You guys can come up to Canada and do the Manitoba TY ride. You will have all the snow you want then and riding partners.
OVR4D said:
I dunno about you, but the lack of snow this year (and last) is really getting me down. We should all be riding instead of talking about next year.

Anybody see this? They are getting it in the Upper! I needs me a trailer and trail permit!

Grand Marais Sno-Trails Association

Be careful what you ask for! I wouldn't go to the UP this weekend if you paid me. Everyone and their brother will be there and it will be totally F%^#'ed up! However if you can go during the week you will have a great ride.

Northern MN has plenty of snow and they are grooming. I put 300 miles on last weekend in the Finland / Isabella area and they picked up more snow since I was there.
journeyman said:
I'm doing everything I can to help!!!!!!

Hmm wonder what the new Cat/Yamaha symbol would be? A set of tuning forks with whiskers on them?

Now that is funny!
Blue Dave said:
Be careful what you ask for! I wouldn't go to the UP this weekend if you paid me. Everyone and their brother will be there and it will be totally F%^#'ed up! However if you can go during the week you will have a great ride.

Northern MN has plenty of snow and they are grooming. I put 300 miles on last weekend in the Finland / Isabella area and they picked up more snow since I was there.

Thanks for the advice ... and info on Northern MN conditions. I work in the Twin Cities area, and sometimes stay late to avoid the traffic heading home. Did so last night and saw A LOT of trailers heading north on I35, so you're probably right about there being too many sledders in one place. I'll get there when it's less crowded ... Hope the temps stay cool so we don't loose the new snow.
I wouldn't say "northern" Minnesota is good, just the Arrowhead region east of HWY 53. Not many trails groomed yet west of 53. I live 50 miles north of Duluth just off 53 and would say its questionable where I live.
How about this for a sled, a 4 stroke that has about a buck ten for power and costs about $7500. That's still too much, but paying a for a sled that has 200 hp and a 13,000 price tag to ride for 9 minutes is just stupid in my opinion. I know plenty of people ride where you can hold it to the bars for days, but around here (WNY) you have to turn now and then, and anybody that tells me they ride here and use "all 160hp" is full of it. It might happen, but it's for VERY short period of time. I'll take a lower hp sled with a reasonable price tag all day.
I could use 200 hp on the trails here,they are like highways in places,for miles,but I defenetly don't need it and I wouldn't buy it,a100 or 110 hp sled would be the ticket for many,I rode a rx1 for 15000 miles and then I switched to a vector,don't miss the 4 cyl one bit,even the 3 cyl has too much power for the trails,but I do like to let loose once in a while,the 2014 better be priced right or else yamaha will miss the boat again
A little birdie told me that Yamaha is finally going to come out with a multi-purpose chassis like the Rev very soon, and will have them on the snow for testing this winter. Hope I get to see one, and IF I get super lucky, maybe even take one for a scooot. Don,t know if it will get down to Chris Reids 500 lb, 200HP goal or not, but certainly a big step in the right direction. Keep your eyes peeled on the trails, cause it,s coming, very soon. LOL
Wow, maybe Yamaha will bring back the Sno Scoot for you guys that don't like power. LOL! I bought an Apex because it was one of the most powerful sleds available. If Yamaha comes out with something more powerful I would certainly be interested in trading up.

I also don't have many chances to hold it wide open for miles on end but I sure love to stretch my arms from corner to corner. To each his own I guess. That is why Yamaha offers us choices. For me it will always be the top HP choice.
Blue Dave said:
Wow, maybe Yamaha will bring back the Sno Scoot for you guys that don't like power. LOL! I bought an Apex because it was one of the most powerful sleds available. If Yamaha comes out with something more powerful I would certainly be interested in trading up.

I also don't have many chances to hold it wide open for miles on end but I sure love to stretch my arms from corner to corner. To each his own I guess. That is why Yamaha offers us choices. For me it will always be the top HP choice.

x2 , I just love that stretching feeling
Blue Dave said:
OVR4D said:
I dunno about you, but the lack of snow this year (and last) is really getting me down. We should all be riding instead of talking about next year.

Anybody see this? They are getting it in the Upper! I needs me a trailer and trail permit!

Grand Marais Sno-Trails Association

Be careful what you ask for! I wouldn't go to the UP this weekend if you paid me. Everyone and their brother will be there and it will be totally F%^#'ed up! However if you can go during the week you will have a great ride.

Northern MN has plenty of snow and they are grooming. I put 300 miles on last weekend in the Finland / Isabella area and they picked up more snow since I was there.

Blue Dave,

been going there for the last dozen years but I have learned the hard way like many others. First we go up to Greenland after years of learning too many people only go from Ironwood to Bergland making for rough trails. Secondly we go up on Sunday and come back on Thursday. Also we never go up there anymore in January or early Feb. We tend to go later in Feb. if the snow holds. Last year we went there during the last week of Feb., trails were real good, traffic was low and temps perfect. The next week they lost most of their snow. Lately it has been getting harder with temps all over the place. We are heading there on the 18th of this month. Renting behinds Pat's. Hopefully it works out.

Maybe we will see a 2014 proto around there. Wouldn't be the first time we have seen a next years model.

Just had to keep the 2014 subject going............and get this thing to 50 pages..................
Me too. Slow trail riding sucks, but I LOVE the wide open fields, and winter roads. If I had to ride on tight trails all the time, I would walk them instead. The rate of acceleration, for me, is the best part.
I can understand how people want a smaller sled, and it's not that we don't like power. I currently own a 06 Apex. I'd love to upgrade to an Apex SE or XTX.. maybe even a 2014 top end sled - whatever that happens to be.

But on the other hand, I wouldn't mind keeping my Apex and tweaking it some more and getting a newer economy sled. Something a little smaller than a Vector, and a little bigger than a Ski-doo ACE that got killer gas mileage and plush suspension.
It's interesting that if a guy spends some time on Arctic Cat forums, they aren't talking much at all about any type of merger or sharing things with Yamaha.
what ever happens, i hope that we dont lose the good old yamaha quality.and fine lines.
