lighter weight or is it not a big difference???
also to snowmobile addict im not sure about apex but I know my 09 nytro doesnt have a clock on it guages
So much for Blown Motors facebook and other after market saying this yamacat was not the big reveal. What is up with that?
