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It would be nice to know for sure if all the insiders are monitoring this site and are made aware of what the issues are.
Tucker on a YAMAHA!


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I think the small, little leaks or hints are thrown out to try and built a little bit of excitement around the Yamaha products. Everyone knows we need a bit of that. What have they brought out in the last 8 years that has generated much excitement, besides BNG ? And also, to possibly keep the " potential ship jumpers ", from jumping to soon, and then being ticked off at themselves for not waiting another month, or so, only to find a new, better sled has finally been released by Yamaha. I still like Chris Reids goal of 500 lbs, 200 HP. I,m starting to dream about that sled, and am waking up excited. My wife is wondering what the heck is going on. I keep telling her I,m dreaming about her.LOL :4STroke:
Maybe that's what Yamaha means when they say they are turning the competition blue. LOL
Blair Morgan raced yamaha dirt bikes and raced ski-doo sleds in the winter
ccrider said:
One thing for sure...is that all of the insiders who truly know what is going on, must come to this site and laugh their asses off at all of running in every which direction....desparately yearning to know, fighting, arguing, agreeing, disagreeing, speculating.

It must be pure entertainment for them! 38 pages, and going stong!

X2 haha!
i can just see the Yamaha guys eating some chips and laughing at all the post . like its a movie .. it will be neat to see what actually comes true i am excited but thinking of buying a 12 or 13 as the deals are pretty good :die
cat plans on start building there own engine plant somewhere in Central Wisconsin within a few years and well it might be good if Yamaha would use a cat suspension. Either way until someone comes out with a better engine and durability than Yamaha im loyal to them.....
I would say it takes a lot more time and engineering to build a good motor than it does a good suspension.

Im sure if yamaha put some time into it it would be just as good as any other sled.
sweetrides said:
I can just see the Yamaha guys eating some chips and laughing at all the post . like its a movie .. it will be neat to see what actually comes true i am excited but thinking of buying a 12 or 13 as the deals are pretty good :die

Like RX1Pete said above, I at least hope they are listening?
farmerschiferl said:
cat plans on start building there own engine plant somewhere in Central Wisconsin within a few years and well it might be good if Yamaha would use a cat suspension. Either way until someone comes out with a better engine and durability than Yamaha im loyal to them.....

Read somewhere that Cat should be ready to build engines at the end of 2014 possibly available for 2015.
If you read Chris Reed's blog you will notice that on his Jan. 2nd posting someone asked if there would be any "green" Yamahas. His reply was there would be no green.. Nor yellow... And that blue is "true"

Draw your own conclusions.
