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2020 Pics...

Rich. Half the folks on here hate cats and wish yamaha had a chassis for their awesome motor. They probably wont like seeing that green pic. Lol

Lol its not that bad! I have been on the chassis since 2012. I agree on how awesome the yammy motor is. I dont like the colors of the yammys....old or new.
The new "Aquafresh" scheme is pretty loud.

The only complaints I have with my 19 ltx besides some fit and finish is the icing up inside the tunnel near the rear, getting the power to the ground and the stock suspension on soft is too soft for me. Hopefully studs will fix the first 2 issues and stiffer springs will fix the other. Summer projects.
So for $16,895 CDN you can get a ThunderCat with iACT........WOW. Who would buy an SRX for $20,799CDN? Heck the LTX SE is $18,499 CDN.......what am I missing here? This is crazy.

At that price the ThunderCat is cheaper than:
-850 DOO MXZ XRS ($17,700CDN)
-900T Renegade XRS (18k+)
-850 POO Rush or Indy (Both just over 18k)
Exactly my point....Cat has some crazy cheap spring order specials....I have a feeling 1 yr warranty only at this price.

I am blown away by what Cat is doing for spring orders...SNOWMAGEDDON PRICING means MASSIVE savings....

I really think buying a Tcat for 2020 makes the most sense with these deals!

Have not found fine print on Warranty yet, so maybe only 1 yr with these deals???


Without iACT
View attachment 147103

With iACT
View attachment 147104

Incredible pricing! Who would pay almost 3k more for the Sidewinder unless blue and red are worth a few grand to someone? Ha! I wasn't in the market for a new sled this year but the Cat pricing has me thinking otherwise. I paid more years ago for various sleds. Like you said, the warranty question is a good one.
Will dealers have any room though on pricing with the cats? Or is that pretty much it is what it is? That's what I'll be interested to hear. I doubt you'll be paying the Yamaha MSRP on a Sidewinder.....never did in the past. I'm guessing dealer pricing on a Winder will be not too far off the Cat pricing.
Sure it will. my dealer has sold more Winders per year than he ever did all-Yamaha models. These are great sleds. All the negativity is bewildering.
Just got back from a local 124 mile jaunt...
bumps, bare roads, some mud, certainly not Maine or canada..lol...and, almost 2000 miles. Still...(seems to be) flawless....Rollers, belt, etc...a blast every time to ride. Did pick up some horse manure in one barnyard...lol!
Shoot, no.
Fits cat
Viper one would though

Finding details on pricing tomorrow from my dealer
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