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Sled Dog said:
Well if that happens I am hoping we are supplying motors to them and thats it. On a business sense that makes Yamaha some extra sales in engines. I just cant see a proud company like Yamaha copying a cat skid thats like saying we failed and the Japanese dont like to admit or say that. We will see soon enough.
Yeah engines only.maybe the Top guys for skid-chassis-design dept for Artic-cat quit and went to Yamaha! :Rockon: :letsnow: :rules
Maybe this is the year that we finally see the chip controlled throttle and intake make it over to the sleds. Oh and full l.e.d headlights!
The only three things that make me think they might work with Cat is because:

1. They offer the co-branded 120 with a Yamaha motor.
2. I can't see Cat building all its own 2 stroke AND 4 stroke motors.
3. This big meeting people are writing about is supposed to take place in Minnesota.
Here you go, way more interesting rumors over on HCS:
http://www.hardcoresledder.com/forums/4 ... ahama.html

" Was up in Twin Lakes in today scoping out snow and trails. Black trailer being towed by pickup with tuning fork emblems on the side. Turns out they were test riding new Yamahas.

Guess what guys Arctic Cat front end with Yamaha blue tipped skis.

Rumored Yamacat no longer a rumour. Couldn't get pics as they were pretty protective of the sled."

Another guy in the same thread says:
"I live in Thief River Falls and know for a fact the Yamaha's will be built at arctic. I have also heard through the grapevine that there has been some testing with yami motors in cats."
what length is the nitro on the Yamaha motor web page .. whick pops up after the boat pic ...

lol hopefully someone will get pics sooon !!!!!
Didn't arctic cat lose their engine manufacturer suzuki? More of a reason to borrow/use yamaha motors. And yamaha borrow their lighter chassis?

Well, if there's any truth to the rumor that Yamaha sleds will be built in Thief River Falls, it could explain the incentives on current and late model sleds right now ... which makes me wonder if these incentives are being offered to get rid of as much inventory as possible before completely eliminating certain models from their lineup. I hope not, but if that is their intention it seems like a pretty sh***y thing to do to brand loyal customers.
Sometimes, you gotta hurt the ones you love. It,s tough to keep them all happy, all the time. Progress is good, and Yamaha needs to bring something new out, in a hurry. Sledders won,t wait forever, and once they,re gone from one brand, it,s tough to get them back. Unless they buy a Cat, of course. LOL
It's funny how the SRX 120 story started off as a joke...
Sled Dog said:
Well if that happens I am hoping we are supplying motors to them and thats it. On a business sense that makes Yamaha some extra sales in engines. I just cant see a proud company like Yamaha copying a cat skid thats like saying we failed and the Japanese dont like to admit or say that. We will see soon enough.

We Failed? I question that. Yami has not put me on the payroll that I know of! You are right though they stubronly refuse to admit their mistakes and are slow to fix them if ever. Its the main reason they don't do recalls, its not because they make perfect sleds, we all know that is not true. But rather that a recall is admiting a mistake and in Yamahas mind this might hurt their reputation. Course real world we look at it more like an ostrich burying its head in the sand. Cat on the other hand has been plauged by bad jobbers and inferior parts supply. Rushing sleds to market and letting the customer be the tester. They have had tons of reacalls because of it.

There has to be middle ground. Yamaha can learn tons from Cat and visa versa. Best from both manufatures just means we all win! I'd love to see a Green Yamaha and or a Blue Cat!

Now do I think that Cat and Yami are getting into bed together? Nope I do not! Just a trade arraingment maybe, If that!
Yamaha copying cat's skid wouldn't be such a bad thing.
My T-cat skid is THE BEST mod I've done to my sled over the years.
Bullet proof design with no issues.
I like hybrids! :Rockon:
Sasquatch said:
Sled Dog said:
Well if that happens I am hoping we are supplying motors to them and thats it. On a business sense that makes Yamaha some extra sales in engines. I just cant see a proud company like Yamaha copying a cat skid thats like saying we failed and the Japanese dont like to admit or say that. We will see soon enough.

We Failed? I question that. Yami has not put me on the payroll that I know of! You are right though they stubronly refuse to admit their mistakes and are slow to fix them if ever. Its the main reason they don't do recalls, its not because they make perfect sleds, we all know that is not true. But rather that a recall is admiting a mistake and in Yamahas mind this might hurt their reputation. Course real world we look at it more like an ostrich burying its head in the sand. Cat on the other hand has been plauged by bad jobbers and inferior parts supply. Rushing sleds to market and letting the customer be the tester. They have had tons of reacalls because of it.

There has to be middle ground. Yamaha can learn tons from Cat and visa versa. Best from both manufatures just means we all win! I'd love to see a Green Yamaha and or a Blue Cat!

Now do I think that Cat and Yami are getting into bed together? Nope I do not! Just a trade arraingment maybe, If that!

Beleive me, Yam does the same thing....I own a 07 Phazer.......
3wheelerdude said:
Beleive me, Yam does the same thing....I own a 07 Phazer.......

I agree. There are some on this site with very short and/or selective memories.

In general the big problem I have with the Cat/Yamaha rumors is that Chris Reid has not written anything to support the notion they will be working with Cat. The most telling sign Yamaha is very likely to be coming out with something new is the huge incentives to clear out old, stale inventory. Last spring, Anchorage Yamaha advertised a brand new, just out of the crate '08 Nytro annivery model. The incentives have got to be a way to help dealers get rid of sleds no one is buying so they are finanically able to bring in brand new '14 models. If you are a dealer and are loaded with a bunch of left over sleds, you simply don't have the money or means to finance bringing in a bunch more new models.

Heck, maybe Yamaha having the meeting in Minnesota is just to allow for less expensive travel for their midwest dealers whom I'm assuming are hurting with the lack of snow and exciting new models to sell?
One thing for sure...is that all of the insiders who truly know what is going on, must come to this site and laugh their asses off at all of running in every which direction....desparately yearning to know, fighting, arguing, agreeing, disagreeing, speculating.

It must be pure entertainment for them! 38 pages, and going stong!
